Unsupportive wife



  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    haha nice state stuff.

    anyways-- I definately do not know the situation enough to judge it, but based on what you are saying, it sounds like she may be upset because she is secretly self-concious or envious of your new found willpower to lose weight.

    If she is overweight even a little bit, she may be envious of your ability to be losing weight. She may be upset with herself for not taking the inciative to lose her weight.

    If she is super in shape or skinny or something maybe she is nervous that once you lose weight & get in good shape, you will get more attention from other women, and she is scared you will like the new attention more than you like her.

    My boyfriend sometimes gets upset with my weight loss stuff when i say things like "ahh I wish I could have that" or "that looks so good" because he doesn't think I need to 'restrict' myself from eating DQ or Mcdonalds like he does because we both ate like that before and I was never even over weight at my highest.

    So maybe she is just concerned that you want to lose weight because you were not super big to begin with! I donno, there could be a lot of reasons.

    Once you get advice from this post, you should try to figure out what it could be then confront her about it.

    Perhaps suggest she can join in with you if she wants or something! idk

    hope this helped!! & congrats on making and sticking with a decision without support!
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    Your diary looks great, you don't seem to be depriving yourself and 2000 calories is great. a 2-3 lb wt loss a week for your size is perfect too. Just keep doin what your doin. I'm sure she'll come around
  • Bartleyk11
    Bartleyk11 Posts: 16 Member
    It does seem like you're just eating less of normal food (which isn't necessarily a horrible thing), but I wouldn't say you're deprived. Especially since you have an entire area on your tracker for beer. lol

    I do love my beer.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    my heart goes out to you brother, I know how you feel my wife told me the same thing not to long ago and to top it my wife said " you are starting to act very arrogant " and then just a few day latter my mom said the exact same thing, that's a double blow.

    I told my wife the reason why I wanted to change my life, Its because Nov 30 me and my middle daughter went to the doctor and I seen her weight 198, then I seen the look on her face, I almost wanted to cry right there, then I weighed in at 302 and right then and there I knew I needed to change the way I looked so my kids would want to do the same.

    we are doing the right thing my friend and we also know the reasons why were doing it, keep your head up brother.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm so sorry to read this post and see the hurt in the words that you've posted....

    Maybe it's time for some active listening.... You know where you say to her what you heard her say and tell her how you feel.

    Maybe it's time for a date and some "cheat" meal to talk it over with her.... Maybe she's feeling left out or that her menu ideas are limited etc.

    It's very difficult to try and figure it out. But in reality, I'm very sorry you're experiencing it and had your feelings hurt....

    hang in there.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I agree with some others that it appears that you are just eating less than "normal", which is a good place to start.

    My wife likes to make little comments as well. She doesn't care for my "protein" diet, or that I'm eating a lot more fiber (I can see that one due to the "effects", but I'm not stopping). Truthfully my wife doesn't even know everything that I do because I know she wouldn't like it. My wife also knows and exploits little ways to get me to eat more, such as "sharing" a snack, getting me to take her out to eat, threatening to throw something away (I don't waste food), etc. I will say that my wife is back on the weight loss band wagon, but who knows whether she'll stick with it this time.
  • skinnylegs1
    You are definitely doing the right thing - is your wife maybe a little overweight and feels bad that she cannot do what you are doing ?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I love that you're fitting beer into your daily calories and while still losing weight! Congrats on what you've lost so far. While you've got the cutting calories part down, you're still eating a lot of fast foods and processed meals. When it comes to the point that you need to eat less calories to continue to lose weight (and I promise you, that point will come!) that will be the easiest area to cut some extra fat and calories out. At that point, if not sooner, you'll want to start adding in fruits and vegetables to replace those higher calorie foods. That's the only thing that's really lacking from your diet right now.

    Having looked at your diary, your wife doesn't have a legitimate concern for your weight loss. You are eating probably the same things you were before but less of them. I have a feeling that your wife is probably feeling insecure and perhaps a bit jealous. There's nothing like a loved one losing weight when we know we really need to make us jealous, insecure and guilty.

