Wellbutrin sr for weight loss??

Anyone else take Wellbutrin SR for weight loss? Doc just prescribed it for me and I'm unsure what to think


  • cheers2012
    cheers2012 Posts: 16 Member

    This is a good place to start reading about off label uses for Wellbutrin. It's also helpful for ADD and sleep. Hope this helps.
  • cheers2012
    cheers2012 Posts: 16 Member
    BTW, the research shows it DOES help with weight loss. It's worth a try:)
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    cheers2012 wrote: »

    This is a good place to start reading about off label uses for Wellbutrin. It's also helpful for ADD and sleep. Hope this helps.

    Note it doesn't make you sleepy, it changes the quality of REM sleep. I definitely was less hungry on the regular Welbutrin. Good luck.

  • amandarasp
    amandarasp Posts: 1 Member
    I was prescribed this for anxiety/depression (I had low energy and motivation). It definitely boosted my energy but made me jittery. So I stopped taking it. But it is likely that it has stimulant properties, which can make you less hungry and lose weight.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited June 2016
    Vitamin d seemed to really help me. I get it in my women's multivitamin. Worth a try? With pres.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It will probably decrease your appetite and increase your energy. You may also experience shaky hands, difficulty sleeping, and very bizarre dreams. The trick is developing good habits so you don't go bananas eating all the weight back on when you go off the medicine. I took this med in order to quit smoking, myself.
  • Arathels
    Arathels Posts: 6,883 Member
    I take it for depression... My weight loss journey started when I got that prescription and I've lost 60 lbs with in a year.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    cheers2012 wrote: »

    This is a good place to start reading about off label uses for Wellbutrin. It's also helpful for ADD and sleep. Hope this helps.

    It can help you quit smoking to. :smiley:
  • cyan_skye23
    cyan_skye23 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks guys!!! I started the med today. Feeling kinda zombie like but not too bad. I imagine that will even out with time. On the other hand my mood is great! Lol As for eating habits, time will tell. I'm pretty hungry today but it's also the first day. Doc put me on it to help control emotional binge eating. Told the doc I'll try it one month then decide if I should continue.
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I take it in the winter for SAD. It helps me lose weight but I put it right back on when I go off. It also makes my hair fall out, raises my blood pressure, makes my ears ring, and makes me very constipated. But I take it so I can, literally, survive the winter. I would never take it just to lose weight. That's not a criticism, just an opinion.
  • cyan_skye23
    cyan_skye23 Posts: 7 Member
    I take it in the winter for SAD. It helps me lose weight but I put it right back on when I go off. It also makes my hair fall out, raises my blood pressure, makes my ears ring, and makes me very constipated. But I take it so I can, literally, survive the winter. I would never take it just to lose weight. That's not a criticism, just an opinion.

    Thank you. This is definitely something to consider
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    I take it for severe depression. I will probably be on it for life. I did not have any side effects, except for a stabilization of my mood. I did not lose weight on it. I did become more active.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    Arathels wrote: »
    I take it for depression... My weight loss journey started when I got that prescription and I've lost 60 lbs with in a year.
    Same here Dr recommended it for both depression and hopefully weight loss would be a benefit if the depression lifted. Since Jan 2015 80 lbs. lost. All the best!
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    Arathels wrote: »
    I take it for depression... My weight loss journey started when I got that prescription and I've lost 60 lbs with in a year.
    Same here Dr recommended it for both depression and hopefully weight loss would be a benefit if the depression lifted. Since Jan 2015 80 lbs. lost. All the best!

    PS no side effects for me
  • cclorentz91
    cclorentz91 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on Wellbutrin for depression. But my doctor is an expert on it. He says it's one of the only depression medications that increases your energy and doesn't effect libido. Unfortunately it does nothing for anxiety. It really does give you a kick in your step. The way he described it to me was: think of 5 things you'd like to change. Ie. I want to start working out; I want take up a hobby etc - if by the end of 3 months you've accomplished 3 of the 5 things - then Wellbutrin is right for you. I started it May 24th. I have since started going to the gym, eating better and overall am less irritable. Not to mention I've already lost 8lbs! If it doesn't work for you don't be upset. No two people are alike - so you can't expect a medication to effect us all the same. But best of luck - don't give up!
  • baciodolce18
    baciodolce18 Posts: 113 Member
    edited June 2016
    I've been thinking of seeking out a psychiatrist for this to help with anxiety/fatigue/SAD issues. Weight loss assistance would be a nice bonus, especially if it helps with emotional overeating.
  • spinwam
    spinwam Posts: 6 Member
    I started in January for depression and it definitely helped curb appetite and binge eating. Especially in the first month. I feel like the appetite suppression fades but I have been able to maintain a healthier eating program and have lost 50 pounds. Oh, and the depression is way better too!The only side effects for me are difficulty sleeping and really weird, vivid dreams.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Wellbutrin (Buproprion) is also one of the ingredients in Contrave (a medicine marketed for weight loss). The other ingredient is Naltrexone, which probably works by reducing food craving, and perhaps reduces the pleasure from eating certain foods. Naltrexone is for opioid dependence/addiction, it's use in weight loss is off label (except Contrave). Some doctors prescribe the two (buproprion and naltrexone) separately, which is less expensive than Contrave.

    This is just an FYI in case anybody is interested.
  • ItsABreeThing
    ItsABreeThing Posts: 17 Member
    I take bupropion for depression. 450 XL, though. It took about 7 weeks to notice significant weight loss after I started taking it. My boyfriend was the first to notice. I lost about 4lbs. Im not a large person. Keep in mind I had a slow progression of 150 for a month to 300 a month to 450 xl during that time.
    I feel like the appetitie suppressant properties are wearing out on me. I'm getting hungry again throughout the day for regular meals. I was hoping increasing my dosage would decrease my appetite!!
    Anywho. Side effect: constipation (worn off a little, though stool is still dehydrated and not normal as before). terrible sleep (i deal with this by taking plant melatonin. It helps)
    A little about me: 19 yr old female. 125 lbs. 5 feet 3 in. Hardly work out due to my depression since bupropion helps A LOT with that (15min 3x a week from never) ah...
  • Brianneplus3
    Brianneplus3 Posts: 37 Member
    I liked Wellbutrin. It gave me a lot of energy and in return I lost weight. Nothing that I couldn't afford too lose but still, it appeared to be an appetite suppressant. I did up my dose and then it went down hill.....it made my anxiety go thru the roof! Off Wellbutrin I went. Others that suppressed appetite, in my opinion (in those types of medications) were Lexapro and Topiramate (Topamax).