How often do you weigh yourself?

Hi all, I joined this group a few years ago but haven't been active since then. I've been tracking calories for about 10 days and have been trying to figure out exercise too.

My question is, how often do you weigh yourself? I don't own a scale so I plan on using the scale at the Y. I'm just not sure if once a week is too often.



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Once a week is fine. Anything more than once a day, IMO, is too often.
  • Alli4Chocolate
    Alli4Chocolate Posts: 139 Member
    I won't weigh myself daily because I know it can be a deferment, so what I will do is measure on how my clothes fit. So, I guess to answer your question, I weigh myself (when I am trying to lose weight) once a month, but once I reach my goal, I will then weigh myself once a week.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited August 2016
    Every morning. I lose so slowly that I need to nip weight gain in the bud. I easily gain a couple pounds in a week without monitoring.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    Every morning after going pee before breakfast.
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    I used to weigh daily but it was a struggle to not allow my mood to be influenced by the number.

    Now I rely more on the way my clothes feel and where I am at on my belt notches.

    I weigh in a couple times a month.
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    Once or twice a week. I never weigh myself when i feel the onset of pms until it's over.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I weigh daily, but the scale is in my house. I put the number in mfp and occasionally look at the chart.
  • brit4896
    brit4896 Posts: 58 Member
    I weigh every morning before I do anything. It's probably not the best idea but for some weird reason it keeps me motivated.
  • healthy491
    healthy491 Posts: 384 Member
    Every morning , but I would like to stop weighing myself that often.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    Every morning after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything and wearing the same items if any :smile:

    I then enter the number into my free account (available to anyone even without a device) and it automatically forwards to MFP (with the announcements turned off) and and

    These sites let me look at my weight level trend as opposed to my daily weight which is subject to large scale water weight changes.

    Happy Scale for the iphone and Libra for android have similar functionality.
  • PleasantDisarray
    PleasantDisarray Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh myself every day and put them into the app HappyScale - it's an app that plots your weights over time and then smooths it out into a much less fluctuant trendline. It keeps me sane during what could otherwise seem like fairly irrational ups and downs. :)
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    gotta say... i used to weigh myself daily and learned a lot about my water flactuations and since i lost most of the weight, i lost the habbit of doing it daily and i kinda gained some weight back so i'm going back to weighing myself daily again...
  • hayleyf6051
    hayleyf6051 Posts: 52 Member
    I do everyday so I can keep a weekly average
  • KittiesGoMew
    KittiesGoMew Posts: 23 Member
    Every morning after I pee, before I eat or drink and wearing (or lack of) the same things every day. I also so I can see my weight trend. It really helps to see that I am actually losing weight even when sometimes it doesn't always feel like it :)
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I changed my mindset yesterday.

    Fed up of losing these pounds for the THIRD time, I'm looking at things a different way. My measured weight is now a lagging indicator of my overall health and fitness. I'm training for a century bike ride in just 7 weeks time, and I'm looking forward to working out how I'm going to complete a triathlon next year.

    So in recognition of this, I've decided that having the scales in my bathroom is pretty meaningless. They've been ceremoniously removed to the bottom of my wardrobe, only to be recovered on the 1st of each month for my regular weigh/measure session.

    No longer am I beholden to daily (twice daily?) measuring and kicking myself when the number creeps up half an ounce. No longer do I put nutrition on the back seat at the expense of chasing down calories.

    I changed my mindset and it feels good.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I probably weigh myself a few times a week. I won't weigh myself at least for 24 hours after a workout as I know I can be about 2lbs heavier due to muscle repair. So this week I've only weighed myself once this morning as I didn't workout yesterday. Then I'll probably weigh again on Saturday as I'm not working out on Friday or Saturday. I only really pay attention to the scale at the end of the week though. The weigh in today was just to check I'm on track and haven't gained. Although when I first started logging/losing I weighed myself every day. Now I'm nearing maintenance, I've eased up a bit x
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    Rarely. When I get to the doctor, which is about once every two years, if that. For me body fat % ( I'm 23%) and measurements plus appearance is more important than what the scale number is. It ( the number on the scale ) fluxuates by the hour, I'd go crazy watching that number.
  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    Daily, before my morning shower.

    It is both my policing and my motivation. I spent too long being scared to stand on the scales and living in the ignorance is bliss mindset. Now I know I will be weighing every day and nothing will be a surprise.

    I have become more attuned to my body and can feel much more accurately when I am bloated or when I am shedding. I find it helpful.