Weight loss for IVF

semhe Posts: 81 Member
I am in a program that will pay neerly the full cost o in vetro fertilization.... My only cost I anesthesia.... Catch is, I have to lose 20 lbs in the next 6 weeks..... I know it's not the safest goal, an I know most will come back... But anyone have any quick fixes in their pockets?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Unless you are really heavy, the most you can expect is two pounds per week. You may get more or you may not. Good luck!! Hoping to get pregnant is no fun!! Hugs
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just eat 1200 calories and hope for the best. I'd reschedule the IVF, personally... I just can't imagine why they'd think it would work better when you're malnourished than because of 20 extra pounds.
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    It's a 90 day drug study, I can't reschedule, wish I could, without the study, I can't afford it without taking out hefty loans. This is literally a once in a lifetime chance
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    semhe wrote: »
    It's a 90 day drug study, I can't reschedule, wish I could, without the study, I can't afford it without taking out hefty loans. This is literally a once in a lifetime chance

    how much weight do you need to lose altogether?
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    In total I needed to lose 22 lbs, I've lost 5, so 17 to go
  • foen_i
    foen_i Posts: 27 Member
    1400 cal diet 1h calisthenics a day 30min Jogging a day and u can burn 20lbs in 3 weeks. Should be easy in 60days. I suggest you Do Not try to crash diet it since those might ruin some bloodmarkers which easily get u excluded from drug trials. Fitness and a healthy deficit diet is what I d suggest
  • AshleighAnn72
    AshleighAnn72 Posts: 83 Member
    This isn't safe but I went on a liquid diet, i lost quite a bit.. but when I started eating again it came back as fast as it went. I hope your able to get ivf. I'm loosing weight for TTC, i may be looking at ivf in the future if the fertility consultant can't help...so I'm loosing as much as I can incase. Add me as a friend if you like x
  • Jen5366mfp
    Jen5366mfp Posts: 16 Member
    TTC also I think we shall end up IVF route also buy trying to get as fit and healthy as I can in the mean time just incase in happens. Good luck. X x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    foen_i wrote: »
    1400 cal diet 1h calisthenics a day 30min Jogging a day and u can burn 20lbs in 3 weeks. Should be easy in 60days. I suggest you Do Not try to crash diet it since those might ruin some bloodmarkers which easily get u excluded from drug trials. Fitness and a healthy deficit diet is what I d suggest

    What you're suggesting is a crash diet.

    20lbs in 6 weeks isn't healthy given OPs stats.
  • JLPersall
    JLPersall Posts: 43 Member
    I personally dont like it, but really low carb and 1200 calories and you could possibly reach yr goal. As soon as you eat regular food some of weight will come back. Good luck! Took me 7 ivfs and 6 years to get pregnant with my1st then nursed had 2 periods and got pregnant naturally with my second.
  • bayareajenn
    bayareajenn Posts: 3 Member
    1200 cals, no carbs, high fat and protein (think eggs, bacon, rotisserie chicken, mayo). It's just for a few weeks, right? No fruits, no veg, no dairy, no sweets. Exercise 30 min day for a metabolism boost.
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    3 weeks in... Lost 11 lbs, I may actually accomplish this!
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    30 days... 15 lbs!!
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    40 days... 18 lbs!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member