Difference between Jillian Michaels workouts?


I am new to this site and the boards here and just wanted to pose a quick question. Is there a difference between the results of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30? For example, is 30 day shred more for losing weight and Ripped in 30 more for toning? I'm trying to get back down to a weight I was at before going away to college 2 years ago, so I was wondering if I should start with the shred to lose the few pounds, then after move on to Ripped to tone and keep up an exercise routine.

My other question is if I started one of these programs, would I need to do another type of exercise with it? Like running every other day or so? I've been running every morning, but feel I need something with a little more of a push to get rid of these last few pounds.

Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated :)


  • mllatiolais
    mllatiolais Posts: 1 Member
    Jillian has a free podcast on iTunes, and if you follow her on Facebook, she often tells you when to call in to the show for questions. She'd probably be the best person to answer your question =D
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Shred and Ripped are similar in that she uses the same circuit format or 3 minutes of strenght, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. The exercises are a bit different. Shred has 3 levels to be done for 10 days each. Ripped has 4 levels to be done 7 days each. So, you don't have to start with any particular one.

    Of course you can do other exercise at the same time!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Both workouts are for losing weight and toning, although you would lose more inches than anything else. From personal experience, I would say to do the 30 Day Shred first as it is the 'easier' of the two. I burn more calories doing the Ripped in 30 than the 30 Day Shred but like the 'atmosphere' of the 30 Day Shred more. They're only around $10 each, so it wouldn't even break the bank to buy both of them.
  • Hi

    I have both DVDs. I got 30 day shred first and then ordered Ripped in 30 when that came out. They're both brilliant. Having used both I would recommend that you start with the 30 day shred. If you're already quite fit due to your running you might find level 1 of 30 day shred too easy, I did, and may want to move straight onto level 2. Once you get the hang of the way Jillian does these workouts you could move on to Ripped in 30 of which there are even more levels to progress to.

    Basically, I found that Ripped in 30 was a progression of 30 Day Shred rather than the other way round.

    Hope that helps! :happy:
  • michellewilliams10
    michellewilliams10 Posts: 37 Member
    Interesting thread.

    I will be doing day 10 of, Level 2 of 30DS later today and have been wondering what to do after my 30 days have finished. ......I think I now have the answer . I will buy ripped soon.

    My question is: should I wait for any period of time between 30DS & Ripped or get straight into it? Anybody got any advice.
  • Michelle

    I suppose its a personal thing but it probably wouldn't do any harm to have a few days break in between the two DVDs so that your body can recover seeing as you use weights in the workouts. It depends really how you feel in yourself.

    If you are increasing your weights when doing the weights part of the workouts then I would definetely have a break in between the DVDs but if you're using very light weights then I don't think you would necessarily need to have a break in between.

    I'm doing a programme of strength training at the moment (New Rules of Lifting for Women book) and its really important when doing this to give your body time to recover between workouts so I'm just thinking along those lines but the weights in the Jillian Michaels DVDs are much lighter.
  • alm100509
    alm100509 Posts: 2
    I'm just afraid of my thighs bulking up during ripped. but if they are both intended for weight loss and toning, I'm guessing that won't be an issue?
  • No it won't be an issue alm. Its really really hard for women to 'bulk up' due to our lack of testosterone. After a workout you may look and feel like you've bulked up a bit but its most certainly temporary and will disappear.
  • michellewilliams10
    michellewilliams10 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks Georgie, I haven't been using proper weights - only baked bean tins which are only 400g or so. Lol. Still get a good workout though! I was intending to start my next DVD with 1lb weights & gradually build up as I revisit each DVD.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    I did 30 day shred a yr ago and lost weight and toned at the sametime. Level 2 was the hardest. I then did Ripped N 30 and I lost ALOT of inches and toned really good everywhere especially my stomach.. You will get great results. Level 3 was my fav hard workout but worth it.. I did each level 10 days but that was me... Good luck and you wont be sorry..