How can I reduce sugar and get more potassium and iron?

I'm a relative newbie, have lost 2kg in a few weeks. I have regularly checked 'nutrients' and seem to be able to get the right amounts of vitamin A, C etc whilst on around 1600 to 1800 calories a day (on days when I am below goal). I can keep fat and salt low, carbs and fats moderate and protein at a reasonable level. I struggle a little with calcium.

However despite the fact that I only drink water and use sugarine for coffees and rarely snack on sweets (most days) I always seem to be over my daily limit for sugar. Even moderate intake of fruit seems to exceed my daily limit. I try to eat plenty of vegetables. My fibre is ok. And yet I never seem to be able to get enough potassium or iron. I dont buy bananas because there is a huge shortage in Australia post cyclone and they are sky high in price but there's got to be potassium in other foods!

Despite the (other) fruit and veg that I consume together with plenty of lean meat and fish somehow I always get low iron!

So what gives? Are you finding the same? Will these deficiencies cause me problems longer term?

What can I do about it?


  • dwardca
    dwardca Posts: 22
    Electro-Mix by Alacer Corp (Makers of Emergen-C)
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Most people don't eat the kinds of foods that are high in iron - dark leafy greens. Spinach and kale are big ones. But it won't normally cause a deficiency unless you bleed a lot. If you're a woman, for obvious reasons you are more at risk. Or if you regularly donate blood. I did the latter and ended up with literally no iron stores left before I figured it out, it was not fun. I was craving spinach and ice (ice - weird right, it's called "pica") and didn't know why, both are signs of severe iron deficiency.
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    I always log my multivitamin. If you take one, log it. If you don‘t, considering starting. I know the ones for women tend to have more iron, though (not that you couldn‘t take one of those anyway). Also lots of breakfast cereals are high in iron.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Sweet potatoes are huge in potassium. Almost 900mg each.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    I'm interested to hear responses to this. I too usually go over on my sugar - I do love fruit and eat it everyday, but I eat lots of veggies as well. I tend to stay under on fats, carbs and around the right amout of protein (although I struggled initially as I'm a veggie). People have said to me not to be too worried about going over sugar if it comes from fruit rather than refined sugar in sweets and processed foods.

    As for the iron, I've given in and started taking a supplement - hard to get enough iron when you don't eat meat. The difference since I've been takin it is almost miraculous though. I have never been a morning person and since taking iron pills I've woken up bright and early and with a spring in my step. I have way more energy and feel a zillion times better in myself. I've pretty much given up coffee as a result!

    If you are worried about iron, or feeling tired and run down generally it really is worth spending the money on a supplement. I agree that is much better to get nutrients from 'real' food, but in this case the pills are definitely worth taking.
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Well there are different ways to get more potassium and iron into your diet. Supplements would be one way. Cereals often are fortified with iron and potassium. Oatmeal and oat bran are also good sources of iron. Kale, spinach, collard greens and other dark green leafy vegetables are super packed with iron and potassium. Oh and mushrooms have a ton of potassium in them! Hope that helps =)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I'm a relative newbie, have lost 2kg in a few weeks. I have regularly checked 'nutrients' and seem to be able to get the right amounts of vitamin A, C etc whilst on around 1600 to 1800 calories a day (on days when I am below goal). I can keep fat and salt low, carbs and fats moderate and protein at a reasonable level. I struggle a little with calcium.

    However despite the fact that I only drink water and use sugarine for coffees and rarely snack on sweets (most days) I always seem to be over my daily limit for sugar. Even moderate intake of fruit seems to exceed my daily limit. I try to eat plenty of vegetables. My fibre is ok. And yet I never seem to be able to get enough potassium or iron. I dont buy bananas because there is a huge shortage in Australia post cyclone and they are sky high in price but there's got to be potassium in other foods!

    Despite the (other) fruit and veg that I consume together with plenty of lean meat and fish somehow I always get low iron!

    So what gives? Are you finding the same? Will these deficiencies cause me problems longer term?

    What can I do about it?

    Spinach is great for potassium and iron. I eat it a few times a week :-)

  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I dont think its bad that you go over your sugar limit, when its because of fruit. Potassium is an important nutrient for your body... it needs to balance out sodium. Read the following to understand the balance.

    A few months back I was getting dizzy and weak. I played with the food diary until I came to iron. Turns out I was consistantly not getting enough. I plan my food out a day in advance to make sure I am getting everything I need now. When my diet falls short on iron, I take a suppliment. But I always try to get my iron from foods first. If your calories allow, often you can get iron from breakfast cereal. Most are fortified with iron, some higher than others. Good luck!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    WOW! I was doing my food diary tonight, and CANNED CLAMS have a ton of iron! I'm having pasta with light parmesan alfredo and boiled, canned baby clams (in water), and one serving of clams has 90% of the Daily Recommended for iron!

    Guess I know where I'm going for my iron today :-)

  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks all. Coincidentally I had spinach today (1.3 cups) with a steak for lunch and am over 400percent on vitamin A yet still only 45percent of my daily iron!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I recently had a blood test and it came back slightly low on iron. That made me start paying attention to what I was taking in. I've found that at 1300-1400 calories a day, I have a very tough time getting 18mg of iron in. A multivitamin, plus making sure I'm getting at least another 9 mg from food, is my answer. I had another blood test a week later, and my iron was fine, so it turned out to be a non-issue, but I still think it's worth making sure I'm getting enough.

    Potassium is more difficult. You can't get a supplement over the counter, at least not here in the USA, that is more than 99mg. With the recommended daily intake being 3500mg, you'd have to take a lot of pills! Potatoes are actually very high in potassium but it's mostly in the skin. Here is a pretty good list, along with the actual mg of potassium in each food.