Need help...keep motivating me

Gained weight due to hectic travel and eat outs.... need encouragement to drop it and b fit again... talk to me and tell me what u did ....


  • Erika2011MaBelleFille
    I was heavy once, I've lost over 100 lbs and have kept it off for 9 years now. The one thing that I attribute my success that I made a lifestyle change. I watched what I ate and ate every three hours to keep that metabolism burning! Small HEALTHY frequent meals and water really work wonders. I would also suggest planning ahead. Make a list of healthy food you like and how you can fit them in to your lifestyle plan. Try new foods. I wouldn't know what much I like cauliflower until I let myself try it. It's a very versatile vegetable, btw, but that's a differnt topic.
    Much success, I am hoping for you! Make a plan. One step at a time. And keep aiming for your goal. We are here to support you.
  • dustydoodle1
    dustydoodle1 Posts: 4 Member
    get up, wipe yourself off, try try again ;)
  • shalinivivekraj
    shalinivivekraj Posts: 13 Member
    Thank u... wont lose hope... truly motivated !!!