    It may be time to sit down with her and have a really serious talk. First, remind her that you are currently eating the recommended 2000 calories a day for an adult. You are not under-eating and she shouldn't be worried about that aspect of your eating habits. Then let her know that your weight loss is not going to make you love her less. If she chooses not to lose weight with you, that's her decision. If and when she's ever ready to make that leap, let her know that you'll support her all the way. In the meantime, don't push what you are doing on her and don't flaunt it. I'm sure you aren't, but it would only make the situation worse. Keep doing what you're doing and more than likely she'll eventually decide it's time for her to do the same.

    Good luck to you!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm sorry she's not being supportive. I don't know her reasons or why and I'm not going to speculate.

    I can tell you this, if you were my husband, after looking at your diary, I'd be concerned!! You may be meeting a calorie goal but it's with high calorie items that don't amount to much. Looking at numbers, sure you're meeting about 1800 calories (not 2000)...I checked. Looking at the food, it isn't much to eat. Sorry, but even I would be starving!!

    Just my 2 cents.

    Good luck!!
  • faithgin
    faithgin Posts: 32
    i would say she is feeling down on herself because you have the willpower and perhaps she does not.
    or if she is the one cooking she could be upset that she has to cook all different meals for everyone because of food restrictions, kids likes/dislkes etc.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Are you eating different then the rest of your family? OR did you make her change her cooking practice? If the answer is yes for any of these, I would say she just doesn't like the fact that she has to change too. You can not force somebody to change her or his eating habit, it has to come from within. We are all here on MFP , because we had a moment and decided to change. Unfortunately our spouses may not have the that's it moment at the same time, and they want to eat they crapy food, and our decision affect their lifestyle too, which can be annoying for them. .

    I have a similar problem with my husband. Although theoretically he is supportive, but practically he is totally not. He keeps whining about why we are eating grilled chicken with salad again. He asks for pasta , pastries,cookies and icecream on daily basis and and he can go on an on about it. So I have to do a hard *kitten* workout on some days just so we can eat the stupid and he would be happy.

    Oh well, marriages work because people make them work.
  • Funnybunnyboo
    I feel for u,it's is sometimes more to do with feeling that when u reach yor goal weight,u might get lots of female attention!this can b the source of lots of problems!if she is jealous of the attention u get from females on this site,u need to make her feel special,u need to show her she is the one and only!!
    Treat her Like u did wen u 1st got together,flatter her,make her feel special again.
    If that doesn't work,it might b she isn't feeling the same for u,and it is hiding behind resentment?
    Good luck,bro,hope u get yor hearts desire!!!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    ??? I was shocked to see, after all these comments that you still regularly eat junk food.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I would be very concerned if my husband was eating in the way that you are. Pretty much all of your meals seem to be fast food, high in white carbs and often fried. While some take away and restaurant meals can be worked into a healthy diet, three meals a day like this is not good. I would be worried that you may actually be malnourished. Yes, you are eating your calories, but what about all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs? Could you not start by at least making a healthy lunch? You could be eating so much more healthy food for those 2000 cals. Are you eating with your wife, or seperately? She may be upset that you are no longer eating with her. Sounds to be like you both need to sit down and tackle this together.
  • Jaynequ
    Jaynequ Posts: 39
    I was very surprised at your diary. I went back about a week and could not see anything you had cooked at home. Is she upset because you are not eating food she has prepared for you both, or you are not eating together?
    You have a lot of calories to play with, why not sit down together and plan some really nice, nutritious meals that you would both enjoy cooking and eating together. Maybe include some fresh veggies.
    In my opinion (from experience of 112lb loss, not much gone back on) you cannot go on eating junk food. You have to change your lifestyle, not just eat fewer calories, if you are going to keep the weight off once you reach your goal.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Hey bro, sorry to hear what you're going through. Nothing is harder for a man than when the woman he loves isn't behind him in something he's passionate about. That's the tricky thing about marriage, in order for it to be happy, both people have to be willing to bite the bullet sometimes when they feel like the other person may be dropping the ball. Stick to your guns...you're doing the right thing...your diary looks fine...ten points for the beer! But maybe try to figure out a way to stick to your guns in a way that lets her know that this isn't just something for you. You're investing in your family by doing this.

