How often do you work out and for how long??



  • debrahbeger
    debrahbeger Posts: 34 Member
    xlgman wrote: »
    1 hour of heavy lifting (Stronglifts 5x5 - squat, bench, deadlift, OH press, bent over rows) 3 times per week. Brisk walking for 30-40 minutes 3 times per week, usually on days I don't lift. Consistently losing 1.5-2.0 pounds per week while maintaining muscle and strength so far (14 weeks). It feels very sustainable without being a big drain on my time or causing feelings of being deprived.

    Thats good!!! Right now I leave the gym feeling bad because I always feel like I can be doing more.... but I can't be spending hours at the gym!
  • debrahbeger
    debrahbeger Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS! What a big success! B)

    If you want to "tone," that is 95% diet. You basically just reduce the amount of fat that sits on top of your muscles. I recommend reducing your intake of saturated fats and sugars.

    For muscle growth, what you're doing sounds fine. If you're going for size, I recommend doing the stair master or a walking-pace incline on a treadmill for your 20 minutes of cardio. Mixing in a lot running/intense elliptical exercises actually hurts muscle growth. Take a look at long distance runners' bodies. They are much smaller than a short distance runner. The body actually tries to rid the body of unnecessary weight, including muscle, to increase endurance.

    What you're doing is actually what a lot of people at Gold's Gym recommend. They say 40-60 minutes of weight lifting followed by 20 minutes of cardio. Yes--cardio after weights!

    I first started exercising a little over a year ago doing five miles a day or 45 minutes on an elliptical six days a week. Eventually I moved to 45-60 minutes of weight lifting five times a week and completely cut out the cardio. I'm happy with my progress and absolutely hate cardio so I doubt I'll ever work that back in. Ultimately, listen to your body. What works for some doesn't work for others.

    Thank you!!!!! I hate cardio also!!!!! But I feel so bad when I don't do it... even though it's just like 20 min .. nothing crazy. Do you do any kind of warm up before lifting or just go straight into it?
  • debrahbeger
    debrahbeger Posts: 34 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    It depends on what the exercise is [lifting vs yoga vs cardio]. On lifting days [4 times a week] I lift for about 60 minutes [12 exercises each day, 5 minutes of lifting/rest for each exercise], yoga [once a week] for 40 minutes, and cardio [either walking or doing elliptical once a week] for 30-40 minutes.

    I like that you do a yoga day, that is such a good idea!