20P/30C/5F breakfast ideas

Hey guys, I just started working with a PT and she recommended carb cycling, on non-workout days to eat 20 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbs, and 5 grams of fats. I have some ideas for the other meals (chicken/vegs + carbs if allowed), but brekfast with these macros is just undoable - today I made 4 egg whites with 50g of oats on 3g of butter on a skillet and it was ... disgusting ;)

Please help a girl out and share any ideas you have that will fit these macros!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fat free greek yoghurt?
  • aniakleniewska
    aniakleniewska Posts: 9 Member
    I have to limit dairy, but it's a good start. What about carbs and fat? No fruit allowed.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have to limit dairy, but it's a good start. What about carbs and fat? No fruit allowed.

    fat free yoghurt has carbs in as it doesn't have the fat. add a bit of granola for carbs and fat.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I have to limit dairy, but it's a good start. What about carbs and fat? No fruit allowed.

    have to limit dairy and no fruit allowed for health reasons or according to your PT?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I assume that is supposed to be 50% fats? If so, do the whole egg.

    Also, there really isn't any benefit from carb cycling outsider of personal preference and maybe if you are very lean and highly trained. Calories will determine weight loss. Macros support things like energy balance, muscle retention, vitamin/nutrient uptake, hormonal balance, satiety.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oatmeal with protein powder and some (very few) nuts, maybe, if protein powder is okay.

    That seems really restrictive--do you understand the purpose?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I just logged a meal I've had before: steel cut oats, vanilla protein powder, and hemp hearts (I'd add berries, though). Using only a tsp of the hemp hearts and .75 of a serving of the protein powder (it's whey, though), I ended up with 240 calories, 28 g carbs, 20 g protein, and 5 g fat.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey guys, I just started working with a PT and she recommended carb cycling, on non-workout days to eat 20 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbs, and 5 grams of fats. I have some ideas for the other meals (chicken/vegs + carbs if allowed), but brekfast with these macros is just undoable - today I made 4 egg whites with 50g of oats on 3g of butter on a skillet and it was ... disgusting ;)

    Please help a girl out and share any ideas you have that will fit these macros!

    So 20g of protein is 80 calories, 30g of carbs is 120 and 5g of fat is 45 calories for a total of 250 calories. If this is per meal and you eat 4 that's 1000 calories. So how many meals are you eating?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited August 2016
    Don't take nutrition advice from a PT.

    1. eat when ever you want to doesn't matter once a day or 8 times a day personal preference.
    2. weekly calories- daily Macro's
    3. Unless your working out for an hour plus the calories you eat before a workout more than likely won't help you with energy maybe if you have super low body fat.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you find it's undoable, ignore it. A PT is great to teach you how to train properly, but don't take nutrition advice from them. Arbitrary eating rules are not going to help you achieve anything but frustration. Have a plan that fits your needs, don't try to conform to a plan you don't even have the details for (at the very least, she should have given you a meal plan). Are we talking grams or percents? The numbers don't add up or make sense either way.
  • aniakleniewska
    aniakleniewska Posts: 9 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    have to limit dairy and no fruit allowed for health reasons or according to your PT?
    psulemon wrote: »
    I assume that is supposed to be 50% fats? If so, do the whole egg.
    Also, there really isn't any benefit from carb cycling outsider of personal preference and maybe if you are very lean and highly trained. Calories will determine weight loss. Macros support things like energy balance, muscle retention, vitamin/nutrient uptake, hormonal balance, satiety.
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That seems really restrictive--do you understand the purpose?
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    If this is per meal and you eat 4 that's 1000 calories. So how many meals are you eating?
    This is just the macros for the breakfast on non-training days - I am supposed to eat 6 meals every day, with varying macros, but generally I think 20g protein for each meal (I'd have to check, today is my first day on the plan). I'm fairly fit (161 cm - 5"2, 55 kg, 22% bf) and these guys are going for a nice feminine fit look with their clients (not "fitness" physique). Anyway, I understand this is very restrictive, but I want to give this a try for a month. If I start feeling less than awesome I will stop and go back to normal, healthy eating! :)

