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Re-establishing Chubby Twenties?!



  • 0flynnstone0
    0flynnstone0 Posts: 150
    Hey guys!

    I'd love to be part of this group. At the beginning of this year I started MFP and was doing really good with it for about 3 or 4 months, steadily losing, and then I just kind of lost motivation. But I'm hoping to get it back and I think this will help!
    Here are my goals:

    SW: 156
    CW: 147
    GW by Aug 7th (when I leave for a semester in Peru!): 144
    UGW: 139

    8 glass of water/day
    4 hrs exercise/wk
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hello to you guys!!

    Flynn: Good luck with your goals, I know ive fallen off the wagon and lost motivation loads but i keep getting back on and ive managed to loose 8lbs :)

    Penny: Of course its ok! We're all here for support :) or just to have a rant at when youve had a rubbish day!

    Tigzi: No question is ever a stupid one! As far as i'm aware i dont think there is a way to "join a group" per se, with us its just a case of popping in and keeping us up to date on how things are going, and to provide us all with support from people of a similar age group :)

    Jerseynegrita: Of coursie it isnt too late!! Welcome :D

    xxxx Nat
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED you all!!!! Please please please please keep me going! I have had a horrible month with nothing going right and me just failing to care enough about what I am eating/doing!!! I havent been terrible but just really not doing well! biscuit here, cake there etc.
    It is so hard, the girls at work are so skinny and can happily eat cake...I work in a 5* hotel so the cake is yummy!
    I am also working 60 hours a week at the mo so coming home exhausted and just not wanting to workout! AND my ankle is screwed at the mo which is just lame!

    Also, I dont have the internet in the office and have no iphone/ipod to use the app on at the moment so cnat input stuff on MFP easily! I am going to start logging everything in a text on my phone I think and then come home and pop it all into here.

    What I need from you girls is if you havent seen me on here, post on my wall or pop me a message, I will get an email and it will make me go AH HA!!!
    I am giving myself a bit of a break exercise wise until work settles down which is Tuesday but i neeeeeeeeed to be better food wise!!!

    So please help!


    PS...newbies welcome, Nat has answered your questions I think. LOVE having new faces, I am normally MUCH better at posting and love having exciting things to respond to.

    PPS NAT - WAY TO GO! on the losses, job etc! yay!! please facebook me to make me work harder!!!
  • belrie
    belrie Posts: 14 Member
    hello everyone, i'd like to join the group as well :). i'm 23, & i have also lost motivation lately. some days i can follow the plan, others i give in to my horrendously enormous sweet tooth. (i recently bought some skinny cow to help with this issue.)
    also, i recently bought a treadmill & have been using it every day. i plan to run, but am trying to build myself up to it. does anyone have any advice for beginners?
    @ gemfox, i'd have a really hard time saying no to the delicious cake as well! i feel your pain, haha :).

    p.s, everyone feel free to add me, i would love to have more support!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I want to join!

    I'm 22

    CW 174
    GW 115
    Actual Goal - I want to have some rocking abs!

    My favorite exercise? Running. I love it, can't get enough of it. I'm addicted to it. One month and I've totally changed my attitude toward running.

    I'm also Celiac and lactose/casien intolerant so my diet is (by default) pretty much paleo.

    Any other twenty somethings also no longer drinking?
  • deannalu89
    deannalu89 Posts: 29
    Hey my names Dee!
    I'd also like to join! (if possible) =)
    I'm 22
    5' 2"

    SW 202 05/07/11
    CW 186 07/06/11
    GW 150 ...????
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    to all the newbies joining....dont ask to join just go ahead!! we love new faces and welcome you all!
    We would never say 'nah I dont think you should join' so go ahead, post away, tell me about your life, don't feel like you should post your goals if you dont want to.

    love to all!

    And remember...please keep me motivated!!!
  • Hi all, i'm joining because i need all the support I can get. I just started this journey last week, and realized my TOM was this week so I haven't really lost much if anything and I'm feeling discouraged. I just did a work out in hopes of it making an impact on my Friday weigh in (I weigh every morning but decided friday morning was what i was going to count) Think i should skip it, or do it and chose to log or not if it has changed? I'm nervous to step on the scale tomorrow for fear if it ruining my weekend. (I start finals for grad school for the next two weeks so I'll unfortunately just be studying, gym and class).

