Fall Marathon in Texas 2016

After an almost 2 month break, I am going to begin training on Wednesday July 27, 2016 for the November 13, 2016 Fort Worth Marathon. I would like to hear from other users who might be running this same Marathon or those who might be training for one around the same time. Feel free to share your Marathon training journey and any advice. Those who have run 5K & 10K distances and those who have trained for 13.1mi & 26.2mi. should feel free to share any tips that they have for the rest of us. Happy Running Ya'll !


  • swjinx
    swjinx Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on getting back in the running game! I'm fairly new to running so I have no advice :) but am considering running my first 5k this fall in Fort Worth. I'd like to follow this for anyone who does post anything helpful. Best of luck training!
  • gorple76
    gorple76 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm just over 7 weeks away from my first marathon and the panic is starting to set in. Feeling very anxious, questioning the training plan, worrying about my feeling strategy, everything?! Any advice in keeping calm would be really welcome.....
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I'm what I'd call a re-rookie. I ran in High School, College (not competitively) and with Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. All of that was a long time ago. Two years ago I started walking, after surgery, which evolved into running. This spring I entered my first 5K, enjoyed it, entered another, entered a 4 miler and then a Half Marathon.

    Well, as I mentioned on the Long Distance Runner's Group page, I believe we all have self doubts, frustrations, questions, dreads et al. which must all be overcome. If it was easy everyone would be running these races and there'd be no reason for us to try. My half is 6 weeks away (September 25). My most recent long run, 8/6 was 11 miles and this Saturday I'm to go 13. I have that 4 miler on 8/20. After getting through the 11 miles, although I believe I could make the additional 2.1 miles, it sure does not seem like it's going to be fun. I guess we'll see this Saturday ;-).

    What I'm rambling on about is: Training is hard, I think it's supposed to be so that the race is, maybe not easy, at least, easier. There are times when you don't want to get the work in, there are times when it's not work at all. There are times when you just don't want to do it. There are times when you can't wait to get out on the road and run. (Turn, turn, turn) Success is not made in the race; it is made, born, raised and nurtured in the training. The race is just the graduation ceremony celebrating the hard work put in in training.

    So, lace them up, get out on the road, get the work in and remember, above else, to smile for the finishing photo. We all have doubts and dreads. They are the flip side of accomplishment.

    Hope I've helped. If not, please disregard the above.