Very New, Very Scared

Hello! I'm new to all of this. I don't want to become obsessed with my weight, but I do need to lose a lot of it. I was so much smaller "back in the day." I want to believe I can eat healthier and exercise for an hour daily to get to my goal weight. Is there anyone that believes I can do it if I eat healthier and head to my gym for an hour Monday-Friday? Is that possible or do I need to plan to do more??


  • lizzie_getsfit
    lizzie_getsfit Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it!!! My advice to you is to start small. Add in daily exercise slowly, and make it part of your routine! Start swapping out foods with healthy alternatives! I recently totally cleaned out my fridge and pantry to start fresh, which really helped me with stocking up on good choices! Good luck and no stress! This is a process - take everything one step at a time!
  • XOdjay11
    XOdjay11 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice!
  • MsAshleyKioyona
    MsAshleyKioyona Posts: 3 Member
    Your story sounds like my story I believe you can accomplish anything you want. As they say hard work pays off, if you don't succeed at first try again meaning it probably won't be easy but with a good support system and a nice goal and plan you can achieve eating healthier working out 5 days a week and shedding those lbs you want to get rid of! Good luck on your journey❗️
  • crishcortsmom
    crishcortsmom Posts: 7 Member
    You got this! Let's stay connected. Add me. :)
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    I keep hearing that it's 80% what you eat and 20% exercise, so I would prioritize keeping track of your calories here on MFP. But I'm sure you can do it! Just deal with each day at a time, and track your calories! :) I'm down 15 pounds in about 2 months. I am not perfect but I keep chugging away and just concentrate on eating right that day and exercising as I can around my schedule with my kids.
  • babsy300
    babsy300 Posts: 3 Member
    XOdjay11 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm new to all of this. I don't want to become obsessed with my weight, but I do need to lose a lot of it. I was so much smaller "back in the day." I want to believe I can eat healthier and exercise for an hour daily to get to my goal weight. Is there anyone that believes I can do it if I eat healthier and head to my gym for an hour Monday-Friday? Is that possible or do I need to plan to do more??

  • peterbuller8
    peterbuller8 Posts: 155 Member
    The best thing you can do is not set too high a goal think about what weight you would like to be and work your way to it.
    Set small goals and don't fret if you don't quite hit them on time it took me a long time to get the hang of logging everything .
    As for the exercise remember MFP is designed for you to eat back the calories you burn so if you don't need to eat them then you don't need to do as much.
    If i am going out drinking or for a BBQ like this weekend i exercise more and add it to my calories for that day so i can stay on track but i never get hung up if i go over by a few as long as i'm still losing over all .
    Good luck with your journey this is a great place to start and get the support and help you need along the way.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    You've got this.

    I started 49 days ago and I'm down 17 lbs. I walk 3 to 4 times a week between 2 and 3 miles. When I first started I couldn't walk down my driveway without huffing and puffing.
  • Deadlineordust
    Deadlineordust Posts: 5 Member
    I started a little over 1 year ago and am down 60 pounds so far. It takes time and has its ups and downs so no matter what stay positive.