Ladies 5'4 and UNDER... Join the Little Diamonds!

LittleDiamonds Posts: 23
edited 11:41AM in Motivation and Support
[Important note: There is a THREE step sign-up process listed below. Be sure to follow the THREE steps!]


Hi Diamonds!

We are currently seeking ladies 5'4 and UNDER (yep, the shorties) interested in "buddying up" for a weight loss challenge that begins on July 18th. The goal is to stick to our diet and exercise goals with a partner.

The Diamond Challenge has been around for almost 18 weeks, but this is the first Little Diamonds team! This round will have 90 ACTIVE Diamonds!

The Diamond Challenge: Round 4 is a REAL commitment, so if you cannot support your partner each and every day, this is NOT the group for you! We expect ACTIVE involvement. Unless you request otherwise, I will select your partner.

If you are familiar with Diamonds in the Rough or Diamond Dolls, this group is just the same.

You are partnered with your buddy, but you are also a member of a division--Little Diamonds, Diamonds in the Rough or DiamondDolls. Further, each division is broken into three color teams. Each week the team that loses the most will get bragging rights and the opportunity to add a digital trophy to their signature. We will also continue to celebrate individual victories.

There are ten members on each team.

See the organizational graph here:


1. Check in with your buddy every day via MESSAGING (not just on forums)
2. Check the Little Diamonds message board regularly
3. Say as much as possible when writing to your buddy and when writing on the forum
4. Post the Question of the Day on your assigned day**
5. Use the Little Diamonds logo in your signature.
6. Submit your weekly loss or gain.

If you are unfamiliar with MFP or any of these terms, please read the rules and FAQ in the Little Diamonds toolbox here:

So, how do you sign up? There are three easy steps!

1. Reply to this thread with your first name (we use real names), height, AND reason for joining The Diamonds Challenge.

2. Follow this link and complete the registration form :

3. Carefully read the The Diamonds Challenge rules and FAQ:

Want to peek at the current Diamond Challenge? Check out an old forum here:

My Response:

Name: Jamaica

Height: 5'2

Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I started the Diamond Challenge because I loved MFP, but felt I was still missing the one to one connection I was really seeking. I love being a part of the Diamonds and it has been my honor to watch so many ladies move toward realizing their goals. Thus far I have lost 20 pounds as head of the Diamonds and I know that I owe much of my success to my wonderful teammates and partners.


  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    This sounds very interesting..... Good luck to all....
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    This sounds very interesting..... Good luck to all....
  • Name: Kelley

    Height: 5'4

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I could really use a partner to help motivate me to lose weight more! Not to mention it'd be great to meet people that are around my size and struggling with losing weight just like I am.
  • This sounds very interesting..... Good luck to all....

    Thanks chica!
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Name: Krystal

    Height: 4' 11"

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I want to join the Little Diamonds because I love the support. I have always need the support and motivation to accomplish things. I love working together with a partner :) it helps me stay on track because I know I need to do this for me and my partner.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    Name: Katia

    Height: 5' 3"

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I think the support will be phenomenal!! It's also a great opportunity to make friends who have similar goals and are around the same size as me. And having motivation and support from others always helps with weight loss :).
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Name: Krystal

    Height: 4' 11"

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I want to join the Little Diamonds because I love the support. I have always need the support and motivation to accomplish things. I love working together with a partner :) it helps me stay on track because I know I need to do this for me and my partner.

    Welcome Krystal!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    My Response:

    Name :Amanda

    Height: 5'2

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I have lost over 60 pounds since I started on MFP, but I am finding as I get closer to my goal I am getting a little too comfortable with things and am slacking off more than I was before and it is getting harder to shift the weight as well. As a "shorty" I still have a way to go, I am constantly told by those around me that I don't need to lose any more weight but the fact is that I am still at an unhealthy BMI and I need someone who understands that being shorter means that you have to be a lower weight than the average to be healthy. I would like to have the support of a partner who is going through similar things as me and to also be there to help motivate them through this as well.

    Thanks, Amanda.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Name: Krystal

    Height: 4' 11"

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I want to join the Little Diamonds because I love the support. I have always need the support and motivation to accomplish things. I love working together with a partner :) it helps me stay on track because I know I need to do this for me and my partner.

    Welcome Krystal!

    thank you :)
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm Nicki. I'm 5'1. I want to join the Little Diamonds because I'm short, am only about 1/3 of the way to my final goal, and have absolutely loved my experience in the DITR challenge during rounds 2 and 3.
  • LoraEllen
    LoraEllen Posts: 81
    My name is Lora

    My height is 5'3"

    I am excited to join the Little Diamonds on my weight loss journey which sounds like an organized group committed to results. I like the fact that there are rules established to ensure everyone has a great experience. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to encourage my partner and be encouraged by my partner so that we both realize our goals! Looking forward to the 18th!!!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Name: Christi

    Height: 5'1

    Reason for joining the Diamond Challenge: I love the idea of a daily challenge as well as getting to know others with similar goals on a more personal level. And the thought of being a "little diamond" sounds like fun! :smile:
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Elle

    Height: 5' 3"

    Reason for joining - Well, as Miss Jamaica knows I have been part of the Diamond challenge since round 1, and can't imagine being on this journey alone. The support I receive here on mfp is my main support for my weight loss. I had full intentions of signing up for Round 4 of Diamonds in the Rough, but would love to be part of the little diamonds. I have met wonderful ladies through the diamonds challenges and look forward to meeting even more.

  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Name: Elle

    Height: 5' 3"

    Reason for joining - Well, as Miss Jamaica knows I have been part of the Diamond challenge since round 1, and can't imagine being on this journey alone. The support I receive here on mfp is my main support for my weight loss. I had full intentions of signing up for Round 4 of Diamonds in the Rough, but would love to be part of the little diamonds. I have met wonderful ladies through the diamonds challenges and look forward to meeting even more.


    Elle! I'm so happy you're short!!! LOL.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Hey Jamaica, It's Falicia. I am a short 5'1". I am interested because I have loved your challenges in the past. The healthy competition is great motivation!
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Name: Jessica

    Height: 5'4" (barely made the cut off :D)

    I was apart of DITR for round 3, and i really enjoyed it,

    This does help in the past i would slack because i was only looking out for me and me only, but now i'm not only accountable to myself but also another person. and everytime i do something i actually think to myself "how good will this look to others, and would they be proud of me." it just keeps me in check which has helped alot.....
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Hey Miss Jamaica,

    I luv ur new ideas

    Name : Kathy
    Height 5'3".
    I am interested because i just Diamond challenges this how i lost almost 10 pounds in the last 2 and current rounds
    Its great healthy encouragement

    Luv it Luv it

  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome Katia, Amanda, Lora, and Christi! I know that you will love the Diamonds!

    Kathy, Jessica, Falicia, Elle, Nicki! YAY! I'm so excited that you guys are going to be LD's! We are going to ROCK this! ...although I will miss being a PINK after all these weeks!

    :-D Let's go Diamonds!
  • kandeelopez
    kandeelopez Posts: 61 Member
    i'm kandee and i'm 5'2.5" tall. I'm 163 and am so super motivated that i started a blog about my weight loss and exercise! it has been motivational to try to keep that up but even more motivational that a lady from Canada always writes me if i don't post that I've exercised! LOL Well, what if she stops reading my blog?!?! :-D It'd be nice to share with others and give motivation (as much as that's possible) and not just "get."
  • Hi, my name's Sarah and I'm a lowly 5'1!

    I want to join the little Diamonds because I would love to be able to help someone with their weight loss goals and could probably benefit from a little help myself!
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