New mums weight loss


I've recently had a baby and started back at losing weight again, I've lost 10lbs so far and I want to lose another 40ish lbs maybe. I'm not too sure just yet. I'm wanting more friends who are in a similar situation for support and motivation


  • Hey I'm Danielle.
    I just had a baby 4 almost 5 months again and I'm trying to lose 100lbs. I just started today. Feel free to add me.
  • catestevam
    catestevam Posts: 27 Member
    My baby is 13 months today...which I guess is considered a toddler now. He's still a baby to me :) I'm trying to lose 30 pounds to start, and it has not been easy so far. I know it sounds like an excuse, but there seems to be no time left in the day for exercise. I got up extra early this morning thinking, okay I'm going to have a coffee and get on the treadmill. Of course, 30 seconds into my cup of coffee--baby decided to wake up. I'm determined to figure this out! Add me!
  • Emily_Phillips20
    Emily_Phillips20 Posts: 16 Member
    Added you both
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    My baby boy is 4 days old and I'm want to lose about 60lbs. :)
  • gemgemzxox
    gemgemzxox Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    My little one is 11 months. I've lost a stone so far, but have been stuck in a rut the last few months. I want to lose 20lbs starting tomorrow. I will succeed, I am saying out loud lol. Add me I could do with all the motivation I can get. I'll be working out at home, as I just don't have the time for the gym at the mo! We can do this ladies!
  • Portia882016
    Portia882016 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 6 months post partum and would love the support! I'm needing to lose 60lbs in total but would be happy to lose 30lbs by Christmas. Plz add me! I need mommy friends! Lol
  • haianna4nguyen
    haianna4nguyen Posts: 22 Member
    Just had my 3rd baby boy almost 2 months ago. I've got the green light to get back at it. I am exclusively breastfeeding so I'm not sure if me burning those calories even come into play.
    Add me would love to motivate and could use mre accountability. =)
  • Emily_Phillips20
    Emily_Phillips20 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks I've added you all! X
  • bmmacintyre
    bmmacintyre Posts: 20 Member
    Just had my third boy 6 months ago. Have lost 10 lbs so far and hoping to lose 30 more.
  • weightliftingbarbie
    weightliftingbarbie Posts: 156 Member
    Hiya! I have a 4 month old boy, feel free to add me :)
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    Hiya. I'm still breastfeeding my 10 month old and have 30lb to lose. I'm not sure about my calories- I've set it at 1300 to begin with. Feel free to add me. :)
  • ddubbikermom
    ddubbikermom Posts: 13 Member
    13 month old also! Goal 50 # by June. Welcome friends - feel free to add me.too!
  • snoopyjet
    snoopyjet Posts: 82 Member
    Hi My baby is almost 5 months, I'm still breastfeeding and would like to lose app 8 kg (of fat) ;) I'm not sure how should I set my kcal. Feel free to add me so we can exchange ideas. Does any of you exercise?
  • peachi86
    peachi86 Posts: 5 Member
    well, im not a new mommy, but I am a mother of 2. my babygirl is just 22 months old. and now i definitely need to get back in shape. but it is still a long way to go (like 15 kg). i hope to find the right motivation over here :)
  • Byrnison
    Byrnison Posts: 2 Member
    I've a 10 month old and a two year old and been struggling to shift the extra weight I've gained over the last few years so started a week past on Sunday and have lost 5lb. I've about 3.5-4 stone to lose all in so a fair bit to go but moving in the right direction. I'm all new to MFP so haven't worked out how to add friends (didn't even know that was possible lol) but any extra support and motivation would be fab so please feel free to add me!

    snoopyjet - I've been going out for a walk for some exercise whenever I get the chance. Some days I've managed a good hour plus, some days it's a wee 15 min walk round the block but it all helps. I've been really enjoying just getting out with my iPod on having some much needed me time! I know it's difficult being doing gyms and classes when you're breastfeeding and need to be near baby when they're so young just in case they're hungry. My two were extra clingy too while I was ebf so I could never stray that far anyway, hungry or not. How about some YouTube exercise videos?

  • Emily_Phillips20
    Emily_Phillips20 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I'll add you all now
  • Doctorwhoves
    Doctorwhoves Posts: 6 Member
    Breastfeeding mom here too. 6 months postpardum
  • Cmielczarek
    Cmielczarek Posts: 6 Member
    I have a 4 year old and youngest is now 15 months old and still very clingy.. Trying to lose 10-15 lbs of this baby weight by November... Crossing fingers. My form of exercise is literally running in one stop for 42 mins.. (Watch a show on Netflix) while my little one sleeps ha ha.. My husband thinks I am crazy but if she wakes up and doesn't see me she freaks out so it's what I can do right now..never had to do this with my first child.. .please add me....would love more motivation.
  • SliverBulletsUK
    SliverBulletsUK Posts: 267 Member
    Hey ladies, congratulations on your little ones !!

    @daniellegolden0316 that pic is sooooooooooooooooooooo cute :)

    I'm a pt, focussing on weightloss for mummies. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Emily_Phillips20
    Emily_Phillips20 Posts: 16 Member
    added you guys x
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    Please add me! My youngest baby is 6 weeks old and I'm finally starting to work on the baby weight
  • FatPorkyChop
    FatPorkyChop Posts: 83 Member
    Hi guys,
    Same battle here, my daughter is 7 months old and I have 8 kilos to lose! I had a c section and I was a bit all over the place for a while but now I have decided to stop letting myself go. My baby is still not sleeping well at night which really affects my motivation. I actually put on weight since I gave birth... But enough is enough. Any extra motivation is more than welcome so feel free to add me.
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    I have a 7 month old and a 5 year old. I'm wanting to lose 70 pounds. I just start going to the gym at least 3 times a week (I work with mentally handicapped adults and they have doctor orders for 30 minutes of exercise 4 days a week. So taking them to the gym makes it easier on me to actually get up and go). I'm excited to get back to pre babies weight.
  • krissyrose
    krissyrose Posts: 1 Member
    I've never tried the community part of the app before. I have a 3 year old and a two month old. I would like to lose 15-20 pounds. I am looking forward to cheering on others and having other moms keeping me accountable. Good luck everyone!
  • Emily_Phillips20
    Emily_Phillips20 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, added you all