Starting again after babies - breastfeeding question

CMayBos Posts: 43 Member

I'm back on MFP after almost three years! Three years of getting married and then having two beautiful babies 19 months apart, the youngest now 5 months old. I am now 180lbs, 45-50 lbs heavier than I was pre-babies, and in desperate need to start my fitness journey again. Although, I'm having a tough time finding the time and the energy...
New friends are always welcome to help with motivation, especially mamas like myself.
Breastfeeding mamas - how do you track that in the diaries, and make it work so as not disrupt supply??

Thanks all!! :)


  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome back, and congratulations! My first two were 17 months apart, it's tough having two under two! You can add breastfeeding to your food diary (negative calories) or add it as exercise. Or set your goal to maintenance and let breastfeeding create the deficit. Whatever is easiest. Exclusively breastfeeding a 5mo, you're probably needing about 500 calories per day to support that. As your baby gets older and starts eating other meals, adjust down as needed. Good luck!
  • dretsamuel
    dretsamuel Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    OMG...our stories are almost identical. I too recently married and now have a Wonderful husband and two Amazing little ones! My babies are 22 months apart,. The oldest is two and the youngest is 6 months old. I am now about 25-30 over my heaviest pre-baby weight. I was extremely healthy prior to having kids. These days I am exhausted all of the time. I really want to get rid of this extra weight but don't want to effect milk supply.
    Please help!
  • kickingpounds
    kickingpounds Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I will send you a friend request! I have 6 kiddos, the youngest one is a one week old infant. I am starting small, but I am starting none the less.
  • CMayBos
    CMayBos Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the responses!! I added breastfeeding as exercise, easiest way... And easiest workout ever
  • krokus99
    krokus99 Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome back, and congratulations! My first two were 17 months apart, it's tough having two under two! You can add breastfeeding to your food diary (negative calories) or add it as exercise. Or set your goal to maintenance and let breastfeeding create the deficit. Whatever is easiest. Exclusively breastfeeding a 5mo, you're probably needing about 500 calories per day to support that. As your baby gets older and starts eating other meals, adjust down as needed. Good luck!

    thank you! I had no idea how to put breastfeeding in my diary :) now I know and it is so much better than just to ignore those extra calories.
  • AbriTheGreat14
    AbriTheGreat14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my fellow BFing mothers! If any one can help me with this situation I'd really appreciate it. I read that every ounce your baby drinks burns approximately 60 calories. Since 12 am I've already burned 580 calories (it's around 5:30 pm now) nursing him... My son eats about 4 Oz every 2-3 hours... The calories I've burned so far today seem like a bit much since we're only supposed burn 500... Are my calculations correct?
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hello my fellow BFing mothers! If any one can help me with this situation I'd really appreciate it. I read that every ounce your baby drinks burns approximately 60 calories. Since 12 am I've already burned 580 calories (it's around 5:30 pm now) nursing him... My son eats about 4 Oz every 2-3 hours... The calories I've burned so far today seem like a bit much since we're only supposed burn 500... Are my calculations correct?

    No, it's 20 cal for every oz. Sorry I don't have a link for this, but it's a general guideline I've seen written here multiple times and it's something I've followed myself.
  • CMayBos
    CMayBos Posts: 43 Member

    Love! Such a helpful site!