In desperate need of motivation

Growing up and as a teenager I was never big. It wasn't until I had my daughter when I was 20 that I gained so much weight. I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy. With complications from a c-section I struggled to exercise and after a while I gave up, so I sat at 198 lbs for a long time, which was the same as I weighed the day before I had her. Over the years I've tried so many times to lose weight, even saw a dr who put me on adipex which was only a temporary fix because I just gained it all back. Fast forward to now, 10 years later, and I'm 30 years old and 241 lbs. For the last 23 months I've been on anxiety meds and antidepressants since my fiancé died, which was when I started gaining all this weight again. However I've also read that the meds I was on was notorious for making people gain weight so a month ago I stopped taking my meds altogether..figured it's been almost 2 years, it was time. Problem is I have no motivation, no energy, & I feel like I'm starting to slip back into that feeling of just not caring...But I know I need to do this. I know I need to be heathy for my daughter, & for myself...I just feel like I don't even know where to start. I know changes don't happen overnight but I'm so worried I'll get discouraged too quickly before I even start making progress. I was also diagnosed with PCOS so that isn't helping me either. I have no support system, so If anyone has some words of encouragement, or advice on where/how to get started, or maybe even suggestions on things that helped you when you started out, that would be great. Thanks


  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Arenee,
    You are here, so that is a great first step! Tracking your food and exercise is a great way to start- even if you don't make other changes right away, getting in the habit of tracking everything will help. Then choose something to change, like cutting out soda or swapping whole wheat bread for white. Those small successes will help motivate you to take on other changes. Getting some sort of exercise in every day is also a great strategy and habit- getting outside with your daughter, going for a walk, hike, or bike ride is great mood lifter too. You can do this! Baby steps! I'm sorry for the loss of your fiancé, I know it makes it harder. He would want you to be healthy and happy.

    I'd also check out it is a game and if you lose 4% of your weight in a month, or 10% in 6 months you win money. There is lots of support there too.

    You can do this!! Good luck!!

  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    Oh Hun, I can't imagine your heartache, but you really need to think about what you are doing to yourself. Fake it until you make it is the best advise that I can offer! I have a 12 year old daughter and I'm trying to instill healthy eating into her. Let your daughter be your support system, tell her to challenge you. She might only be young, but you need her, just as she needs you, a healthy you!! Go for a walk to pick up conkers in the park, swimming or a bike ride with her?? Don't try to change everything at once, take it meal by meal at first, then day by day.. You might be on an all time low right now, but when your down, the only way is up!! Cmon lady I challenge you to 1 week of healthy eating and 3 good walks this week!! Up for it? :p