Lose 10lbs in July 2011 Challenge -->>Support Group



  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    yes i do feel that way - i didn't step on the scale at all because i feel there won't be any change - and i have 3 reasons to think that way

    1. i'm tired- not enough sleep- and i have worked out very hard- sore muscles so i'm probably retaining some water
    2 . this is the time of the month where i usualy start getting the symptoms, the water retention.. bloating etc.. -
    and i gain arround 3-4 lbs during that time -
    3. i had chilly today and i think chilli is famous for the water retention :) ..

    so i'm not to excited abou the weigh in this week .. but it is what it is.. i'm working on it
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I used to weigh in mondays but I changed to Friday for this challenge. I dread dread dread dread the day when I get on the scale and it goes up...or stays the same.... augh. I had such a marvelous huge burst of early weight loss - 15 lbs in 30 days. I have myself set to 1lb a week but since I eat out about 75% of my meals I guesstimate calories like CRAZY so I tend to try and stay under my allotted 1600 calories.... so I think i've been under eating quite a few days, but I hope I can at least keep a lb a week! I had plenty to lose (60lbs to get to a 'healthy' bmi) so I don't think it was too big of a deal.

    55lbs to lose to weigh 135 which is what I weighed at 16 - and this time I won't think I'm fat, I will bikini it up like there is no tomorrow.

    I am loving it right now for the most part - I do miss my occasional after lunch boba drinks, after lunch cookies/desserts, but I love setting down my fork at 1/2 or 3/4 of the meal eaten and exercising the self control to NOT take another bite (ok...maybe one more). I'd probably be in danger of an ED if didn't love food so much (don't worry guys, I am NOT in danger of that, but I do very much enjoy the feeling of power you get when you say no to food!)

    I also have worked out way more than I thought I would or planned to.
  • chicagofats
    chicagofats Posts: 34 Member
    I'm starting to get worried because my old nemesis is showing his face again - shin splints. I'm on week 6 of C210K. Everything was going fine, but at the end of yesterday's run I could start to feel tenderness on the shin area. I had been doing the shin splint prevention exercises/stretches suggested on other threads, but I guess not enough. I hope this is just a little discomfort that won't progress to bad pain. I don't want to stop my running program as I planned it to be a big part of the July challenge. Stinkeroo...
  • Ali5581
    Ali5581 Posts: 13
    I'm starting to get worried because my old nemesis is showing his face again - shin splints. I'm on week 6 of C210K. Everything was going fine, but at the end of yesterday's run I could start to feel tenderness on the shin area. I had been doing the shin splint prevention exercises/stretches suggested on other threads, but I guess not enough. I hope this is just a little discomfort that won't progress to bad pain. I don't want to stop my running program as I planned it to be a big part of the July challenge. Stinkeroo...

    I get really bad shin splints when I roller skate (I used to play roller derby and would have to take myself off the track and throw my skates off and stretch them out they were so bad) Went to see a physio to get help with exercises and stretches, took anti-inflammatories and rested them for 6 weeks. Now I get them bad during warm ups and if I take it slow at the beginning and stretch them out they go away after 20mins or so, if they don't then I stop! My TCM practioner does some acupuncture on them and I find that really really helps!!! There is also a way to tape them up but I never found that useful......

    Good luck :)
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Tell me this is not an omen. A few weeks ago I started searching the site for a challenge, and stumbled upon this one.. Started doing the snoopy dance. Since the challenge started, I bruised my fingers, (so what who needs fingers to workout, right?), strained my calf muscle ( was walking and my calf went POP), and my knee started acting up again. So, now the only cardio I am allowed to do is the bike.

    Two weeks ago I was a women on a mission, Going to the gym 2x day determined to get this weight off. This past week, Ice has been my best friend. Keeping my toes crossed, (fingers are bruised) that I will still lose weight this week.

