
All my life I have been fat. Since I was a child I have always been on the heavier side bigger than the other kids in my class always being made fun of and bullied. Because of this it actually cost me to become anorexic when I was 12 I lost 30 pounds in a month due to not eating almost anything I ended up very sick. After getting some help and getting better I was a healthier weight however I have steadily gained weight back over the years I am now at the biggest I have ever been 324.5 pounds. I am happily married but the current struggle is trying to get pregnant we are hoping to have our first child and so far we've had no luck getting pregnant after a year. My husband is also a big man and we have decided to try to get healthy together in hopes that it will help us get pregnant. I'm looking for any friends who are motivational and encouraging I don't want any negative people I don't want to be bullied I don't want to be harassed I just want encouragement I want happy people who are in the same boat as me who are trying to lose weight to become healthier. I will be happy to add you to my friends list or you can add me to your friends list let's try to keep each other motivated I've been told that the more motivation you have the better the chances of losing weight.


  • ToujouNozomin
    ToujouNozomin Posts: 4 Member
    I'm really new to this site so I have no idea how to add people, but you can add me to your friend's list if you'd like! I was bullied because of my weight too all throughout middle school so I know how that feels unfortunately. It's really the worst feeling when people judge you on your size as opposed to what kind of person you are.
    Regardless of whether you add me or not, I wish you the best of luck! It's a difficult process but I know you can do it! Having someone who's trying to lose weight with you and having a goal in mind is definitely a great way to start and will make everything easier (I was unfortunately on my own throughout most of my weight loss journey, but I made it to the maintenance stage anyways).
    I don't really know how to end this so... :#