Need Healthy Recipes!

Does anybody know any good quick lowfat, low sodium recipes? I'm a college student and work as well and need things I can cook fast that taste good for when the fall semester starts. Anything will be awesome :)

Add me as well if you'd like so we can support each other!


  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Do you have a way to grill meat? You can make your own flavorfull meat rub out of herbs and garlic. Rub some chicken breasts, grill 'em up, throw them on a salad or over cooked veggies. Easy peasey.

    Brown rice, cooked with beans and salsa, topped with a small amount of low-fat cheese and avocado - YUM, and cheap. :)

    Whole wheat pasta is a good staple too. You can make a quick and easy marinara sauce with low sodium canned tomatoes, some olive oil, garlic, onions, italian herbs.
  • AKHerring
    AKHerring Posts: 22 Member
    Biggest loser cookbooks!!! They are so simple... They have one serving things!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member

    This is one of my favorite websites! There are a lot of good tips.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Boil some eggs ahead of time to have as a quick snack or to top a salad with. I like to make extra brown rice, or ww pasta and eat it the next couple of days.
  • zennieluv
    zennieluv Posts: 4
    Awesome! Thanks :)