    Like with most problems in a marriage, I think it can be dealt with by open, honest, communication, and a bit of sacrifice. Make sure that you're not causing her to have to cook two meals, one for you and one for everybody else...that can be rough, and expensive...but at the same time, you don't have to eat the bad foods just because they are there. Tell her straight out that when you're not eating certain things, it's not any kind of judgement on her, or to make her feel guilty...it's just a problem for you personally that you're trying to deal with so that you can be a better man and a better husband. If what you are eating is different from what else is on the table, be willing to make it yourself so she doesn't have the extra burden. I think with that, and with going out of your way to let her know she's the most important thing in the world in other areas of your life together should soften her, if not win her over all together. I don't know some of this applies specifically, but I do know that communication and the willingness to sacrifice and put the other person first has helped my wife and I both to build a solid, happy marriage so far. Either way...stay strong bro...keep going the distance, your health is too important.
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    Honestly, it is difficult if not impossible to say why your wife is saying that. We could only guess. I can only suggest to you is to try to understand where she is coming from; then try to help her understand your position.
    At some point you will need to be forthcoming with her and express your feelings; be thoughtful of her and express yourself without being judging of her character. One thing that can definitely be said about her comments is that she is expressing concern for your health and well being. That in my book is a sign of love, so congrats on finding a woman who cares for you. (Even the first several postings on here were people wondering if you were putting yourself in danger.)

    From an outside perspective, it appears that you are doing pretty darn good on your weight loss journey. Like you, I am a big guy and losing 2 to 3 pounds a week was easy. At first I was fearful I was shedding pounds too fast, and was inadvertingly starting a yo-yo diet routine. However, the pounds came off and stayed off. EDUCATING myself helped me understand that I was not putting myself in harm's way and the results were not only okay, but typical. (So many of us begin with the belief that a person's weight loss should take a lot longer.)

    Also, look at some of the other benefits, I'm sure you can add to the list:
    1. Feeling thinner feels great.
    2. Increase in energy and stamina.
    3. Dr. Oz's 1 inch gain for every 30-35 lbs loss rule. (look it up; she should be appreciating that too)
    4. Increase in activities, chores, hobbies (things are happening and getting done.)

    Take Away:
    First understand [her] then be understood (make your case; in positive manner). (Must be in that order, and validate her concerns. yeah, this was stolen from Stephen R. Covey's 7 Habits.)

    Also, remember, your wife is always right, even if you think she's wrong. She is right in feeling concerned for you, but try persuade her to change her mind; which she will do on her own, because its her prerogative. By now, you should have learned a wealth of information about losing weight in a healthy way. Even if what you have learned is only the tip of the ice berg. Share some of that information; but don't force it on her.)

    Apologies for long winded reply. Hope it helps.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    What were her reasons for being unsupportive....

    I am sure if the tables were turned and it was she that was trying to loose weight that you would be there in supporting her all the way. She has to be having some mixed emotions about something. Perhaps talk to her about it. Explain your reasons for loosing weight. One that I could think of is your overall health. Doesn't she want you to be there for her till you are old and gray?

    My husband is not very supportive either. He makes many side comments asking me if I am eating enough, asking me if I want to go get pizza/ice cream. The thing is... I know how much food I am eating. If I am hungry, I eat more. He just doesn't understand. I am convinced that he is sabotaging me. He says that I do not need to loose weight but I am uncomfortable in my skin right now. I need to fit into about half of my closet... I refuse to buy new pants! I can relate in a different way. Good LUCK!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    That sucks for you, and I hope over time she becomes more happy for you.
    Maybe she misses an eating buddy, someone that will go out and eat a huge meal at a restaurant with her. Maybe she misses the guy you used to be, even if the new guy is better! I can tell you that when I go out with my family and get something small, they feel guilty for getting their huge meals.
    I just read below about that you possibly don't eat at home - maybe that is upsetting her. Work her meals into your diet and I bet she will be a lot happier!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    My mother was like this with my father. Even though they had been married for 25 years, she was afraid that if he lost all that weight, she would no longer be good enough for him. It sounds petty but it was a real concern to her. Make sure your wife knows you are 100 committed to her and your family, and that weight will never change any of that..

    This was my first thought as well. Maybe she's afraid you'll start getting attention from other women! All the more motivation for her to join you. =)