P90X DVDs on Classifieds??

thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
My husband has been wanting the Insanity DVDs but since he doesn't work out now we thought maybe he should try P90X first. I was trying to find a good deal and i saw the package on our local classifieds website brand new for $30!?!?! Could this be a scam? I don't quite understand how they can sell a $130 set for just $30. Any experience with anything like this?? Thanks!


  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Probably bootleg copies from China.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    If he hasn't worked out at all he might want to start with P90.... or Power 90 as it is called. Or some other similar program. P90X is pretty intense..... maybe not quite as intense as Insanity.... but I think they are both dificult if you haven't worked out in a while or haven't done some sort of boot camp style work. Good luck.
  • rwcloud
    rwcloud Posts: 3 Member
    I got my set of DVD's from craigslist and they're original DVD's
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Probably bootleg copies from China.

    100% agree. The problem is if you don't buy it from a coach or directly from beachbody.com they will not honor the money back guarantee. Also if there is a problem with a disk your own.

    Sure P90X is costly, but is 100% worth it and will save you money in the long run.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I got my set from craig's list too and they seem to be original DVD's. I think I paid $70 for mine from someone that bought them and never had time to use them. If the person seems to have an unlimited supply of the DVD's then I'd stay away from them.
    I got my set of DVD's from craigslist and they're original DVD's
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Probably bootleg copies from China.

    If it has pictures and shows them in the factory boxes is it still possible that they are bootlegged?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Probably bootleg copies from China.

    If it has pictures and shows them in the factory boxes is it still possible that they are bootlegged?

    Yes, even more so. Beachbody has been shutting these guys down all over the place, but more keep popping up.
  • srshufelt
    srshufelt Posts: 7
    I would be careful....I have both P90X and the Insantity workout videos and have recently decided to be a Beachbody coach through the company. I really like both workout programs. They both are intense. Insantity seems to be more cardio and P90X is more over all fitness. There is another program the company sells that is called Power 90 (?) that you could start out with to bring you up to speed if you think either program might be too much. Almost everyone who starts these programs cannot jump right into them and go through a whole workout with hitting the pause button once in awhile. I personaly am still working on making it throught the warmup sections. But don't let that stop you. Buy the programs from the company not from someone you don't know. I wouldn't trust buying them for $30. Doesn't sound right. I have only been doing the program for a little over a month and totally can feel the diffrence. I get stronger everyday. I highly recommend the programs. Maybe P90X more so. Tony Horton is fun to listen to..hes a little funny and brings a fun side to exercising. You can also go to their website for more info.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I bought my p90x at a yard sale for 45bucks, if you can see the product and check the condition I see nothing wrong with that. Money is tight and you take a deal when you can.