DiamondDolls Week 3!



  • Peruminicana86
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    Sorry, I'm a lil late. I usually go for ground turkey. I can make a turkey burger in no time. I just put it on the foreman grill and it beats going to Buger King (oh how I miss you).

    The one food I don't buy any more is Milano cookies. I swear I could eat a bag of those in one sitting.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I'M BACK! Lol. I'm still a little sick but I'm back at work where I have internet access. :)

    Way to go everyone who did lose weight last week! I'm so proud of you and I think my weigh in tomorrow will show at least a small loss, if only because I've been so sick!

    So let's see.... I MUST have eggs in the house. They're something healthy I can eat when I want a good, savory, comfort-food meal. I have eggs and one piece of small white toast (70 calories and so worth it).

    I cannot have candy of any kind in the house. Or peanut butter. I'm not a PB LOVER like some people, but when it's around I do overindulge so I'd rather just not have it.

    And my weirdest habit..... hmm..... lol when I get undressed at night to go to bed, I typically do it while walking around my apartment. It just sort of happens that way and then the next morning I have to retrieve my various articles of clothing from the couch, the rocking chair, the kitchen table, the bathroom.... I know it's weird. I also walk around the apt while brushing my teeth.

    I did my best to keep in touch while I was away and while I was sick, but I'm definitely back full-force now. :)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Hello lovely ladies!
    I am sorry I haven't been around too much the last couple of days. Congrats to all the Diamond Dolls for a second victory over the DITR! I'm still laid up in the hospital, waiting for them to yank out my gall bladder, but I should be home in time for the next weigh in! Let's kick butt! Green it's time for us to get a win!
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    hahaha i do this too, always has to be even numbers although 5's are allowed.
    i also have to have all the labels the right way round in the cupboard
    and my final "quirk" is that money (obviously notes) all have to face the same way and be the same way up in my purse and i have a weekend job in a nightclub and am the same about notes in the till which can be a bit of a pain when you have 50 people waiting to be served :laugh:
  • tsrsd4
    tsrsd4 Posts: 12
    A strange habit of mine is that if I am walking with two or more people, I always like to be in the middle or have at least one person on either side of me, My friends tease me and try to walk really close together so I can't find a gap to sneak into :laugh: I also tend to laugh at my own jokes... which my friends also tease me a lot for!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hey Ladies,
    This is not the official QOTD but I wanted to get some action on this thread!! What are you all most looking forward to when you reach your goals? Shopping? Park rides? Becoming motivation for someone else?

    For me, the thing I am most looking forward to is ....

    wait for it...


    oh the burn...the burn....:grumble:
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Weirdest habit? I don't like certain colored dishes stacked on top of each other... blue and green and pink and orange. I had Fiesta Ware for a while but switched to white dishes and multi colored glasses so I don't have to constantly rearrange the cupboards.

    The thing I am most looking forward to is .... uninhibited sex and running (although probably not at the same time)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    I look forward to wearing a cute sundresses!! The whole "thighs not rubbing together" thing has it's appeal as well though!!
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    same!! im lookin forward to my thighs not rubbing together! :)
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Sorry I missed my turn to start the question of the day on the 6th. I will make it up to you all!!! I'm back and ready to kick some butt!!!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Also, congratulations to the orange team! You guys did great!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD for July 8th

    I notice a lot of posts, or "about me's" speak of an "a ha" or "that's it" moment. This is the point where we decided that we had to make a change to become healthy. We realized that this time wouldn't be like all those other times we had tried and failed. That this time would be different. That this was it.

    I guess my moment was in nursing class following a conversation. My instructor is in amazing shape. She's tall, thin, flexible, and runs like a million miles a day. Turns out she used to be heavy, and out of shape. Same boat I am in. I asked her how she did it, how did she go from the state I am in to the state she is in. Her response, you guessed it. Eat smaller portions of "better for you" foods, and exercise.

    Why does something so simple as "eating less and moving more" seem so darn difficult?! Long story short, she introduced me to MFP, (apparently I had a profile already that I never used, go figure.) and I have being going hard ever since!

