I normally don't eat breakfast, what's the fastest breakfast I can make home?



  • smm4906
    smm4906 Posts: 24 Member
    I've found a really good organic, whole-grain bread that has sunflower seeds on the crust. I toast that, and top with a slice of Havarti cheese (very soft & mellow). I splurge by putting cinnamon creamer in coffee. Often add fruit (banana / tangerine / apple) to round out the meal.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Slice of toast with almond butter. Also good before a long run.
  • VanessaFournier91
    VanessaFournier91 Posts: 1 Member
    Smoothie, if you have a magic bullet, put all the ingredients in the cup the night before (I usually do 1cup frozen fruit, 1cup of water or almond milk, 1 scoop of a protein, bunch of spinach, tbls of PB, some chia, some flax). When you make it the night before you just wake up and "zap" it!
  • sammiejoe1991
    sammiejoe1991 Posts: 1 Member
    My quick breakfast is usually a tortilla wrap with peanut butter and a banana rolled inside. Very tasty fairly filling (for me anyway) and gets me out the door in no time.
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    edited August 2016
    I premake my food the night before , but I agree with the yogurt comment. I use the oikos triple zero as a snack between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner , but it used to be my breakfast item for weeks along with a baby bell gouda cheese. The overnight oatmeal also a great idea as it gives the carbs. I prepare protein pancakes on sundays for the entire week. I prepare enough for several weeks actually and sit them in the fridge bagged 3 per bag. Its 400 calories per the 3 as I make them. On the third day I place the balance of what is not needed until the following week in the freezer. they thaw quickly in the Micro. Filling and satisfying.
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    No reason to eat in the morning if you do not want to.
    Save your calories for lunch if that works for you.

    This, your trainer is wrong.

    disagree unless the Op is loading up at bed time on fats and slow proteins to keep out of a catabolic state (unlikely). The trainer is likely telling the OP to do this to exit the catabolic state most of us wake up in.

    Upon waking something should be eaten if growth is the goal and assuming the plan is not to workout within 30 minutes of rising..just my .02.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    IT only takes 5 minutes to make and I do it while my coffee is brewing. Old Fashioned Oats - 1/2 cup of them, with 1 cup of water and 1 egg mixed into the water before adding the oats. Usually top it with 1/2 cup of frozen berries and pop it into the microwave for 4 minutes. Then sprinkle on some cinnamon.

    Sometimes I don't do the egg and use 1/4 cup of nuts instead. Othertimes I skip the egg or nuts, and the berries but do a serving of peanut butter and 1/2 of a banana instead. No matter which way I go, cinnamon gets sprinkled on top before I dig into it.
  • Simsonicole
    Simsonicole Posts: 1 Member
    It scares me a bit to see the amount of people who want to be healthy but think that healthy involves skipping breakfast! As a yo yo dieter for most of my life, the biggest change I made with the biggest results was having a decent breakfast. BREAK FAST - You are breaking your fasting from the night before. Not having breakfast slows down your metabolism as you body conserves its energy not knowing when you are getting your next meal. Ideally most of your calories consumed should be earlier in the day not later. This means your body will burn through what you have given it to start the day and go looking for more and hence will start to burn through excess when it doesn't get it. Having your bulk calories later in the day means that you don't end up using them when you need them and they get stored as excess. A healthy breakfast is the best start to the day! Try it!
  • lisanicole72
    lisanicole72 Posts: 1 Member
    Non fat Greek yogurt, grapes, oats, and a tsp of honey
  • Taylorgo90
    Taylorgo90 Posts: 56 Member
    My usually breacfast - youghurt and muesli with coffee
  • alexgirl06
    alexgirl06 Posts: 10 Member
    I know others said oatmeal, but if you add half a banana and some slivered almonds, it's still quick and has a little more to give you fuel for the day.
  • littleberriesinbarrie
    For a real quick easy breakfast I do 1/2c kefir 1tbsp ground flax & 1 scoop vega protein powder shaken, add ice if you like it cold

    I also recently bought powdered peanut butter & I blend 1 fzn banana, 2 tbsp pb2, 1 tbsp flax, 125ml rice milk with some ice and it is soooo delicious!
  • anlymc13
    anlymc13 Posts: 114 Member
    I make breakfast burritos on the weekend and freeze them. Super easy, fast and delicious! Pop one in the micro for 2 mins and out the door I go!
  • kstuhlly
    kstuhlly Posts: 1 Member
    *Whole wheat english muffin toasted spread with hummus and add tomato slice,
    *Spread peanut butter on whole wheat bread and wrap around a banana,
    *Slice of whole-grain bread toast, spread with ricotta cheese, top with avocado slices and crushed red pepper,
    *Hard boiled egg, 1 or 2 slices Canadian bacon, tomato juice or V8
    *1 whole-wheat bagel with 2 Tbs peanut butter, 1 medium banana, 1 cup fat-free milk
    *Roll-ups made with ham, turkey, or lean roast beef and low-fat cheese and/or lettuce as the wrap
    *Crispbread (Wasa) spread with cream cheese and smoked salmon
    * Yogurt
  • beetle_stomper
    beetle_stomper Posts: 14 Member
    Egg "muffins". Scramble eggs and add whatever veggies you like, a bit of cheese, pour into a greased muffin tin about 3/4 full. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes, until tops are just starting to brown. You can then wrap them up and stick them in the fridge, warm up the next day, and there you have it.
  • shred2015
    shred2015 Posts: 17 Member
    same here i eat more later
  • dabearo
    dabearo Posts: 57 Member
    Beef jerky ( I make homemade). Eat in the car, no mess, high protein, no carb. Not a lot of food because I'm not ever hungry in morning.
  • pdenman_MPL
    pdenman_MPL Posts: 1 Member

    I'm not a big breakfast lover, but what really works for me is:
    Bought a smoothie maker, nowt fancy just the £20 Breville VBL062 Blend Active Personal Blender.

    All I do is chuck in:
    • Granola, muesli, oat crunch, or oats (anything like that really)
    • Some frozen fruit (cheapest from Tesco is 90p for a bag)
    • Half a banana
    • Plain yoghurt
    • Water

    And whizz it for a minute or two; lovely milkshake with everything you need. I play around with adding other bits such as ginger, honey, peanut butter, spinach(!), turmeric, cinamon whatever really (not all at the same time!)
    It's the fastest way to get a good breaky down my neck and I quite like the taste now :-)

    Hope that's of use/interest/help.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Honestly if you're comfortable not eating breakfast just stay that way. It's easier to keep a deficit. If you start eating breakfast now you're adding food/calories to your day lol.
  • AltoAstral
    AltoAstral Posts: 1 Member
    Prepare muffin pan omelette: use redegg with spinach (or artichoke, zucchini, etc), onions, top wit a sprinkle of cheese. Bake for 20mins and voila! You have breakfast for the whole week!