    Thanks for letting me vent

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    Sounds like you over did it. You need to make small changes that you will be able to keep doing from now on. This way you will keep off the weight instead of gaining it back.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    "Also I will like to know what's everybody doing excercise wise? following any program? walking , running, etc..."

    Daily (5-6 days a week):
    *Spin for 30 minutes each morning.
    *Do what I call "Smoke Break Dumbbell Routines" twice a day. (I have a 20 lb. dumbbell on my desk at work. Any time one of the other co workers get up and go out for a smoke break, I do a 10 minute routine, hitting each muscle group in my upper body at least once. Every month, I'm going to increase the dumbbell weight by 10 lbs.)

    Weekly (2-3 times a week):
    *Do push ups after spinning in the a.m. using the "Perfect Push Up" system for beginners, and progress naturally with the difficulty. (3 sets of push ups, regular, wide, close, with decreasing reps (4-3-2-1).
    *Take part of my lunch break to walk a mile.

    *So far I've just been switching out healthy food for junk and cutting portion size. Starting this weekend though, the wife and I are going to start transitioning to "The Primal Blueprint". (Meats, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, - cutting out grains, bread, legumes.)

    Interested in hearing opinions from those who are further along and know a lot more than me.
  • fitboricua
    fitboricua Posts: 40 Member
    bosanka: I want to be a Certified Trainer tooo. And yeah you need to walk the walk if you are going to talk the talk. I do my workouts at home (not a gym person and for me is easier that way) mostly Beachbody programs which I swear by since it helped me loose and tone all my body. I believe in excercise and good nutrition but also supplements (not weight loss pills or anything like that)

    My goal is to inpsire people with my journey, not matter how much weight you want to loose is the same struggle for everybody.

    To all of you out there trying to lose weight or just tone your body...DON'T GIVE UP! The journey may seem uphill but the view is going to be great once you get there.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Weigh in day tomorrow folks! How do you think you'll do?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Cyntia- can you share what supplements you mostly use and /or recommend ? if not a secret.. ?

    So how do you all handle the weigh in ? Every time i dread stepping on the scale..each time i keep " reason " everything bf. i step on it like - you are supper sore from the workouts.. you are in pre-tom week, you had sodium ... don't get upset no matter what it shows you know you worked hard.. don't get upset.. don't get discouraged. just breathe in..

    and than i step on it .. and see.. almost no change.. or same .. and i can't help it but to get angry ..sad.. or even scared a little.. thinking ok.. if i really did so much and it changed " so little " .. will i ever get to that point.. this is just what i " think " i could be internaly scared of.. i'm trying to work on all of that.

    Another question. How do you figure out your digital scales. I'm telling you if i stepped on it 100 times in a row.. each time it would have a diff. number. 250.4, 251.1, 250.2,251.3..etc .. so how do you know " which " one is correct.. my rule that i made to make my life a little easier is- what ever it says the first time- that's what it is.. even if it says 251 and the second time it says 249.. i'm taking the first one- even though it frustrates me.

    Thx for listening
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    My scale does the same thing. I step on it twice and if it shows the same thing, that's what I put. If it gives different numbers, then I'll step on it a third time and put the number in the middle. Glad to know someone else's does that as well!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    :/ you guys are scaring me, I never have stepped on my scale more than once.... I did do research like CRAZY to find a well rated scale -- this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KXZ808/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0013IDHTO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1W2Y524BC6GNEDDY5452

    which people praised for accuracy..... eep. I think i'd rather not know.

    Speaking of which ....I am STARVING today and I was STARVING yesterday morning too. WTH!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I haven't had weight loss in months... it is kind of a bummer.

    The summer is really tough on me.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ugggh I was doing so good... I think I had a bad week? I don't know, I was STARVING for a couple days there, hungry at night and in the morning.... thoguht it was because I was UNDER eating..... I got on my scale today and unfortuantely I normally weigh myself right after work but we went straight to dinner so I ate a LOT (mmm cajun shrimp) and then i got on the scale and I was a pound heavier. I'm not going to report it yet, i'm gonna wait til I digest *cough* and get on the scale again.