    I see everyone's weigh loss and am so jealous! Keep up the good work ladies!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I'd love to join! :) I need all the support and motivation I can get! I'll be 21 in December and have been dieting since middle school without success :/

    My Goals! --

    AT LEAST 30 mins of exercise 4 times a week (just to start, with increasing time as I get in better shape)
    Lose a total of 36 lbs (to get me to 140 lbs) by December 22nd (My Bday!) which is about 1.5 lbs a week
    Keep up this healthy lifestyle and not go back to my old ways!

    Hope to hear from you all :)
  • SkinnyjeanKathleen
    SkinnyjeanKathleen Posts: 20 Member
    Me too me too! This group seems great! Still reading through all the posts, but I love the idea of the group in general. If anyone wants to be friends, add me :)
  • 0flynnstone0
    0flynnstone0 Posts: 150
    Gemfox - I know how you feel! I've been really bad lately too about not being able to resist those little temptations! There's a couple things I try to tell myself when I start to slip into a could-care-less attitude about food:
    "I've done much harder things in my life than say no to a cookie" (I got that one from someone on MFP)
    "How would your life be different today if you had 10x more self-confidence?"
    "What would you attempt if failing weren't an option?" (got these from my Mary Kay director)
    It doesn't always work, but sometimes when I think about those things it's enough to change my frame of mind and help me get back on track. Hope it helps!

    Sweetsapphire - I hate weighing myself when I'm on my period! It completely messes with my head because I gain like 3 or 4 lbs. Everyone's body is different, but just take that weigh-in with a grain of salt if you decided to do it, because it might be a lot of water weight that you'll end up dropping after your TOM. And good luck on your finals!
  • SkinnyjeanKathleen
    SkinnyjeanKathleen Posts: 20 Member
    Same here about weighing while on my period. I always seem to weigh more on those days. I have a question for you girls... Why is it bad to weigh yourself everyday? I feel like if I don't I will get off track or something. Obviously fluctuations will happen where I may gain some water weight or something, but when I start dropping it motivates me more. Right now I'm kind of on the fence as to whether I should start weighing myself every week or not... What's your thoughts on it?
  • It's not just you!

    I am pulled myself. I weigh every morning at t his point because it does make me more motivated to hit the gym and work out a little harder to see that number go down every week. If I skip weighing in I think i would start to become a little more lax on how much i eat or what I eat. Knowing I'm doing well makes me want to do more and work harder as well. I think i will still weigh almost every morning and then just record the one day a week as normal.
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    wow Lots of new people to keep us all motivated and supported!!! *waves* Hi everyone!!

    I weigh myself every day too, but only log my weight on thursday mornings, and i stick to using my good old fashioned weighing scales, i dont trust the wii fit!

    Gemma chick, i've been using the specail K thing, not the cereal for breakfast/lunch thing, they were advertising a free meal planner thing on the tv so i checked it out. ( http://www.myspecialk.co.uk/) <-- i only use it as a guide because i dont like some of the things on there, i mean you can swap and change stuff but like with alot of "diets" alot of it is fish, which i dont like so i substitute for chicken instead. Anyways, ive been following it, not really snacking, and when i have wanted a snack ive had a hartleys sugar free jelly pots (theyre on offer in morrissons at 6 for £2, but i've saved the pots so when the offer runs out i'll just buy regular sugar free jelly and fill them up) or fruit as a snack.

    I've also cut back on the drinking, it's saving me a helluva lot of money, and obviously i'm, not drining calories :) Although, talk to me next weekend when my friend comes home from cambridge for a week, i dont think i'll be sober for very much of it lol.

    Keep up the good work guys!
    Also, i know a couple of you have added me as a friend, which is awesome :) Anyone else, feel free to add me too :)
    Nat xx

    (edit: Sorry i havent replied to most of you personally within my post, i usually like to but theres been sooo many new posts its hard to keep up!!)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Same here about weighing while on my period. I always seem to weigh more on those days. I have a question for you girls... Why is it bad to weigh yourself everyday? I feel like if I don't I will get off track or something. Obviously fluctuations will happen where I may gain some water weight or something, but when I start dropping it motivates me more. Right now I'm kind of on the fence as to whether I should start weighing myself every week or not... What's your thoughts on it?

    I weigh myself every morning. I use it as a way to gage what I can eat during the day, if I've lost and I'm doing really well and someone is going to Chipotle for lunch I know I can have a 600cal lunch and work it off no problem, if I've gained I'll eat whatever 300cal lunch I packed for myself and its not a big deal. I def get motivated but I also use it to let me gage how I can eat for the day.

