Is their anyone that weighs 300 pounds out there?

I weigh 300 pounds and working on getting to 150 slow and steady. I have started walking but I am so out of shape so even that is a workout in itself. How did anyone else get started moving more?


  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,506 Member
    In my experience, the more you move, the easier it will get :)
  • abbilowman
    abbilowman Posts: 6 Member
    Walking everyday for at least 30 min will really help you in moving more! I got a Fitbit and it changed my life & my health because I could actually see my progress.
    Also drink tons of water to help flush out water weight & toxins!
    Hope this helps!
  • christareid28
    christareid28 Posts: 47 Member
    My doctor wants me moving more, I bought a Fitbit and didn't realize how much I don't move. I have a friend that goes to the gym daily. I am thinking I should go and use the recumbent bike and treadmill. I doubt I would last very long but I could stop and rest I guess. I am 59 but doctor said I am fine to exercise
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm at 332. Yes, it's a chore to workout, but the more you walk the easier it gets. Basically, it doesn't even have to be walking. Move more, sit less. Any movement is good. I'm trying to get to 150 too.

    The more you lose, the easier it gets to move around. So don't look to kill the 26 mile marathon tomorrow....but if you want to find one in a year and set that for a goal and start training - that might be an idea! :)
  • BuddhaB0y
    BuddhaB0y Posts: 199 Member
    While I respect your doctors opinion and it is good to exercise and move around. I know at our weights it can be painful on the joints. If he is saying he wants you to get more exercise as a way to lose weight, I would respectfully dispute his advice.

    There is nothing that says you can't do both, the exercise will make you feel better and stronger and tone you and give you more stamina, and watching your calories in v calories out will help you lose weight to feel better and make it easier and more enjoyable to exercise.

    As you get closer to your goal weight, obviously exercise becomes much more important, but with 150lbs to lose, it's secondary to actually losing weight.
  • bgallantad
    bgallantad Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 340. Down to 328 now. Biggest thing start now. I have done local small hiking trail for 30 minutes as well as weight lifting. Do I have to stop? Yes. A lot. But every time I go I push myself to go a little further.

    But. The biggest thing that has helped is nutrition. Since changING my eating it has meant everything. 12 pounds so far in one month
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I'm currently at 300 on the dot, but at the start I was around 365 [about 40 pounds of that was water]. The thing that got me started was pure motivation. Back then I couldn't even walk due to a drug allergy [apparently statins can rarely cause severe muscle loss]. I never liked being waited on hand and foot, so I pushed myself to get stronger and regain what I lost. I lost quite a bit of weight along the way.

    I've always been like that. Two years earlier I had been put on medical leave due to gangrene and wasn't expected to be able to work until the end of June, but my stubbornness for not wanting to stay in a walker longer than needed pushed me hard and I was healed enough to work four months sooner than expected.
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    I was 275 when I started out
  • rugbyishy
    rugbyishy Posts: 38 Member
    edited August 2016
    Im at 19st10 which is around 276. I have a garmin but it doesnt register walking with a pram so started tucking into my socks so more accurate. Struggle with food planning sticking to it and over coming low moods. But as you said slow but steady. Good luck X
  • ThePrettyHateMachine
    I weigh 300 pounds and working on getting to 150 slow and steady. I have started walking but I am so out of shape so even that is a workout in itself. How did anyone else get started moving more?

    Hi! I started at 310+ and also have a goal of 150. Currently at 261, down 49 lbs.

    I agree totally with the logging and weighing food. I also eat leaps and bounds better than I did. 98% being vegetables, lean proteins and healthy dairy. I just started walking, mowing whatever would get me moving, for as long as I could handle. It does get easier the more weight you drop. I have also been discussing my weight in therapy, mine was very emotionally/psychologically related. I have a long way to go and it's a slow road, but I didn't gain it over night either. I've currently hit my first "plateau" so I'm trying to vary my exercise and rotate in some different foods to see if that helps. I know it is hard, but better late than never. I had my wake up call one morning getting ready for work; having chest pains. That was the tipping point for me. I don't want to die at 40-45 years old. Good luck to you! Congrats on taking the first step! :)

  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Started at 368, currently 307.

    If it hurts you to do certain exercises, don't do them. I hurt my knees (only in my 20's) trying to do jumping jacks at my highest weight.

    That being said, I'm all for walking! I walk several miles a day, with my Fitbit encouraging me, and it's really helped. Good luck!