5' to 5'3 Ladies: What's Your Ideal Weight?



  • merryward13
    merryward13 Posts: 1,662 Member
    I'm right at 5'. I've lost 12 lbs in the past 5 weeks. I have a long way to go. My ideal body weight would be 120lbs. Even though BMI says 110.
  • DeanneScott2
    DeanneScott2 Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 5'2, and my goal weight has been 120 to 125 since I started my journey. My highest weight was 155 at the start of the year, I'm now down to 130, but on my previous weight loss journey a few years ago, it was the same story. I got to 130 and gained it all back.

    I've been maintaining 130 to 135 for a few months now, but I just can't lose the remaining 10 to 15 to finally reach my goal. Once I hit it, I might even be healthier at 115, but I'd like to hit 125 before I set my sights any further.

    I've read many forums and posts with girls my height having the exact same problem, seems to be a sticking weight for this height. Anyone have any tips/similar stories?

    Thanks :)

    We have a very similar story...I'm 161cm (5'3) and started out at 69-70 kgs (153 lbs). I lost 9kgs (20 lbs) in the first 5 months and for the last 2 months I have been hovering around 60kg (130-135 lbs) mark. My goal is to get to 55kg (120-125 lbs) as well but finding it really hard to get the rest to shift.

    I had really low B12 for a while and couldn't workout for about 6 weeks (took a while for the doctor to realize that was my problem), but still lost weight just with calorie counting, but have been back into the workouts for the last 5 weeks.

    I have an hour glass figure so holding the weight around 60kgs looks ok, but think I would like to lose the last 5kgs. My BMI is 23 which is fine, but would like it to be 21.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and maintaining between 123-126 lbs. I still have tummy fat and thigh fat so I could probably lose more, but I'm perfectly happy where I'm at. My upper body looks amazing. :) I know I could lose more but I like having the wiggle room and to not feel too restricted.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm 5'1 and maintain between 100-105.
    It is the weight I have spent most of my adult life at.

    My highest weight was 130 with a high BF%. It did not suit me. That was 6 years ago and haven't had a problem maintaining since returning to my ideal weight.

    I am a stick insect (small bone and muscle) that swallowed an apple in shape- all extra poundage goes to my belly, and working in the worlds longest recomp.

    Cheers, h.
    (Pics for body shape comparison in my profile)
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    I'm still young but the lowest weight I've ever been was at 102 lbs. I felt way too skinny then and had no boobs or butt. I am only 5'0 and a half. My ideal weight would be anywhere between 105-110 lbs. I definitely had smaller bone structure. In terms of keeping my weight steady once it is lost, 105-110 lbs can easily be sustainable for me without starving.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I'm 5ft 0 and 40 years. I like myself best at 90bs. Yes that is slim- but I like that look.
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    @DeanneScott2 @Sydneymchamberlain My stats are similar to you both ladies... I'm 5'3" and was 15xlbs (don't know the exact number) in Jan this year, the weight stayed pretty much the same up to March - I just did not realize how big I had become... I finally picked up my game as I needed to train up to a cycling trip in July and got down to 130. A nice holiday earlier this month rewarded me with several lbs back yikes! Only this week I got back to 129/130, almost back to my lowest of 127 but still, my goal is to get to 120 lbs (55kg). I like riding bikes so the "absolute" weight does matter... We got this!!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and maintaining at 126-128 lbs. (fluctuations) for over a year now. I have a medium frame; wear US Petites (size 4) or Ladies size 2. Can't seem to get lower than 126 lbs. which is fine. Happy where I am at 66, soon to be 67 years old. Highest weight was 179.
  • Idle_Moon
    Idle_Moon Posts: 151 Member
    I don't know what the ideal weight is for me.
    I'm 5'3 and at the moment 128 lbs. I came from 150 lbs. Still not happy with what I look like.
    Chest-waist-hips is around 33-28-35 . My goal is a flat stomach and I hope to achieve that if I get to 116 lbs.
  • Sydneymchamberlain
    Sydneymchamberlain Posts: 19 Member
    Idle_Moon wrote: »
    I don't know what the ideal weight is for me.
    I'm 5'3 and at the moment 128 lbs. I came from 150 lbs. Still not happy with what I look like.
    Chest-waist-hips is around 33-28-35 . My goal is a flat stomach and I hope to achieve that if I get to 116 lbs.