    Unrelated, Anyone else have friends who are not being supportive? I was just asked if I was starving myself and running so much because I was avoiding something and if that was how I was losing weight so quickly by my best friend. Not how I wanted to start my Friday. I tried to explain that I've got food allergies that I'm weeding out which is allowing my body to absorb nutrient properly and so I'm not as hungry as I had been, and my body is shedding some of that weight simply because it doens't need to hold onto it anymore. I used to have an eating disorder so I'm extremly careful to avoid falling into that habit and to have it all questioned by someone who knows how hard I worked to overcome my food issues just really really bothered me. She's apologized but it hurt. I did lose a fair bit of weight in about a week (8lbs - I started at 174.2 and am at 165.8) but I was running every night, eating totally fresh/unprocessed foods and not eating any of the things I think I'm allergic to and I'm getting most of my calories and if MFP says I'm not its because I go by what my phone says I burned calorie wise and not MFP. I'm just...annoyed. Anyone else get this. Any advice? Should I just expect to not talk to my friends about this?
  • So Friday mornings is officially my weigh day. I chose that day in order to keep me in check on the weekends if I didn't lose the pound I was aiming for and so I won't go out and splurge on the weekend or drink my calories and feel bad when the scale goes up. Plus if i do I have a full week before I have to weigh myself again. lol

    So I had a 1/2 pound loss this week. Not what I was aiming for but I'm thankful it went down instead of up or staying the same. It doesn't reflect in any of my tickers because I didn't think one would take decimals (and just noticed it does) so I had previously rounded down. I'll keep that in mind for next week!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Unrelated, Anyone else have friends who are not being supportive? I was just asked if I was starving myself and running so much because I was avoiding something and if that was how I was losing weight so quickly by my best friend. Not how I wanted to start my Friday. I tried to explain that I've got food allergies that I'm weeding out which is allowing my body to absorb nutrient properly and so I'm not as hungry as I had been, and my body is shedding some of that weight simply because it doens't need to hold onto it anymore. I used to have an eating disorder so I'm extremly careful to avoid falling into that habit and to have it all questioned by someone who knows how hard I worked to overcome my food issues just really really bothered me. She's apologized but it hurt. I did lose a fair bit of weight in about a week (8lbs - I started at 174.2 and am at 165.8) but I was running every night, eating totally fresh/unprocessed foods and not eating any of the things I think I'm allergic to and I'm getting most of my calories and if MFP says I'm not its because I go by what my phone says I burned calorie wise and not MFP. I'm just...annoyed. Anyone else get this. Any advice? Should I just expect to not talk to my friends about this?
    Ilookthetype: *HUGS*, thats awful. I'm really lucky to have supportive friends, but i've never had an eating disorder, maybe she's worried for you? Maybe she doesnt understand the allergies and how they affect your body? Also, if you've cut out processed food etc, some of the 8lbs you lost could have been water, i know i did a raw food diet for 2 weeks and i must have lost about that if not more and im almost certain its because of the lack of salt and preservatives in food that make you retain water.
    I think were i in your situation i would just sit her down and say something like:
    "look, I'm not starving myself, i'm just trying to live a healthier lifestyle by excluding foods that make me feel ****e. And i feel a helluva lot better for it, i dont know if its because your worried or what but i've been through an eating disorder and and you know how hard it was for me, i really dont wanna go back there. Please just support me in this and understand that i'm still getting all the nutrients and calories that i need" <-- thats what i would say to my best friend, but then again i dont really know your whole situation so yeah... hope you get it sorted soon, and even if you find you dont have much support "in real life" there's
    ALWAYS someone here to help push you along when you've lost motivation, someone to make you smile when you've had the crappiest day ever, and theres all of us to praise you on any losses!
    Well done on the 8lbs!!

    Sweetsapphire: Well done on the 1/2lb loss! thats awesome :)

    Nat xx
  • SkinnyjeanKathleen
    SkinnyjeanKathleen Posts: 20 Member
    Weighed in today and I’ve lost 3 pounds in a week, which is more than I expected to. It’s so hard to motivate myself to get on the elliptical, but my boyfriend has been great at pushing me off the couch. I am always grateful for it afterwards (even though I may whine initially! Lol). So far I have lost 9 pounds since June 13. I am really excited to hit the 10 pounder.
    And I must say, seeing all of my MFP friends’ success makes me motivated and helps me convince myself that I can do it too! So thanks to everyone for being so inspirational..