    So, that's my "that's it" moment. Can you define yours?
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    QOTD for July 8th

    So, that's my "that's it" moment. Can you define yours?

    My "that's it" moment was when my mother has been yo yo dieting all of her life. SHe has tried every diet known to man. She even was on a diet where you had to drink a tea made from garlic and apple cider vinegar before every meal! Yuck! I finally said that's enough! This should be simple, eat less move more! Simple but hard at the same time. I also don't want my daughter to go through the same nightmares that I did. So far so good. She's very healthy and loves broccoli!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    My first "aha!" moment was kind of... lackluster. And also kind of funny.

    Have you ever seen the kids' show Arthur? Well, in the show, one family is all dogs, anothe is all rabbits, another is all ardvarks, etc. And my whole life, I always thought that's how it was. Some families were black, some were white, some were fat, some were skinny, some were athletic, and so on. I, embarassingly, didn't think you could change what you WERE. Both my parents were big, my sister was big, I just thought we were all big because that's who we were.

    At the end of my senior year of high school I had the quiet-est, calm-est epiphany anyone ever had, lol. I just sort of woke up one day and realized that I COULD change. I realized that being fat wasn't normal, it wasn't good for me, and I could change it.

    At the time I couldn't fathom/didn't understand all the amazing benefits that come with weight loss, but I'm the kind of person that when I decide what I want, I won't give up until I get it, so once I decided to lose weight I dropped 50 pounds pretty fast.

    Now I'm just under 170 and at 23, I'm finally ready to lose my last 40-60 pounds. My second "aha" moment (which made me realize that 170 is good but not good enough!!) was seeing myself in pictures. Since I had lost so much weight, I had started thinking of myself as thin. Compared to my old self, I AM thin! But not as thin as the me in my head. So now, I want to get to the 110-130 range and truly be a healthy weight for my height. :)
  • twistedsista0408
    Is there any room for another player? I would love to join! I just started MFP but I have lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks! I have a lot more weight to lose.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Mine was when I saw a photo of me from new years eve 2010, I was 30lbs heavier than usual and I didn't like it one bit, even though it was a good pic,I'll go find it and put it in my photos.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    QOTD for July 8th

    I notice a lot of posts, or "about me's" speak of an "a ha" or "that's it" moment. This is the point where we decided that we had to make a change to become healthy. We realized that this time wouldn't be like all those other times we had tried and failed. That this time would be different. That this was it.

    So, that's my "that's it" moment. Can you define yours?

    I suppose mine was a long, drawn out version. I had lost quite a bit of weight several years ago, and through a series of unfortunate events - you guessed it - most of it returned for a visit. In any case, I've spent the last 6 months or so realizing that the existence I had was not the life I wanted. I had lost all vibrancy and joy, really. And then, going from the reality of 1.) Needing to change to 2.) The will to change to 3.) The decision to change to 4.) The commitment to change were all different processes for me, and each took a bit of time.
  • ellisor1230
    So, that's my "that's it" moment. Can you define yours?

    My moment was 2 years ago. I was 22 and a mom of 3, chugging along, enjoying life. Then it hit me.....I was halfway to the age my Daddy was when he passed away from a massive heart attack. And he was only a little overweight. My children don't remember him. They know who he is because we talk about him and we have his pictures all over the house, but it's not the same. I don't want my children and future grandchildren to grow up without me.
  • ellisor1230
    Oh, and this is what I'm most looking forward to! My hubby picked it out about 6 weeks ago. I'm hoping to wear it for our anniversary in December, but if not then, I'll definitely be wearing it by his birthday next July!

  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    My major "aha" moment would have to be the day I went to the Dr for my sleep study results. She told me I needed to be fitted for a CPAP machine and she wanted me to get weight loss surgery. I think this is a great idea for some situations, but not mine. SHe told me women at my size couldn't do it on their own. I grew up with 3 older brothers, when you call me a girl and/or tell me I can't do something, it lights a fire under my butt. One year later, and over 100 lbs down.