Any Keto or LCHF followers

Are there any people following a ketogenic diet or a LCHF diet? If so, what success have you had following this way of eating?


  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've eaten LCHF for over three years now. Lost 45 lbs in seven months, kept it off until I became pregnant with my fourth child. Regained some (obviously, lol) while eating moderate carb during pregnancy, then went back to my normal carb level (50-80 g per day) once she was born. Lost the baby weight in about seven months (I'd gained 50 lbs, I always gain that much) and have kept it off since (she just turned one).

    I really prefer this way of eating; I no longer struggle with incessant hunger, which makes it easier to stay within my calorie goal. I also experienced the unexpected benefit of watching my eczema totally disappear :). That alone would have been enough to keep me eating this way! The weight loss was like a bonus!
  • wianka7
    wianka7 Posts: 36 Member
    That is wonderful to hear @tlflag1620 :) congratulations on losing the weight and maintaining it. I've been eating low carb since January but I'm just not seeing the results that other people are. My weight loss is extremely slow which is very annoying to me. I must admit it is very easy to follow this way of eating. I just wish I could be as successful as other people on this way of eating.
    Keep up the good work and once again congratulations on the weight loss :)
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    I've recently switched from moderate carbs (less than 150 g/day) to low carb (try to keep my net carbs around 50-70 g per day) and I'm also loving it. I am not hungry like I used to be. And while I'm not quite low enough for ketosis, I do get to enjoy fruit or one meal with a little bit more carbs. Helps me keep more variety in my diet.
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    I have been eating low carb for over a year now (on average 50-75g), and I absolutely love it. It's very easy for me to follow, I'm eating all my favorite foods, and I don't feel deprived since I am naturally a carnivore and was never really nuts over carbs in the first place. I did keto for a few months last year and really loved it, but ultimately scrutinizing the carb count became too much mental stress for me, so I'm more flexible now. I also cycle carbs depending on if it's a lifting day.

    If you're unhappy with your results, I'd suggest revisiting your calorie levels, as it may be an energy imbalance. It is very possible to gain weight while eating low carb (been there!) so you may just need to readjust your calorie goal or log more accurately.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    OP, I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out:

    Also, there are several threads re success stories in that group too.
  • Erieo
    Erieo Posts: 12 Member
    Mom of two kids here. My physician who was a former 10 year vegetarian recommended keto. In all honesty, not sticking to it, but would like to. Problem is, I live and die for carbs! And I don't like meat too much. Also, because I already have a good BMI, hard to lose the last 10 lbs. I lost about 11 lbs so far, and have 10 more to go. Switched here from Loseit because it was so laggy and slow. So far loving Myfitnesspal so much better. Last 10 lbs is hard, mutual motivation and accountability could definitely help. Add me!
  • SR_403
    SR_403 Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds in 3 months doing Keto. Giving up sugar wasn't as tough as I imagined and keeping my daily carbs to around 30g is tricky but do-able. The only tough part is eating out socially and finding appropriate meals while having to explain my odd eating habits to people that have never heard of keto. I also recommend cutting back on your carbs slowly over 2 weeks before being strict to avoid the dreaded keto flu.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Low carb is the only one that has worked for me because it's the easiest for me to stick to.
    I gave up refined sugar for a year before deciding to try low carb, because I know that sugar is my greatest weakness and once I'd beat that, givng up bread, spuds, rice and pasta was nothing.
    But -for me- it has to be cold turkey. One tiny slice of brownie and I'm liable to go on a carb bender for weeks.
    Most people would have more self discipline.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    yoonjf wrote: »
    Mom of two kids here. My physician who was a former 10 year vegetarian recommended keto. In all honesty, not sticking to it, but would like to. Problem is, I live and die for carbs! And I don't like meat too much. Also, because I already have a good BMI, hard to lose the last 10 lbs. I lost about 11 lbs so far, and have 10 more to go. Switched here from Loseit because it was so laggy and slow. So far loving Myfitnesspal so much better. Last 10 lbs is hard, mutual motivation and accountability could definitely help. Add me!

    You don't need to eat meat to be low carb. Plenty of vegetarian/vegan recipes online. Google is your friend. ;)
  • Chitchatkat
    Chitchatkat Posts: 19 Member
    Started 2 yrs ago to see if the arthritis pain in my hands would go away and it worked! The weight loss was a bonus. I lost 34 lbs in about 6 months without ANY hunger or carb cravings. I literally NEVER get hungry eating this way but have tons of energy. Now I'm working on trying to burn those last 10 lbs of fat... which will take some macro monitoring and patience! :)
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    Hi!! Friend me..Im keto
  • calmwaters83
    calmwaters83 Posts: 3 Member
    I follow the keto way of eating too. I try to keep my net carbs around 20-25. but do have some targetted moderate carb days (75-150) sometimes on heavy lifting days if I feel like I need it. I have a youtube channel called ``Keto Tara'' if you want to check it out''