    @ilookthetype: Really sorry to hear that your friend is not being supportive… That can be very hurtful.. Do you think your friend is feeling threatened by seeing you do something good for yourself or do you think she’s genuinely worried? Because it may very well be that she is feeling a little insecure about herself.. I think in situations like this honesty is the best policy. I totally understand your frustration though. I’ve had situations in the past where my friends will taunt me with food to try to get me off my diet and they wouldn’t stop until I had a serious conversation with them about how I needed their support..
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi ladies,
    how are you all today?!
    So i wrote down all the things I ate today and I really found it kept me in check. I also managed to speak to my mum about some of the things I have been worried about which has made me go ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh literally feel instantly less stressed!!!
    I am getting my life back on track, currently (well I was before i got distracted by the laptop) having a clear out of the wardrobe to see how many clothes I wear....the rest are going on Ebay or to charity!!!

    To those weighing in every day so they can see what they can or cant eat...STOP IT the reason it is so bad is it can lead to some serious problems mentally. you can not gain any ACTUAL weight that is not just water that easily. You need to OVER EAT by 3500 calories a day to gain any weight!!!!! so STOP all you will do is make yourself paranoid which can lead to some much more serious mental problems and maybe even eating disorders. I am going to see if I can find the blog on this but its really simple maths! over eat by 3500 calories more than your 'maintenance' calories, which you can find out on MFP by using the Basic metabolic rate tool, and you will gain 1lb. Eat 3500 under your maintenance calories and you will lose 1lb. SIMPLES!!!! and beware.....MFP automatically calculates your calorie defecit dependant on your BMR and your weekly loss goal. So (and you will hear this lots from me) do eat back your exercise calories. There are millions of posts on this subject on here and I will not rehash it all as I will possibly miss facts that are important.

    so.....Rant over!!! Please dont see it as a rant as its not meant to be I just dont want to see any of you obsess over a none real gain!!! any weight that you have gained overnight will be water....and I am saying this from experience....I was there and was dangerously close to becoming very very sick because of my obsession with the scales!!!

    Love you all
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    To those weighing in every day so they can see what they can or cant eat...STOP IT the reason it is so bad is it can lead to some serious problems mentally. you can not gain any ACTUAL weight that is not just water that easily. You need to OVER EAT by 3500 calories a day to gain any weight!!!!! so STOP all you will do is make yourself paranoid which can lead to some much more serious mental problems and maybe even eating disorders. I am going to see if I can find the blog on this but its really simple maths! over eat by 3500 calories more than your 'maintenance' calories, which you can find out on MFP by using the Basic metabolic rate tool, and you will gain 1lb. Eat 3500 under your maintenance calories and you will lose 1lb. SIMPLES!!!! and beware.....MFP automatically calculates your calorie defecit dependant on your BMR and your weekly loss goal. So (and you will hear this lots from me) do eat back your exercise calories. There are millions of posts on this subject on here and I will not rehash it all as I will possibly miss facts that are important.

    so.....Rant over!!! Please dont see it as a rant as its not meant to be I just dont want to see any of you obsess over a none real gain!!! any weight that you have gained overnight will be water....and I am saying this from experience....I was there and was dangerously close to becoming very very sick because of my obsession with the scales!!!

    *holds hands up* i weigh myself every day, but only because i'm curious, i know that i wont get into the mind frame of "I gained 1lb so i cannot eat breakfast" kind of thing, i do it because im curious, i like to weigh myself at different times of the day (except thursdays which is my "weigh in" day, the day i log my weight, which is at 5am in the morning) to see how my weight changes because it interests me. I have recently discovered that 3 meals is the way forward. I NEVER ate breakfast, i didnt have time for it, i occasionally had a late breakfast but then missed lunch, but all missing meals (or cutting calories at meals when you dont need to) does is send your body into starvation mode, makes you store the fat your eating. I keep telling this to my sister because she keeps missing lunch, but she's following this special K thing with me and eating 3 meals a day now, and where as im loosing the weight, she's loosing the inches (but i think thats because she's also going to the gym, whereas i dont have time atm, although thats gonna change this week next week).

    So ladies, if you do weigh yourself everyday, dont take any notice of what the scales say, except on the day you usually log your weight (if you do that weekly), Like gemma said, it isnt healthy and i know i cant really talk because i do weigh myself every day, but honestly, its cause the scales are there and im curious, if they werent there i wouldnt go on them everyday, but then again, i would probably forget to weigh myself on thursdays too!

    Nat xx