Are there any foods that are banned in your head?



  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    My brain has trouble with full-sized candy bars. Last week I really wanted a candy bar and had plenty of calories to make it work. But I just could not buy a regular sized candy bar. So I bought a bag of fun sized and (as you can probably guess) promptly ate just as many calories in fun-sized candy as I would have if I'd just bought one full-sized bar. No idea why my brain rebelled at buying the blasted candy bar.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    You aren't crazy, but you should really be critical to stuff you hear. I also think you should stop thinking you are sinful for eating. If you love something, fit it in. Bagels are not empty calories. Is there a special time something stops being empty calories? Why would Alfredo sauce be bad?

    I don't do this, I don't ban anything, but I avoid foods that don't satisfy and trigger overeating, foods I don't like, and the few foods I'm allergic to (especially kiwis).
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited August 2016
    I don't abstain, but there are foods I choose to purchase in restaurants, buy individual servings of, or eat from other places rather bringing them in the house. I learned that Nutella, for instance, is hard to keep in the house. I don't miss it if it isn't there, but if it is there I eat a lot of it all at once.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Have I banned any foods? It's fair to say that I've banned gratuitous leftover cakes and pastries at the workplace, as I've declined to partake on days when I had room in my calorie budget. I chose to wait for my variety of food groups dinner at home.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    No, I don't. There are lots of foods I usually don't want and don't eat (like traditional fast food, which I only ever think about eating on a road trip) and other foods that typically don't fit into my calories/eating plan so I have them rarely, but it's actually important to be that nothing be banned. Even if I pretty much never eat it, that I could if I wanted to is part of my understanding.

    It's interesting that you put pasta in that category, as I think of pasta as a base for quite healthy and fast meals with a reasonable number of calories -- basically mixed with a topping of lean meat, veg, and olive oil, with the pasta kept to a sensible serving.

    Alfredo sauce is high cal, but I bet there are homemade ones that you could play with to make a more reasonable number of calories -- the trick is logging it yourself and figuring out the calories and (sometimes) how to cut them, not just assuming something must be too high. That's what I found valuable about MFP -- it's easy for me to estimate calories now, and to play around with something to decrease them, if I want. (Sometimes it's not worth it and better just to have it rarely and fit in the calorie hit.)
  • 87sid
    87sid Posts: 67 Member
    I don't know that I would particularly say banned, but I don't know if I trust my self to have a pint of Talenti in my freezer. I haven't checked the nutrition facts but I assume they arent great and it isn't worth it to me. I also somewhat avoid going out to eat at restaurants because figuring out all the info to make it fit into my allowance is too much of a headache.
  • hmltwin
    hmltwin Posts: 116 Member
    Some things, I outright won't eat because I don't like them. I don't care how many people tell me that Greek yogurt is delicious and full of protein. It smells... really horrible to me. Y'all can have mine (I'm not sure how you eat it, to be honest). Other things, I avoid because I know they contain migraine triggers. No matter how much I love them, I can't have them near me or I will eat enough to end up with a migraine (cordial cherries, nacho cheese chips, marachino cherries... anything with Red 40). I'll eat some of them out, because I can limit them (i.e. - a single cherry on my sundae is safe, 1 nacho chip is safe... my sister eats the rest of the little bag.)

    However, there are other things where I have to tell myself, "I can eat this. It fits in my calorie limit today." Fast food is one of them. I'm going to an outside concert tonight directly after work and the plan is to get some fast food for dinner. I'm just a little worried because in my brain, all fast food is "BAD." I know that it doesn't have to be. I can make good choices and some of the things I have no trouble eating are far worse (ice cream sundae?), but... yeah, my brain keeps saying, "Fast food is bad when you're on a diet."
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    Baskin Robbins banana going
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I don't ban any foods, but there are definitely foods I don't keep around my house regularly. (Looking at you, chips.)
  • kermax39
    kermax39 Posts: 149 Member
    edited August 2016
    I find just having a bite or a tiny portion is harder than banning it, so some of my banned foods are anything deep fried and battered, butter, pastry, double cream in sauces, proper quiche, peanut butter. I still eat chocolate, crisps, mcdonalds, chinese takeaway, just try to choose the best calorie wise.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    No...I eat a lot less of certain things and my diet overall is pretty on point...but no, food doesn't make me feel guilty and I haven't banned any foods. Pasta seems like a weird one to me...there's absolutely nothing remotely wrong with pasta.
  • thatdesertgirl777
    thatdesertgirl777 Posts: 269 Member
    I tend to avoid things when I'm out to eat that are hard to estimate (French fries at a sit down restaurant, for example)... Since I only have 1400 calories to work with, there are several things I love but don't eat because they just aren't worth the splurge to me.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    only ones i hate like eggplant and tofu
  • thenananator
    thenananator Posts: 273 Member
    Yes, I have to forbid chips and salsa because I cannot control those binge impulses yet with that particular food. I went to lunch with a friend last weekend and I counted out 14 chips and used the green salsa and that wsa OK but it was so hard it was almost not worth it. Boo
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    None banned, but as others have said, sometimes I do think twice about the calorie cost, and whether the item is worth busting the budget for - usually its not. Its like the difference between croissants from a bakery in Paris and ones from the supermarket. One I may indulge in if I want, the other - no.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Nothing banned. There are foods I don't frequent but not banned, per se. I used to think if I banned them then I'd stay away but that just raised the temptation and increased the guilt when I indulged so it totally defeated my purpose. Now I just have foods I frequent more than others and some I enjoy on occasion. Nothing is off limits and I see more success that way. :smile:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Yep, things that I could only afford to have like 1/4 cup of it due to the high calories, I just ixnay the whole thing. not worth it when 1200 cal has to last all day. Soda, juice, shakes, Ice cream, cheesecake, cookies, cake, pasta, pastries, candy other than the 20 cal hard ones, fast food, Mexican, Chinese, sausage, bacon, fried anything. Off limits completely. It's much easier than being tortured with miniscule portions. I notice I didn't even count potato chips because I don't like them lol. but yeah any sort of junk food is a big ol' no.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Not "banned" per se, but I avoid Mexican restaurants because chips/salsa are my kryptonite.
  • Cintirich
    Cintirich Posts: 22 Member
    edited August 2016
    Turkey as a replacement for beef (ground, hamburgers, hotdogs, bacon etc.), brown rice, whole wheat whatever, quinoa, flax seeds, low fat, low sugar... the list goes on. Any "healthy" food or food products like that I shy away from. I fell for all of that healthy-this-healthy-that nonsense hook, line and sinker and feel foolish now eating any of that stuff.

    Can someone explain the above? I started 9 days ago on my journey to losing 50+ lbs and I've been actively excercising and have completely changed my diet. I have been eating "healthy" since then, including brown rice (small portions to avoid too many carbs) instead of white, Brownberry Oatnut bread instead of the white bread that the rest of my family loves. Low fat mayo instead of my beloved Hellman's, ect... No fast food at all and no unhealthy snacks like cookies, ice cream, cheese and crackers ect.

    I'm down 6 or so lbs and almost an inch and a half, so it's working so far, but I'm still curious about the comment above, Thanks!