Need Accountabilibuddies!!



  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    Day 1 done! I just posted my goal for today... Hope you all post yours too! By the way, does anyone have ideas/suggestions for other ways we can hold each other accountable?
  • msmably
    msmably Posts: 2 Member
    I love the idea of a forum where we motivate each other and I could also do with the help. I am Welsh although I live in Bratislava, Slovakia and I too am living with hugely fluctuating weight. I was around 125 kgs and dropped to 70 kgs (sorry but I can't do pounds) but I am currently about 110kgs following huge problems with my ankle over the last few years. I want to adopt a child and I want to be an active mommy so I'd really appreciate joining a group to motivate me in my quest. I used a slimming group in the UK previously but that is no longer an option given my terrible Slovak so I thought a Fitbit and myfitnesspal might help??? I'm naturally a healthy eater but my portions are huge and I am not moderate enough don't really think counting like this will help. I've also signed up to do the Moonwalk in London next May (a half marathon walked at night in a decorated bra to raise money for breast cancer charities) with my lovely Texan friend who also lives in Slovakia and I want to be fit enough to do it in a good time. I hope that you guys would welcome this Brit into your group - Slovaks are not the best at motivation and I need all of the help I can get
  • lpshizza
    lpshizza Posts: 30 Member
    Same here! At my heaviest (non pregnancy weight) I hit 174. Currently at 149 and my goal is 130!
  • hhvalley
    hhvalley Posts: 1 Member
    Having similar problems. I have always done the yoyo from 120 to 160, and was last at 122 in 2008... now my biggest ever at 189 and can't seem to make any progress without falling off the wagon and gaining more :( I need support!
  • Nicabons
    Nicabons Posts: 1 Member
    Is it too late to join? I love the idea of daily goals!
  • RoseyRay
    RoseyRay Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to join in as well, this sounds like a great idea!
  • felineart
    felineart Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2016
    I feel your frustration
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I have added some of you. Feel free to add me. I try to catch up on news feed posts but I am guilty of being busy and missing days. I love new friends.
    I am 43, married mom of 1. I was always chubby in high school. But right after graduation I walked tons and lost 40lbs. I am small framed so that was all I needed. Now I do my best to maintain. Which can be tough. This summer has hit me with about 6lbs. Which isn't much but for me it is. I am only 5'2" so that was enough I wasn't buckling pants. Worse feeling ever.
  • mvanderson63
    mvanderson63 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new today!! Glad to support and get support!! 50 lbs to lose. Here we go!
  • kasen2012
    kasen2012 Posts: 4 Member
    Same boat! Add me!
  • runstrong44
    runstrong44 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in too, please! Add me. :smile:
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Same boat!!
    Smallest was 125.
    Had my daughter who will be 2 in December and have been stuck in the 160s ever since.
    I haven't been this heavy since high school and that was 8 Yeats ago. My goal right now is to be back in the 140s/130s but ultimately would love to be 115
  • NikkiDoo2
    NikkiDoo2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm in the same boat, weight has been yo-yoing. Time to say goodbye to the extra pounds! I'm currently just under 180 and want to work towards 150 as my initial goal. Please add me if you think we are a good fit! I swim, run, and walk and try to eat pretty healthy!
  • hgrace78
    hgrace78 Posts: 23 Member
    If I've missed adding any of you, feel free to add me! I'm posting my daily goals each morning and relying on all of you to push me to meeting it and you can count on me to be as nosey and annoying (haha) as I have to be so you'll meet yours. We can do this together!!
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    So tomorrow is Friday, the day of the week I normally weigh myself... one way I felt accountable in my previous weight loss community was that I had to post my weight and the amount lost or gained each week. I'm going to start doing that tomorrow. Would anyone like to join me? If so, just post your starting weight tomorrow morning with the hashtag #Accountabilibuddy as your status. Then on each Friday, share your new weight (after you weigh-in), the amount lost or gained since the last week, and the total amount you've lost or gained since starting this accountability buddy system.
  • hgrace78
    hgrace78 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in on that!
  • tifflong109
    tifflong109 Posts: 40 Member
    Im here with ya girl, lets do this
  • leahbethwatts
    leahbethwatts Posts: 12 Member
    I have been through the same yo-yo! Anyone can add me, I will try and add you all later :)
  • weightlosssweetspot
    weightlosssweetspot Posts: 16 Member
    This sounds so familiar! Up down up down.... Feel free to add would be great to hear from friends in a similar boat and keep each other on track!
  • meendriss
    meendriss Posts: 25 Member
    Hello from Europe! I've been using My Fitness Pal for a few years to track my food, but only recently started getting buddies, being active in the community and trying my best to motivate myself and others. My highest weight was 101 kg (about 220lb) and now I'm down about 5kg (11lb). My goal is to weigh 60 kg (about 130 lb).

    Feel free to add me, everyone! I try to regularly post about good days, bad days, motivation and struggles, diet and workouts!