06/07/2011 Quitting smoking day

Today I have bit the bullet and bought a nicorette inhalator. I am completely FED UP of trying to exercise every day, and struggling because I choose to poison my lungs with cigarette smoke which is seriously affecting my workouts.

Tomorrow I will not smoke.

Who's with me?


  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    last week was my 6 month anniversary of quitting! good for you!!!!!

    (and no matter what, DO NOT give up! you can do this :smile: GOOD LUCK!!!!)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    If that's your baby girl in the pictures...I wish you all the luck in the world to quit and give her the Best Daddy you can be.
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    I gave up cold turkey a few months ago, was hard but best thing i ever done. Go for a walk when it gets tough! You can do this, Good for you giving it a go. Good luck xxx
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    I quit two weeks ago. :D Lungs are still healing but it is so nice to wake up each morning and be able to breath. It's equally nice to sleep all the way through the night!

    Good luck. This is something you can do!
  • amber_bamber
    amber_bamber Posts: 86 Member
    I'm proud of you neil!!! we are behind you 100% I'm in the process of quitting too =)
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    I am rapidly approaching 1 year Quit.
    I used Chantix to quit which helped on the "mind" aspect. I was only on it 1 month.

    I had smoked for 21 Years and I feel so good now.

    Please know that it is a daily battle and you can do this! Everyday is a "just say no" day.

    Add me if you need support.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I must add I'm cacking myself because I've started losing weight and the last thing I wanna do is start piling the lbs back on, but I figure it's probably the best time to do it (while I'm closely monitoring my weight) and I can keep it in check. I'm absolutely ecstatic at my weight loss...I'd hate for it to go tits up :frown:
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    I'm behind you, friend! Every step of the way :))):flowerforyou:
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I don't smoke, but I will encourage you in this Neil, hugs
  • Shannibal
    Shannibal Posts: 103 Member
    Will be 2 months for me next week!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Wow congrats Shannibal, got any tips?
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    Im excited to be your quitting buddy Neil!!! We got this shiznit =)))
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    It's been about 5 years cig free for me, but I'll tell ya what bro, gimme about 15 minutes and I'll start again so you can have a quit buddy! :p
  • updowngirl
    updowngirl Posts: 31 Member
    Neil and Rosey-- Never smoked but I'm behind you. We're all in this together now!!!!!! Losing weight and exercising are hard too so it does seem best to just keep plugging along and come out feeling completely AWESOME! Let's keep laughing our way through it all--can't wait to hear your success stories!
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    BEST thing you can do for your health! Good luck
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Congrats to you Neil for making this decision and to Rosey for doing the same! You are both working hard on being healthier and this seems like the next step to take on the journey. Way to be great role models for your kids!! You can do it!!
  • timidury
    timidury Posts: 23
    I quit 6 weeks ago, and I'm telling you, cold turkey is the way to go. Besides pregnancy (when I also gave it up CT), I've tried the patch, the gum, the inhaler, hypnosis, acupuncture... One day, I woke up and decided I wasn't going to smoke ever again.

    It's been REALLY, REALLY hard, but I've been doing a great job and the cravings got better/went away pretty quickly.

    Good luck, and it'll be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Neil, i woke a this morning and decided m twenty a day habit has to go, so today is day 1 of cold turkey and am totally ready to be a non smoker, we can do it x
  • river88island

    I will have been stopped 8 weeks tonight :)

    Althought everyone is different, i decided to quit on a Thursday night so that I didnt spend any of my coming wages on those nasty things!! (i get paid weekly)
    I can honestly say i didnt want to stop smoking, i 'thought' i enjoyed it!! BUT... I had a holiday to pay in 10 weeks at 1000 pound and i was spending around £50 a week on *kitten* so I knew i didnt really have a choice but to stop and save the money!
    The first morning was terrible! i sneaked out of work to the chemist and got a nicorette inhaler (waste of money!!) i had about 10 drags (bearing in mind id not had a *kitten* for about 6 hours (over 14 inc my sleeping time) and the taste from the inhaler was gross!! i was really dissapointed in myself as using an inhaler is cheating (thats what i thought) and i was scared i would get addicted to it!

    Anyways, from then onwards it got easy, the first week i missed socialising with people who smoke but after that it was fab and can honestly say i never had a craving after about 5 days!!

    P.S BUY THE ''ALAN CARR - HOW TO STOP SMOKING PERMANENTLY'' BOOK!! It helped me and i only got to page 54!!

    You can do it! dont give in to the temptations, you have no need to smoke, although you think now that you like it, you dont! its horrible and to be blatently honest, as a non smoker now i can say this.....why didnt anyone tell me i smelt!!! :o( LOL

    Keep up the good work!
  • river88island
    Oh and i smoked sometime between 20 and 25 a day!! and have done for the last 9 years :o(