(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    I'm away on vacation and I don't always have a computer. I am trying to keep working out and eating as good as possible. We are visiting family and going to the Calgary Stampede. Next week, it will be back to normal. Thank goodness! xxx
  • journey2size10
    Taking control....
    I preplan my menu for the week and get groceries for only the things that I need. I cook the majority of my food on that same day, so I don't have any excuses about not having something to eat. I prepackage my snacks to control my portions. I limit the amount of times I actually eat out as its hard for me to make good choices, I feel like I can eat a salad at home so why go out? I know that may not be the best mentality but its the truth. These things have helped me maintain my current losses to date, however, I need to figure out the next step to get to my goal?!
  • Hannahrenee86
    I take control by preplanning and by being in charge of the grocery shopping.
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    We all have our own reasons. We just have to remind ourselves of the reasons and try harder to stay focused. ONE DAY, ONE HOUR, ONE MINUTE

    Thanks, Kacione, for the reminder you posted in your response to ranewell on Wed. You are so right...
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Well I cant say I took control today as I cheated not once but twice today!! However, I normally have more control and do that by prepacking my breakfast and lunch that I bring to work. I also try not to keep stuff in the house that I would be more likely to "cheat" with--anything dark chocolate. I also keep a hand written calendar of my daily exercise numbers on my desk. I record all my info on it then into MFP. The reason I do the paper calendar is that I record more numbers than MFP and it lets me see at a glance how much I am improving, in turn that gives me more reason to want to continue to do better.

    The past two weeks have been a bit difficult as life has kind of taken over all my spare time--I really need more hours in a day. I have been trying to eat right and exercise, but I have not been as dedicated as I usually am. I am hoping to get back on track so that I dont have to report any gains from my vacation when I get back.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK: Stay Afloat! Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and fill your MFP cups!

    Todays challenge brought to us by: mindeyc: drinker:

    Have you ever had days that you just did not want to exercise, drink water, or make healthy eating choices? I have my moments let me tell ya. There are moments, sometimes on a daily basis, when my old mindset kicks in and says "you can have one candy bar/cookie/soda, it wont hurt you"....sometimes that one choice can cause discouragement in my journey if i give in. HOWEVER, i often log onto MFP and see how many people are being successful and reaching goals DAILY and it motivates me to push, eat a healthy snack, and drink that extra glass of water. It also encourages me to exercise and push myself harder in my workout regiment. Encouragement is a needed tool in this journey we're all in. Without it, many of us more than likely would not be doing as well as we would be now.
    1. Daily exercise will change one's life-it lowers disease risks, stress, and outlook on life. It also strengthens one's immunity.
    2. Think "healthy" not "thin"--Be sure to meditate on "ideal health" and what this means to you. Focus on FITNESS instead of being skinny of thin for a short period of time....when the focus is on LONG TERM health, the results will mean more and have a much more lasting effect on one's life.
    3. Motivating others often generates a positive mindset towards one's own personal journey.

    ***i challenge each of you to pick FIVE PEOPLE off of your friend list and send them an encouraging message...it doesnt have to be long, just a few words...you may just make someone's day...also, do at least 35 min. of any cardio exercise you'd like***

    (i like all these songs for different reasons, some are encouraging and motivating and others just have a great beat and can encourage some dancing around one's living room, i do that quite often=)...)

    I can easily choose water over sodas (even diet) now...what one thing has gotten easier for you to do on a daily basis that makes your personal journey more rewarding?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    Oh what a great challenge! Thank you mindeyc!!! :heart: it

    to focus on being healthy on the long run is so much better than being skinny, haven't seen it that way yet

    luckily i've always preferred water over sodas. the main thing mfp tought me was to do portion control, so i stop eating when its enough. objectively i am full, when waiting a few minutes, but when i do portions without planning, i would continue eating because its so good:ohwell:
    i believe that i've always eaten healthy (despite ice cream, and i still eat it)

    have a great day you all!!! we can do that!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Wow - great challenge. Mindi you are awesome. I love that reminder to focus on your health not on skinny.
    I have always found water easy and I have never really been into drinking soda or sweet drinks of any kind. My dad even taught me that the best alcoholic drink was scotch and water/ice.
    The one thing that has gotten easier for me would have to be eating breakfast. I have never been a big breakfast person and still occasionally I still skip it but now that is a rarity.

