30 something moms still working hard and working out



  • lindseyjhu
    lindseyjhu Posts: 5 Member
    What a great group of ladies! I'm a 36yo single mom with a 7yo - I log my meals, eat very healthy most of the time, and work out, but fall into unhealthy habits that are causing me to gain weight and feel gross (that didn't cause so much of a problem when I was younger, but I can't get away with them anymore!) I'm looking for accountability partners to help me stay on track - add me if you are too!
  • kellyh529
    kellyh529 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a 32 year old stay at home mom. I am currently enrolled in online college courses and i will receive my degree in October. I am really nervous to join the workforce again and balance work and family. Trying to maintain my weight and get fit and healthy. I feel like i am struggling to do this alone and would love to find some motivation and be able to share struggles. Add me.
  • Caremy24
    Caremy24 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 36 and have a toddler that will be 2 in September. I work full time as a social worker on a Dementia unit. I have about 30lbs to lose still. Everyone add me!!!! I love having motivation!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Mom to a 12 and 7 year old. Work full time and have 40 to lose....please add me too!!
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    I'm 39 and a mom of 4 boys. I've lost 20 pounds so far but want to be much leaner. Add me too!
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free to add me!!!! I'm looking to lose the baby fat. lol.
  • heathereve78
    heathereve78 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me too! I am 37 and a mom of 2 girls, ages 17 and 3. I work full time and am trying to balance everything while still finding the time to work out. I have lost 29 lbs so far and still have quite a ways to go so I'm looking for friends to help me continue to stay motivated.
  • taylorbella7235
    taylorbella7235 Posts: 1 Member
    I was 250 and I've lost 20lbs. 80lbs more to go! I have a 4 year old and an 11 year old. Need all the motivation I can get!
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    I'm a single mom of three. Looking to break free of emotional/junk/binge eating and eat for health. Feel free to friend me!
  • CMayBos
    CMayBos Posts: 43 Member
    Mom of two littles 19 months apart, the youngest 5 months! Getting back on here and looking for all the motivation and support I can get! Have about 45lb to lose!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    32....SAHM to 4 kids ages 8,7,5 & 2. I run and lift as my main exercises
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello I am 36yrs old with two children (aged 10 & 8). I need to shift 123lbs....only lost 8th to date...its going to be a long journey! But it's got to be done! I work 4 days a week and sometimes full time when work need extra cover...its those weeks I struggle to fit my exercise in! Please feel free to add me as a friend..am happy to support and would love all your tips and ideas also! Thanks ☺
  • sfa90
    sfa90 Posts: 105 Member
    I am not in my thirties.. 26, but I am a single mom of a 7 year old, I am a fulltime student and I work 16 hours a week. Father is not in the picture, So I have my son with me everyday. I exercise 5 days a week. I am trying to lose around 30 pounds. I've already lost 40 pounds.
  • joyceghazal
    joyceghazal Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm 31. I have a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old baby. Gained around 50lbs. with my pregnancies and now I'm working on losing them. I'm eating around 1250 calories a day and I started the Couch to 5k program and I'm doing a weight training video at home twice per week. So far, it's going well. I'm hoping I'll stick to this!
  • 623cece
    623cece Posts: 5 Member
    38 yr old mom of a 17 yr old, working a full time desk job. Trying to loose weight but need motivation. I go to the gym at least 3x a week and just got back into this MFP. I love food but also want to look fit.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I'm 37 and a mum of four - 13 (g) 11 (b) and 7 year old twins (b/g). I work full time. I've lost 150lbs or so and been maintaining for two years. I got qualified as a personal trainer and now I'm trying to also build a PT business on top of everything else, while also losing the last 20 lbs or so that I'd like to go!

  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a 36yr old mom of kids age 13, 7, and 6. I also work full time and my hubby works shift work, so am on my own for half the month. I've had success using MFP in the past, but fell off track for a while. I am setting to refocus, mainly focusing on strenghth training and building up my running. I have 25Ibs to lose and would love to get some friends in a similar situation. My friends list has also dwindled over time!
  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    edited August 2016
    This looks like a great group! I peeked in and started reading before I realized I turned 40 in May, still having a hard time admitting that I guess. I am a momma of 4, work, and going back to school myself. I am here for my own sanity! It is hard for us busy moms to make the time to take care of ourselves but I am starting to learn it is crucial! Add me if you would like! We can do this mommas
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 37 with a 3 year old and 5 year old and I'm expecting again in beginning of January. I also work full time. I feel your pain. It's so hard to stay motivated. I'm not logging right now, but I'll have about 40lbs to lose after baby is born and the initial pregnancy weight comes off. I'm good about exercising, but crap about my eating and beer habits.

    I also tend to fall into the attitude that I'm old, and a mom, and there is just a certain level of fat that I can live with. lol. Before this baby I was flat stuck at 190lbs. I'd dip below it and then a couple weeks later be right back up. Apparently that is just the size my body likes. I'd ultimately like to weigh closer to 100 than 200. Seriously could be happy at 145lbs. I'm 5'4".
  • blueyedncrazy
    blueyedncrazy Posts: 15 Member
    Add me!