body weight lost vs body fat lost?

I have this tentative bet with a person to see who can lose the most weight or body fat by a particular date. I have about 40 pounds to lose and he has a little over 100 pounds to lose. I want to this to be a fair as possible for both parties, so how do we judge who wins? by weight lost or body fat? I can't lose anymore than 50 pounds or I will be to skinny and unhealthy, and he can easily go past that and still take off more weight and or body fat than me, even after i reach my goal.. I have no idea how any of this works... any help or input would be much appreciated... thanks


  • pearlsgonewild
    pearlsgonewild Posts: 54 Member
    I think the fairest thing to do would be: each of you sets a goal for # of pounds you want to lose by that date, and then keep track of percentage to the goal. So if your goal is 20 lbs and you lose 5, then you're 25% to your goal.
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    Whoever has the highest percentage of weight loss should win....that's how they do it on the Biggest Loser. That's fair for everyone involved.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Do it by percentage of body weight to weight loss.

    If you weight 200 (hypothetical) and he weighs 300 then the winner would be the one who lost the most weight in a percentage form:

    Lets say you lost 25, that would equate to 12.5% (25/200)
    Lets say he lost 30, that would equate to 10% (30/300)

    So even if he lost more weight than you, you still won the contest.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    i'd say by percentage of weight loss.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Maybe this will help.

    There is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. Your goal should never be to lose weight, but instead should always be to lose fat. When you lose weight, you lose a little bit of everything--fat, muscle, fluids, organ size. You want the majority of your weight loss to come from fat, not the other stuff. If you are only concerned with seeing a smaller number on the scale, you may be losing valuable muscle instead, which will result in long-term weight--meaning fat--gain.
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    Do it by percentage of body weight to weight loss.

    If you weight 200 (hypothetical) and he weighs 300 then the winner would be the one who lost the most weight in a percentage form:

    Lets say you lost 25, that would equate to 12.5% (25/200)
    Lets say he lost 30, that would equate to 10% (30/300)

    So even if he lost more weight than you, you still won the contest.

    This would be the fairest.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    not a expert or anything but this is the best link that i have found when it comes to loosing lbs vs.loosing body fat, READ IT ALL., this has helped me to stop looking at the scale and start measuring myself, it has opened my eyes to what i should be judging as success as i continue to strive to be healthy.

    so many people quit or become so frustrated b/c they are living by what they see on scale and that is so sad b/c the scale does not tell you accurately how much wt is muscle, how much is fat,how much is tissue,how much is water ..etc it just give you one number and people will either be patient and continue to try to live a healthy lifestyle or give up just come to a screetcing halt b/c of what they see on that scale however often they step on it, completely forgetting that educating yourself on HOW THE BODY WORKS will also help you reach your goals if you take the time to read and apply this knowledge it will help you achieve the success we all want.

    good luck.
  • clancie518
    clancie518 Posts: 40
    thank you all for your input.. I want it to be as well as healthy.....