Lost weight but does not show that much.

This is an excellent app I have lost 1 stone and 4 pounds in 55 days. The only problem is I only a few people have noticed. Can anyone tell me if they have had same experience and how much will I have to loose for a definite show.

I am 5ft 3 inch and went from 12 stone 4 to 10 13


  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I too am 5'3", it took me to lose 15lbs for a few to notice and 30lbs for a lot to notice. It also depends on how often you see these people. I know how nice it is for people to notice, but try not to focus on that. Just keep doing what you are doing....great job!!!!!
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    I've had the same experience, but listen, it DOES show. People are slow to comment on weight loss. They don't want to be mistaken (the 'when are you due?' question only backwards!) if perhaps there is something else that is different--a few years ago someone was always good if they asked, 'Have you lost weight?' but now some people are offended that weight loss is the first thing that comes to mind when they look good. And something else to keep in mind; most people aren't as worried by your excess weight as you are--they don't notice it much. One of my good friends, who always looks good, recently lost 40 pounds (not sure how that compares to your stones) and I just thought she looked more like herself until she was past 30 pounds and then I realized she was dropping the excess weight off. She just always presents herself well, and has such a beautiful personality that as she was losing weight she started looking more like she always looked in my mind. Does this make sense? Looking at your profile picture, you are at least a bit that way too--a beautiful young lady (my friend and I are rather older than you!). Don't sweat if folks don't notice, or may well notice and not comment. This is about LIFE. Beauty comes from more than pants size and you have it. And with your weight loss, assuming that you are also making healthy choices and improving more than pants size, you are gaining health which improves your appearance in the way you carry yourself and how you feel inside and out.

    Your weight loss journey is in many ways a personal journey. Don't worry if folks notice or not. They will know how you are NOW and whether they remember where you came from or not doesn't really matter so much. Keep on doing what's right, noticed or not. God bless you!
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Yeah I went through the same thing as I started to lose the weight no one mentioned it to me. I did reach a point where all of a sudden everybody was like congratulating me.

    I think it's a lot of times they may feel uncomfortable mentioning it. But you have to remember is that you're doing this for yourself not for anyone else congrats on the loss
  • tmove2015
    tmove2015 Posts: 153 Member
    Yep same here. I've been losing weight slowly all year but it wasn't until 5-6 months in did people really start to comment. Keep up the great work and stay encouraged!
  • aquablue_1111
    aquablue_1111 Posts: 40 Member
    That's great progress OP!

    I've lost about 10 lbs, which was my goal back in January.(woohoo!) I have a few friends comment but in general, I don't have droves of people asking me about my weight loss. It still feels real great though because the clothes that were just a bit too tight or the waistband that was digging in no longer feel that way. I've always had a bit of a broad back but now shirts fit better and the space between the buttons no longer gape open. I wasn't expecting that at all. I figured I'd get smaller shirts but thought I'd still have to get them altered by the tailor.

    I also love that I'm making progress when I lift weights and that overall, I'm stronger and healthier.

    I agree, keep up the good work!

  • rachel780mpg
    rachel780mpg Posts: 83 Member
    bendis2007 wrote: »
    That's an awesome job! More people have probably noticed but since discussing someone's weight can be a taboo topic so they may just not want to say anything. Most people didn't say anything about my weight loss until I'd lost about 45 pounds. My first 25 pounds very few people noticed or said anything. I've read this in other forums but the paper towel effect may come into play here as well:

    Imagine two full brand new paper towel rolls. Set on roll aside and tear a sheet from the other roll and set it next to the other. Do you think you’d really notice a difference in the bulk between the paper towels with one layer of towel missing from one of the rolls? Most likely, no. As you remove each sheet and compare the rolls, you might find that it takes a good deal of sheets to finally to notice a difference between the two rolls. Regardless, one of the rolls is slowly but surely slimming down. This is how we lose weight. You may go to the gym for weeks and not notice a significant difference in your problem areas but if you looked at your entire body, you are losing weight overall. So I just lost 3 more pounds and maybe other people don’t notice it because I lost that weight in sheets over my whole body like a paper towel loses its bulk in a full sheet. Now imagine the paper towels again. As the smaller paper towel roll has sheets removed, you may start to notice a tremendous difference in its bulk over all with each single towel. In the beginning of sheet removal one towel didn’t make a big difference. The reason for this is because there was so much underlying bulk. But towards the end of the roll, each sheet wraps around the roll more than the last and therefore as each sheet is removed you notice more of a difference. So when you are working out and you get closer and closer to your goal, each few pounds of weight loss will show a more noticeable difference.

    Just keep doing what you're doing, as long as you're happy with your success (and you should be) then don't worry what other people think

    This is ths best thing I've read all day.
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    i've made the mistake of complimenting somebody on their weight loss, when in fact I hadn't been in touch and she was sick and had lost weight due to her recent cancer diagnosis.
    I felt like a total P.o.S.
    since then I have never asked or complimented somebody on their weight loss unless they mention it first- then its more of a "I noticed but didn't know if you'd be comfortable with me mentioning it. you look great"
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    Congratulations Gwendolyn! on the great losses.... now you know you can do it, success is yours. :)
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