    I'm very similar to you in measurements right now, I think my final goal will end up being closer to 110 or 115 unless I start building lots of muscle :)
  • jjalbertt
    jjalbertt Posts: 98 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Try this chart:

    I would NOT look at this chart!!! I am 5'3" and when I weighed 95lbs I looked like death. It was not a healthy weight for me at all. I would be quite satisfied with 130lb!

    Where are you getting 95lbs from? The chart is in kg. The lowest it says is roughly around 45kg(could be more) which is 100lbs. However it's right on the edge of being underweight...
    If kg was mixed up with lbs...95kg is about 210lbs.
  • jvtchong
    jvtchong Posts: 59 Member
    At 5'2" I spent years being on the low end of the BMI healthy scale despite eating plenty. After finally gaining weight I headed straight for the other end of the spectrum and am now trying to reach between 115 - 120.
  • abitungraceful
    abitungraceful Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5' 0 and currently at 164 lbs. I went from my highest of 172 in 2008 down to 117 in 2012 (most of it over the course of the last year) but it required compulsive exercise and super strict dieting that was not psychologically healthy. Since then I gained most of the weight back, but I am in a much better mindset now. My goal is to get back to 125 without losing my sanity.
  • cannedgoo
    cannedgoo Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 5'0 and have a larger frame. Even when I made it down to 115 in high school (not at all healthy at that time) I had DD boobs and wore size 6 pants.

    I'm 195 right now and my starting goal is 140, I had some rockin abs and overall felt really healthy and active at that weight, and accept that I am a stockier person who may not ever become super light. But we will see!
  • emx5
    emx5 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'3" and just starting to really take losing weight seriously. I'm starting at 140lbs and my goal is 125, but I would love to go lower. I've been 120 before, but was super unhealthy with my eating habits (college, am I right?). I've done straight cardio for so long without any results, and I'm coming to terms with the fact the weights are just going to have to be a part of my routine.
  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 62 and 5'2". I would never be able to get down to my "ideal" weight without major exercise and not eating more than 1000 cal a day---I am now at my highest weight ever--180, and am looking to get down to 150 to start with. I am hoping for that. The body is just too tired to go thru all the work it will take to get too low. I have to incorporate more exercise I know that--anyone else over 50 here???? Di
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @MissDi321 I've just turned 63 am 5'1 and maintain at 100-105.

    I posted earlier in the thread.

    Without excess exercise I can maintain at 1350-ish and lose at 1200. With exercise, x 3 a week, I maintain at 1450+ a day.

    If you use a digital scale for your food, log as accurately as possible, and do 30+ min of exercise, or just move more, most days of the week for health, you should be able to lose a pound a week eating over 1200 calories.

    You will probably find as you move more, a 15 min walk to start, and start losing weight, you will get more energy.

    I am small boned so carry that weight with a suitable amount of fat and muscle for my age. I do lift to try and lncrease or at least maintain my muscle and bone health.

    Cheers, h.

  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    5"2 currently 60.5kg, losing 1/2 kilo per week, BMI 24. Will be happy at 58kg where I have been before but ultimate goal is 55kg
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I'm 5' 1/2". Started at 133 last March, and I thought my ideal weight would be 110. But it's fluctuated a lot because I've been doing strength-training for over a year.

    My lowest was 102, but I'm comfy at 107 now. Depends on your goals my petite friends!
  • monicaw44
    monicaw44 Posts: 71 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Try this chart:

    I would NOT look at this chart!!! I am 5'3" and when I weighed 95lbs I looked like death. It was not a healthy weight for me at all. I would be quite satisfied with 130lb!

    It's for kgs..