Brand new - anyone else need to lose 100+ pounds? Would love some friends!



  • bbarnes42
    bbarnes42 Posts: 6 Member
    I have just about 100 to lose and would love to join the group for support. I can usually stick with anything for a short period of time, but I'm often alone in my efforts. Would love to have the support this time around! Like many others, I'm striving for a goal weight of 150 lbs.
  • zombiegirl123
    zombiegirl123 Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have 100+ to lose as well.
  • aalibee0030
    aalibee0030 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am joining because I also want to get down to 140lbs, which is a 100lb weight loss. I have also been trying to lose weight for years and am ready to make a change in my life. I would love to be in this community with support and like minded people wanting to make this change.
  • Chrissy915
    Chrissy915 Posts: 12 Member
    SW at 309 and im already down to 302 in about 2.5 weeks. Ultimate goal would be 200 or lower, main goal right now is to get to 250, 52 lbs to go then another 50 after that. Feel free to add me!
  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    Here I go again. The yo yo dieting. I can berate myself, which makes me eat even more, or stop feeling sorry for myself and dig in again. I have to do it. I read a lot about lifestyle changes. I have changed my mindset and lifestyle a hundred times. There is a piece missing.
  • PreachersWife276
    PreachersWife276 Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh 283 and am looking to get down to 180.
    Add me, please! :)
    MARILYNENA Posts: 53 Member
    Add me.....
  • Gypsa66
    Gypsa66 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, all! Looking to lose 94-109 pounds here. Got on here a few months ago, but just really started logging and eating healthy about a week ago. Trying to remember small goals instead of that big number that I need to achieve. Making 25 pound commitments at a time to set as little goals. I'll send you an add request and anyone else feel free to add me as well.
  • mandy5135
    mandy5135 Posts: 67 Member
    I am looking to lose 150+, will decide as I get closer. You can add me. I'm just starting over again.
  • AuntKelli
    AuntKelli Posts: 5 Member
    How do u add people to your friends list?
  • battyfitch
    battyfitch Posts: 117 Member
    I want/need/am going to lose 200lbs. I've added some of you. Anyone I've missed is welcome to add me.
  • vrogers61266
    vrogers61266 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in need of losing 150 lbs. I have lost 18 since may. I am new and don't know how to add so please add me. Looking for lists of support and will also help support others
  • CherylS88
    CherylS88 Posts: 7 Member
    everyone can add me as well - I have 180 lbs to lose and looking for new friends and accountability partners to get through this.
  • rogersd3224
    rogersd3224 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose 100+ and need some friends on here, feel free to add me!
  • AmmeLynn
    AmmeLynn Posts: 8 Member
    Tracking is my downfall! I'd love to loose 100 lbs; but am only starting with a 10% goal to start. Anyone else wanna start off with a 10% goal? Add me or PM ;)
  • all4thehealthofit
    all4thehealthofit Posts: 15 Member
    I have over 100 to lose...I have already lost 50. Anyone can feel free to add me and I've already added some of you as I've been reading through!
  • faizay401
    faizay401 Posts: 3 Member
    263 right now and want to lose 100+ ..feel free to add me ...
  • Junebordner
    Junebordner Posts: 15 Member
    I have been trying to get down to 150lbs but have been stuck at 287lbs for 3 years. Self sabotage at it's best. I am now in a state of mind to truly get this weight off. I'm really good at keeping in touch and cheering others on. If you want a WL buddy I'm your girl.
  • dawnofiniquity73
    dawnofiniquity73 Posts: 1 Member
    I would certainly appreciate more friends to help me stay accountable. My total weight loss goal is more than 150 pounds