How do you stay on track when you're on vacation?



  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Relax and enjoy your vacation. Stay active, but don't freak. I gained 8lb on our last vacation (a week) and lost it within 2 weeks. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Vacation is for what reason? Enjoyment. If can't enjoy yourself (don't be over excessive with food and drink), than what is the vacation for? To see if you can just hold out?
    1 week may get derailed but OVERALL consistency during the year is what matters.
    You can have a bad day, a bad week and even a bad month, but if you're consistent, you shouldn't have a bad year.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • sophnickaly
    sophnickaly Posts: 5 Member
    Last year I traveled 4 times. I lost weight all of those weeks.
    What I find works great is being prepared.
    Bring granola bars or protein bars. They will keep you from getting too hungry between meals.
    Drink tons of water!
    Eat fruit and veggies with every meal.
    Breakfast can be a few eggs and some fruit very filling and yummy!!!
    Eat chicken fish lean meats all should be broiled grilled or baked. No fried foods too many calories!!! Track all the food you eat even if you do have a few heavy calorie meals
    Walk or get to the gym in the hotel or ship.

    Good luck!!!
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I guess it depends on what type of vacation for me. I live in the uk and I've found that when I go to the US, I gain a lot of weight
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    nickisa28 wrote: »
    I guess it depends on what type of vacation for me. I live in the uk and I've found that when I go to the US, I gain a lot of weight

    Well, that makes sense lol
  • Owlfan88
    Owlfan88 Posts: 187 Member
    I went on vacation to China for 2.5 weeks and came back having lost weight without trying or even really wanting to. I didn't even try to log since a good bit of the time I really wasn't sure exactly what I was eating (menus were not necessarily translated or not well). I was lightly active the first half of vacation and then extremely active the last week (2 days of almost 30,000 steps, including one day with 76 flights of stairs!) it helped that the meals had lots of vegetables and very little sweets.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Is it the kind of vacation where you can be active?
    I'd probably try to log, just because the habit is ingrained in me, though maybe not as rigidly as I do now. Try to fin things to do that don't revolve around food. When you do sit down for meals, get what you want but maybe choose lighter sides with it. Bring nutritious snacks with you, or pack a few meals if you can some days (assuming you have refrigerator/microwave,etc...where you're staying).
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    jps2222 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies. I'll be having about half my meals at restaurants and about half at people's houses, so am hoping it won't be too onerous, and I think I'll definitely keep logging because I find it really helps me keep perspective. And hoping it's not too hot to stay active! Appreciate everyone's insights and strategies.

    At restaurants you can order healthy choices. Eating at other peoples houses is awkward because you don't want to offend by refusing stuff. The key here is to take small portions of whatever is offered.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I have lost weight on my last three vacations (once the water retention from the flights settled). I didn't track, but I make conscious choices and remained active. Walked a lot. To be honest, I watched what thinner people (by this, I mean people thinner than me) were eating, and I tried to keep my portion sizes about the same. It helped.
  • ehaze52
    ehaze52 Posts: 10 Member
    On vacation, or whenever eating out, I try to have just one carb portion per meal. If I want the dinner roll, skip the potato. If I want the risotto, go for it and pass on dessert. It's not foolproof and portion control is part of it, but it helps.
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    Take a vacation from calorie counting. If you gain weigh, do what you were doing before, and you will lose the weight you gained. Enjoy your vacation!
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    That's so strange...that wasn't my whole post! Lol. I continued with where I've been in US and why I gained weight on that vacation and that when I go to Ibiza with the girls I normally lose weight due to lots of dancing and walking and very little eating. I'm going on holiday next week but I know it will be an active one and I'm taking exercise equipment with me. I'm going to loosen my diet but hope to maintain by exercising everyday.
  • jps2222
    jps2222 Posts: 61 Member
    edited August 2016
    Appreciate everyone's suggestions! I'm about half way through it now. I came back from Part 1 of this vacation month about 3 pounds lighter! Just tried to make good food choices and stayed very active, including finding a friend who wanted to power walk every morning and choosing to go to an aerobic drumming class one night while I visited my sister. Definitely used the hotel gym. Now in the middle of Part 2 and using a lot of the same strategies - no hotel gym, but lots of walking /hiking and I'm using exercise bands that I brought and doing ab work in my hotel room. So far, so good, even with a steady supply of vacation ice cream. :smile:
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    Depends on the vacation.

    We do a lot of "staycations"... spending a weekend at a resort just to get away periodically.

    If I'm on a vacation, I don't really worry about it. I'm on vacation... a week or two of indulging is a speck of nothing on the bigger picture.

    I do try to stay active, however.
  • Zealand4530
    Zealand4530 Posts: 180 Member
    Vacation is a time to let loose don't worry about what u eat or drink. I usually justs have a few good work outs at hotel and don't have too much of problem
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    When vacationing I'm still very mindful about what and how much I am consuming and I rarely gain weight when I return. If I do it's only temporary water weight because of higher sodium meals which will easily go away in a couple of days.
    • My meal timing is different compared to when I eat at home. Eating a larger breakfast and a larger dinner while vacationing works well for me and I don't get hungry in between unless I'm really active that day.

    • I still practice things I do at home however such as rarely drink calories, listening to my hunger cues (stop eating when I'm becoming full/I don't need to clean the plate) and writing down everything I consume in my food journal.

    • I am a planner. I try to browse menus online first if possible.

    • Staying very active everyday. I walk as much as I can. I would rather walk then take a cab or drive somewhere if I can and I can walk far! Also I use the hotel's gym every early morning and/or do some workouts in my hotel room (Youtube workouts or simple bodyweight work like push-ups on my toes or tricep dips etc.)

    Over the years I have learned that I can incorporate some treats here and there and still maintain my weight. For me it was about finding that balance of enjoying some of the things I wanted, but still mostly staying on track. However, I try live this way everyday.

    Enjoy yourself on your vacation!
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    I am in Canada, on holiday fromthe UK. Yesterday I had poutine and green apple gelato (
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    Lost the end of that! I had those things because they were new to me. I am avoiding the things I can have as easily at home.