Almond milk Rice milk soy milk?



  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've been drinking soy milk for years.
    I like it better than rice and almond milk because it has protein in it.
    I use the vanilla flavored from Trader joes and use it in my coffee, smoothies, cereal and oatmeal.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    What about oat milk, has anyone tried it?

    I have tried one brand of commercial oat milk and I was not a fan -- too watery for me. I have made oat milk at home (soak steel cut oats for one hour, blend with maple syrup and vanilla extract) and I liked that much more.

    Your version sounds much nicer.
  • desireeshaffer16
    desireeshaffer16 Posts: 15 Member
    I like unsweetened almond milk bc it is low calorie and low in saturated fat. I don't like it in coffee though, I would use a splash of soy milk for that. Everything else is good with almond milk though, I like it in oatmeal, overnight oats, and protein shakes.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Another option that someone on this forum has liked is flax milk.
  • kirstenb13
    kirstenb13 Posts: 181 Member
    I pretty much buy whatever nut milk is cheap that day (don't drink rice or soy, I think rice is exactly like water and soy has a weird taste). They are better than water in overnight oats or protein shake but none are exactly what I would call delicious.
    Right now I often buy flax milk because of the omega fats, but not sure if that is really a good source.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    People like me who are on blood thinners probably need to avoid flax milk -- flax seed messes with your blood clotting.

    Of the others mentioned, the one I haven't tried yet is cashew milk -- given the high praise, I'm going to have to buy a container.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Anybody tried rice milk or almond milk or soy milk? How does it taste in oatmeal or hot drinks like instant coffee? I have tries soy milk in hot tea before but that was a few years ago now

    They al taste shite in coffee. maltodexrin free soya milk with no added sugar is my breakfast additive of choice, as it's the only one that doesn't give me a 10:30am sugar crash.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Two of my kids are allergic to animal milk, so we've tried most of the other milks on the market. One kid would drink soy milk at school, but only the chocolate, but the other couldn't stand it. To me it tastes nasty. At home, we use almond milk in smoothies or on cereal, and I do like the chocolate almond milk to just drink. Neither would go for rice milk anymore once they tried almond, and neither like cashew or hemp milk in anything but a smoothie. I haven't had animal milk in years, and frankly find it completely gross now. I don't drink coffee, but I have seen almond milk creamers for sale. Coconut milk (the stuff in the beverage carton, not the canned stuff) isn't too bad, but almond is still the fav. Almond Breeze has a coconut/almond mix that is pretty indistinguishable from almond, cashew, or hemp in a smoothie. Silk is our preferred brand.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    I buy organic soy milk by the case at Costco and mainly use it (2 cups/time) for my soy protein shakes which I drink 4-5 times/week. Tastes fine and mixes well.

    Starting using soy because I'm sometimes lactose intolerant but I like that it comes in sealed cartons and (as long as it remains sealed) will keep for a long time w/o refrigeration. Much better than whole mil in this regard.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    Cashew milk! 25 cals per cup (unsweetened) and it's much creamier than almond milk:)