    One hour at a time
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you for today's challenge Mindy I love it!!! Def made me take a step back and think about what my ultimate focus should be which is definitely that of being healthy over all and not just skinny...As far as the water I too have started drinking it more than anything I tell myself when I want a soda or something else "why fill up on that when you could be drinking water" so I love it now and make it my goal to drink TONS of it everyday and it has really helped me I can tell!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thanks yall.....glad to see that i shared some valuable information with you.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Great challenge Mindey!! As I am in my early 40's, and have seen many family members struggle with weight-related illnesses & their side effects over time, I am thinking long haul, and definitely have being healthier & as a result being around longer as my main focus. Wise words, friend!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thank you nsalvatore.....i got it from a great article i read online....but it makes sense, we often think about it from a "now" mentality....i want to be skinny "now" i want to be healthy "now"....we have to think about the long term.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Totally agree! It seems like it is so easy to put weight on, and takes so much longer to take it off! Happy Saturday all!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I didn't see Friday's challenge until just now but what a good one. I did not send notes to people but I did give encouragment to 3 people at work yesterday - one for work issues and two on fitness struggles. Does that count?
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK: Stay Afloat! Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and fill your MFP cups!

    Today's challenge brough to us by: UltraRunnerGale:drinker:

    Try to run today. You can walk or march in place for two minutes then run in place for 30 seconds. Try this for 20 minutes or so. If you walk or run outside, try this trick. It's called "fartleck" it means "speed play". Walk or run slowly then pick a landmark (could be a mailbox, telephone pole, or the next intersection). Then run to it if you are walking or run faster if you are already running. Adds a boost to your workout and gets the heart rate up! And, it's fun!!

    Bruce Springsteen: "Born to Run" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxuThNgl3YA
    Bon Jovi: "Runaway" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s86K-p089R8
    Tom Petty: "Runnin' Down A Dream" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1D3a5eDJIs
    Bryan Adams: "Run To You" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF5LaVkDhyk

    For those who like to run, how do you up the ante on your running workout?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i am now able to do 4 min. running intervals on the treadmill....i have ran on a running track too and it kicks butt, but i try to improve weekly....next week i will try to run 5 min. in a row......i like how it makes me feel, it gets my heart rate up and it makes me feel as though im adding variety to my workout.....one day i want to do a 5k so i need to get to the point that i can run long distances.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I do "hill repeats". I will pick a steep hill and run up it (and leave a water bottle at the top). I recover for a minute or so then run down the hill. I repeat as many times as I can until I can't run up anymore!! I got confirmation that it was working today. I did a course with some rough hills, a course that I had done in April. In April I had to stop mid-hill a few times just to make it up them (one hill is actually called "Big *kitten* Hill" and another one is "Son of Big *kitten* Hill")!! I powered up every single hill (running some) without having to stop once!! :drinker:
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    I consider Saturday's challenge done. I started walking on the treadmill at a pace of 3.8 then 4.5 which is brisk for me, it put my heart rate up. Since I have achilles tendon problem, I jogged for a bit then brisk walked again for a minute or two then jogged for a few seconds & so on. It felt great. Thanks for the challenge.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    SUNDAY JULY 10th - DAY 55! - "Oh yes I can!”

    Today's challenge brought to us by: Ping_A1C2U:drinker:


    Stay afloat! Try not to go over calories every day this week – This is the last day!!

    Instead of focusing on what you can’t do on your weight loss journey, focus on what new found things you can do. A life full of “can’t”s is miserable, but a life full of “I never knew I could”s is exciting and wonderful. Today, make a list of 3 things that you “never knew you could”, and keep it somewhere that you can look at when the “can’t”s become more than you can bear.

    Bonus Challenge: It’s Sunday, it’s a day of rest – but if you do cardio today, do an extra 5 minutes, just to show yourself that you can.

    Oh Yeah – Yello http://youtu.be/8Q7FFjUpVLg
    Fighter – Christina Aguilera http://youtu.be/PstrAfoMKlc
    Beautiful Day – U2 http://youtu.be/co6WMzDOh1o

    I never knew I could jog.
    I never knew I could enjoy healthy eating.
    I never knew I didn’t have to be the largest person in my family.

    What did you never know or believe you could do?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    I never knew I could lose 76 pounds in a little over 6 months
    I never knew I could be pretty
    I never knew I could shop at normal stores at the mall