  • aniakleniewska
    aniakleniewska Posts: 9 Member
    Have a plan that fits your needs, don't try to conform to a plan you don't even have the details for (at the very least, she should have given you a meal plan). Are we talking grams or percents? The numbers don't add up or make sense either way.
    Having just macros written out is supposed to allow me some wiggle room - so I can eat whatever as long as it fits the macros. The values are in grams, and they vary on rest days and workout days, fo example today was a rest day for me and I was supposed to eat:
    1. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    2. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    3. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    4. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    5. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    6. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    and drink 3 liters of water.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    have to limit dairy and no fruit allowed for health reasons or according to your PT?
    psulemon wrote: »
    I assume that is supposed to be 50% fats? If so, do the whole egg.
    Also, there really isn't any benefit from carb cycling outsider of personal preference and maybe if you are very lean and highly trained. Calories will determine weight loss. Macros support things like energy balance, muscle retention, vitamin/nutrient uptake, hormonal balance, satiety.
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That seems really restrictive--do you understand the purpose?
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    If this is per meal and you eat 4 that's 1000 calories. So how many meals are you eating?
    This is just the macros for the breakfast on non-training days - I am supposed to eat 6 meals every day, with varying macros, but generally I think 20g protein for each meal (I'd have to check, today is my first day on the plan). I'm fairly fit (161 cm - 5"2, 55 kg, 22% bf) and these guys are going for a nice feminine fit look with their clients (not "fitness" physique). Anyway, I understand this is very restrictive, but I want to give this a try for a month. If I start feeling less than awesome I will stop and go back to normal, healthy eating! :)

    what the hell does that even mean? *raises eyebrow* i was asking a question to try to assist you, which you didn't bother answering so i'll just leave it at that. and add that your PT is most likely completely uneducated on nutrition so i would take it for what its worth - a grain of salt. good luck
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    edited August 2016
    Have a plan that fits your needs, don't try to conform to a plan you don't even have the details for (at the very least, she should have given you a meal plan). Are we talking grams or percents? The numbers don't add up or make sense either way.
    Having just macros written out is supposed to allow me some wiggle room - so I can eat whatever as long as it fits the macros. The values are in grams, and they vary on rest days and workout days, fo example today was a rest day for me and I was supposed to eat:
    1. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    2. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    3. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    4. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    5. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    6. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    and drink 3 liters of water.
    if you can eat whatever you want, why no dairy or fruit?
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Have a plan that fits your needs, don't try to conform to a plan you don't even have the details for (at the very least, she should have given you a meal plan). Are we talking grams or percents? The numbers don't add up or make sense either way.
    Having just macros written out is supposed to allow me some wiggle room - so I can eat whatever as long as it fits the macros. The values are in grams, and they vary on rest days and workout days, fo example today was a rest day for me and I was supposed to eat:
    1. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    2. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    3. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    4. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    5. 20 g protein, 30 g carbs, 5 g fat
    6. 20 g p., 5 g f. (no carbs)
    and drink 3 liters of water.

    That's less than a thousand calories...
  • aniakleniewska
    aniakleniewska Posts: 9 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    what the hell does that even mean? *raises eyebrow* i was asking a question to try to assist you, which you didn't bother answering so i'll just leave it at that. and add that your PT is most likely completely uneducated on nutrition so i would take it for what its worth - a grain of salt. good luck
    No health reasons, just according to the PT if I stick this out I will be happy with the results... Feminine fit look meaning something along the lines of a model with some muscle, not Jillian Michaels, if you get my drift. I'm not sure why no dairy or fruit for now (I am fully aware that this is not sustainable for a long period of time and I may be missing some vitamins/nutrients) but I suspect it's about sugars in fruit and fat/sugars in dairy as well (I've heard milk has some lactic sugars which may prevent women from burning fat). I will ask tomorrow during my session.
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    That's less than a thousand calories...
    Wow, I had to count it out and it's true, it sums up to 990 cals which is a bit low (MFP suggests about 1200 for me to lose weight at the reocmmended rate) - for a workout day - tomorrow, I have:
    1. 20 g p., 30 g. c., no fat pre-workout
    2. 20 g p., 30 g. c., no fat post workout
    3. 20 g p., 30 g. c., 5 g. f.
    4. 20 g p., no carbs, 5 g. f
    5. 20 g p., no carbs, 5 g. f
    6. 20 g p., no carbs, 5 g. f
    which comes out to 1020 if my calculations are correct....

    Hmmmm these caloric calculations are making me think a little bit that maybe it's way too aggressive... But at the same time maybe holding out for a month isn't that bad?

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Sometimes one encounters something so ridiculous that you can't laugh, not even snicker, you just want to cry. This is one of those instances. Please, please, OP, stop this crazy, restrictive diet - now. Use your food diary. Log accurately. Train smart. Love your body. Live life.
  • aniakleniewska
    aniakleniewska Posts: 9 Member
    Oh man... Anyway, this: eav0s7me97hy.jpg