Anyone have a birthday in November and would like to see how far we get?



  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    My birthday present to myself is seeing how much I can come along between me a few weeks back til my birthday on November 18. I'm eating whole foods mostly a paleo based diet with a cheat meal once a week to keep me sane ;) and working out a few days a week. I would love to have someone else in the same boat as me and where we can see how we progress together!

    I'm November 21, guess how old I'll be? But count me in!
  • ilovefastcarstoo
    ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
    See you in November !
  • ilovefastcarstoo
    ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
    Wow, I didn't even realize there was a whole other page of posts... That's awesome! I'm gonna add all of you guys so we can help each other out. Here's to November birthdays.. And some December! We got this.
  • susan121314
    susan121314 Posts: 25 Member
    35 on November 9th looking forward to meeting my goal and celebrating.
  • RitaRose91
    RitaRose91 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm November 18 too! And I'm hoping to fit into this dress I bought from Spain 5 years ago! But who knows if it'll actually happen! But I'm hoping to look better than I have before for my birthday!
  • NoorainJehan
    NoorainJehan Posts: 13 Member
    November 21st and I am looking forward to a whole new me!
  • Daniv84
    Daniv84 Posts: 12 Member
    Will we continue to post here to support one one another? Or just check back in November?
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Anabug81 wrote: »
    My birthday is November 27th and I'm hoping to be down 16 pounds by then which would put me at 164IBs. My goal weight is 130 IBS. I started at 199 IBS in February. I've lost 20 pounds so far.

    That's my birthday too! I was at 215 (ish) when my son was born last september. I'm currently at 155 with a goal of 145, hoping to make it there for my birthday.
  • ilovefastcarstoo
    ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
    Daniv84 wrote: »
    Will we continue to post here to support one one another? Or just check back in November?

    That's totally up to you. I've been adding everyone as a friend that's been posting here. I think it would be fun to post some encouraging things here when we can or want and all check back in November at some point. I'll let you know my results by my birthday :) im open to suggestions too!
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    I think we should hit the * favorite button and post from now til November. And thanks for the add! Btw, I started intermittent fasting today. So far so good!
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    I like the idea of posting here or making a group even. Nice to have continuous support rather than setting birthday goals to the side to be forgotten
  • Booksandoceans
    Booksandoceans Posts: 38 Member
    11.14. I'd like to maintain and be 140 or a bit below. As of today I'm 140.0.
  • Daniv84
    Daniv84 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all! So just checking in! Thursdays are always so tough for me! I usually mess up big time BUT I feel like I did pretty good, better than usual so one tiny victory. Where is everyone from? Pennsylvania here.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I haven't seen anybody else on the 12th yet. Do I have a birthday buddy??

    I think it would be great to check in here too. :)
  • ilovefastcarstoo
    ilovefastcarstoo Posts: 115 Member
    I'm from St. Louis Missouri. Go Cards!
    My small victory was going to the gym last night after work and this morning before work. Would like to make it a routine :)
  • Daniv84
    Daniv84 Posts: 12 Member
    Nice job!! You can do it! I have been setting my alarm for months now to get my butt up 45 mins early to do a quick workout and never do HA! I am going to set that goal to start tomorrow though. Your small victory inspired me. :)
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    I want to join too! My birthday is at the beginning of November and I would like to hit the 140s by then. My ultimate goal weight is 140 and I hope to hit that by the end of the year. I am 161 lbs right now and have lost 24 lbs since April. I am going to add you all so you should be seeing a friend request from me shortly.
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    My birthday is Nov. 12th, I'm not gunning for any particular weight to hit by then as my weight loss has been somewhat inconsistent. However, I want to see myself still following my nutrition and exercise goals come my birthday. :)
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    My birthday is November 29th and I am trying to lose 10 lbs by then. Hopefully I can make it!
  • Reader818
    Reader818 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm November 19! Lots of Scorpios around here. :) Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm starting to engage in the MFP community more to help keep me on track after diving headfirst off the wagon in July. I'll favorite this thread and check back!