    I've been feeling kind of down about how freaking much I weigh anyway (in the sense of "even if I lose 8 lbs thsi month I'll still weigh in the 180s, that is FAAAAT") and I really am not ready for a weight gain week. Must ....drink water.

    I also have been dehydrated the last few days, inexplicably so. AAAAAGGHHHH. Here's to a better....next couple days.
  • fozziewaca
    fozziewaca Posts: 66
    Another question. How do you figure out your digital scales. I'm telling you if i stepped on it 100 times in a row.. each time it would have a diff. number. 250.4, 251.1, 250.2,251.3..etc .. so how do you know " which " one is correct.. my rule that i made to make my life a little easier is- what ever it says the first time- that's what it is.. even if it says 251 and the second time it says 249.. i'm taking the first one- even though it frustrates me.

    My scale does the same thing and I only take the first weight only as well. I've actually had to "hide" my scale so I don't weigh myself everyday (or every few hours for that matter).
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    quote for the day :

    " it is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal ;
    each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. "

    When i read this i think .. each bite is a step closer or further from my goal, each workout is a step closer, each time i say " no " to temptations, is a step towards new habbits.. everythig we do each and every day- we can look at as " steps " each day is a step.. it's up to us to decide in what direction we are taking it.. step forward or step backwarts to where we came from.

    If we set a " time limt " to reach a cerain goal, than we want to make each day count, we don't have time to lose and go backwarts .. That's what brings us to the saying " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail " .. Why ? Because, if you don't have a set time frame and a goal to reach during that time- you don't have a plan. Just to say " i want to lose 50 lbs " is not a plan, that's a wish. Plans that are not written down are just wishes. If you are serious- than you sit down and write that plan.
    How many lbs ? In white time frame ? - Now let's brake that goal down by month.. than by week. There - you have a long term goal - and a short term to focus on each and every day. Don't " wish " - work for it. Don't " think " - write it down. On your screen saver- on a bulletin board in your room, on your fridge, in your office, in your diary.. what ever works for you - but be comitted to it. It is YOUR goal, plan, life.. and at the end YOUR success.

    The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort y0u apply .
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I am joining this... sort of late.

    I started with a loose 5lbs challenge and it seems that I am going to meet and exceed that goal. I want to up my challenge for the second half of July! So, 10lbs it is!

    7/5 Start Weight - 146
    7/8 Current Weight - 142.5

    I will weigh in again sometime next week when ever the urge strikes!

    Good LUCK!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    welcome to the group. I just wanted to point out that this is the " second part " of the topic- this is the support group ..
    but the actual topic where you need to report your weight is here


    please go to the link above and post your weight :) thank you
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I think our support thread is getting buried, how's everyone's weekend gone as far as sticking to your plan (whatever it may be)?

    I went to costco today and picked up some pre-cooked chicken sausage (spinach and red pepper, pretty good although a little salty) and some of those tyson frozen "chicken" breasts..... I resisted buying stuff like that for a long time, because I don't like to eat manufactured food if I can avoid it, but I think it will help me eat healthier if i can pop some brown rice and chicken in the microwave for dinner. Otherwise we are likely to get takeout and although I can make low-cal takeout choices, I don't think a turkey burger from Carls Jr is reeaaallly any better for me than the frozen "chicken" plus my rice. Plus I don't eat as many veggies if we get takeout - this way I will always at least toss a few into the microwave or pan.
  • chicagofats
    chicagofats Posts: 34 Member
    The weekend was good as was the start to this week. I'm happy to report that the impending shin splints of doom have not occurred. I took the weekend off of running and was fine today (other than the normal aches). I did get caught in a thunderstorm so that was fun (thought I could get in the run before it came).

    I did go over my calories on Saturday & Sunday. This is rare, so I'm not too concerned. Hopefully it won't show up for Friday's weigh-in.