Just not losing weight :(

carlalwhite14 Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I have followed mfp calorie goal to the tee for 2 weeks. It's paired with my jawbone up so allows for any extra calories through exercise. I only eat 50-70% of these back. Even on bad days I have logged everything and moved on. But I'm now still with no weight loss and if anything I have gained 3/4 lb. My exercise is walking and one clubbercise class so I am not convinced I'm gaining muscle as surely I need some form of strength or resistance training. I know to fall off plan is worse than to keep going but when I get no positive results at the end of it its very demotivating. Any advice? Mfp goals = 1.5lb loss per week sedentary lifestyle, calorie goal is 1370 per day (I weigh 207lb) x


  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks which is not a long time. You're making changes to your health and exercising so allow your body some time to catch on to what your doing. If a month has gone by and you haven't lost anything, then I would say to take another look at your numbers as they may be off. Make sure you take body measurements too. Sometimes you'll lose inches and no lbs.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    its been 2 weeks! give it time (and you are correct, definitely not gaining muscle!)
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    Get a food scale and use it if you are not doing so already, portion control takes time to learn and we are used to seeing oversized portions. Log everything that goes into your mouth. Fruit and vegetables have calories in them, so does coffee creamer and juice. No more cheat days. Plan ahead your week. If there is something that is high calorie you want to eat, work it into your calorie budget. You can still have pizza and cookies, you simply can't gorge yourself with them anymore. You don't have to give anything up except over eating.
  • leoffdagrate
    leoffdagrate Posts: 2 Member
    I hit this wall, too, and here's my solution:

    If you find yourself not losing weight while working on a Calorie-counting diet, here's what I do: ignore the exercise calories you're "burning off."

    The settings for your base calorie intake count are a good basis. You've got it set at "sedentary", which will have you eating less calories and relying on whatever exercise you do here and there to "burn off" whatever calories you can. Don't think like that. Bump your setting up to "light" or "moderate" and then just don't include whatever exercise calories you burn. Still keep track of your exercises using your jawbone, have fun with it, maybe even total up the calories burned. BUT don't include that number in MyFitnessPal. Just ignore it. the type of lifestyle setting you select takes into account roughly how much exercise calories you're burning, so anything else you do is actually a bonus.
  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm right where you are - In my third week, and the scale is stuck. I lost 3 lbs the first week and I'm losing inches but not any weight. There are some good suggestions on this thread. I'll try those, and I'll send you a friend request so maybe we can help each other out.
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    2 weeks is really not a lot of time...give it a little longer. You mention having "bad" days...are these due to overeating or indulging or is it near your menstrual cycle? I always either don't lose any weight or have a small gain the week right before my period, and it takes by body a bit to rebound from that. Usually it's not a permanent gain, it's just water weight and bloating that causes the scale to go up. Then the next week things even out and I start losing again. Also, if you find yourself overeating or indulging in foods you think you shouldn't maybe consider allowing yourself a small "cheat" or "treat" every day and just work that into your calorie goals. Totally banishing these foods will only make you crave them more and possibly make you over indulge when you finally get the chance to eat them. I love chocolate so I get the very small bags (at the dollar store) of mini 3 musketeers and pop one or 2 when I need a little chocolate fix. They are 25 calories a piece and since the bag is small and I only buy one bag at a time, I really don't have the chance to gorge myself with chocolate!! Halo Top Ice Cream is also delicious and tastes soooo good you swear you're cheating on your diet, but you aren't. ;) I also love popcorn (air popped) and have it almost every night with one teaspoon of dark chocolate chips. The sweet and salty combo is a hit and at 170 calories for 5 cups of popcorn, it's very filling.