Eating 1,200 calories and putting on weight

So I was eating around 800/900 calories a day which I know is very low. Although i did reach my goal weight of 7 stone 10. So I decided now I reached my goal weight that I should eat a healthy amount and am now eating 1,200 calories a day. However over the past two weeks I have put on 3 pounds and am now not at my goal weight anymore which is so upsetting after all the hard work. Could it be my weight evening out and it will go back down? Or do I need to eat less again?


  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Eating so few calories (800/900) is likely to have slowed your metabolism. It's not recommended to eat less than 1000 a day unless you are very, very small and very, very inactive. 1200 calories is a typical number to aim for to lose weight, how did you come to decide that this was an appropriate number for maintenance?

  • ellamroberts873
    ellamroberts873 Posts: 19 Member
    Eating so few calories (800/900) is likely to have slowed your metabolism. It's not recommended to eat less than 1000 a day unless you are very, very small and very, very inactive. 1200 calories is a typical number to aim for to lose weight, how did you come to decide that this was an appropriate number for maintenance?

    Well to be honest MFP seems to say that for me to maintain I should be eating around 1,800 but this just seems far too much for me and I feel that if I do eat anywhere near that much that I will just put the weight back on.
  • ellamroberts873
    ellamroberts873 Posts: 19 Member
    • After dieting your increased intake of food will lead to an increase in water retention.
    • You also will have more in-transit (inside your digestive tract) food. This will lead to an increase in weight.
    • There is also a chance that due to the severe calorific restriction some of your weight loss has been from muscle loss and now your maintenance calories are lower than they would have been has you lost at a slower rate.

    I suspect that there is a bit of all three going on here.

    Thanks for your reply! That does seem to make sense. I am also now trying to build some form of muscle, will this just make me gain weight? Or will this make my metabolism speed up again and I will stay the same weight?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    It's natural for most people to gain a few lbs after getting to goal and then ncreasing calories. Might be an idea to lose around 5lbs under your goal weight as a buffer for when you start eating at maintenance.

    I doubt 1200 is maintenance for you, unless you're 2ft tall.

    Losing weight on 800/900 cals as you did was crash dieting and not a healthy way to lose weight.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    My goal is actually about 5 pounds less than what I want my maintenance weight to be, because I usually gain a few pounds whenever I up my calories to maintenance levels. It's mostly just water that was lost. That's why all these fad diets say you can lose 5 pounds your first week or whatever. It's all water.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Eating so few calories (800/900) is likely to have slowed your metabolism. It's not recommended to eat less than 1000 a day unless you are very, very small and very, very inactive. 1200 calories is a typical number to aim for to lose weight, how did you come to decide that this was an appropriate number for maintenance?
    This is not true. ...... ANY diet will slow down metabolism.

    ^^^^ That is what I meant, not specifically 800/900 calories. OP still has't given stats, we're all assuming the numbers are correct.
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    Good point!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    How did you decide that 1200 cals is your maintenance?

    When you were eating 800/900 a day, how much weight were you losing in a month by the end?
  • ellamroberts873
    ellamroberts873 Posts: 19 Member
    oolou wrote: »
    How did you decide that 1200 cals is your maintenance?

    When you were eating 800/900 a day, how much weight were you losing in a month by the end?

    At the beginning I was loosing about 5 pounds a month and the last months I have lost around 2 pounds. But now each day there is an extra pound on the scales. Even though I'm still burning around 200cal each day and eating 1,200maximum.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    Do you want to look good or see a specific number on the scale? Here are pictures of a woman on her weight loss journey. On the left, at her goal weight. On the right, (14 pounds heavier) after a progressive lifting program. Which body is more like the one you want? No one can see the number on the scale; everyone can see how you look. Eat some more and pick up heavy things!


    Eat based upon your daily activities and lift weights.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    How tall are you OP? What's your activity level like? Were you weighing your food and logging accurately when losing? Are you still?

    Maintenance is a range, not a set weight. Most people, myself included, have a 3-5 lb range in which weight naturally fluctuated. Additionally, when transitioning to maintenance, especially after being at such an aggressive deficit, people often see a temporary spike due to water retention from glycogen stores being replenished. That usually settles back down.

    Also where did the 1800 cal maintenance level estimate come from? Was that MFP or a TDEE calculator? Answering the questions I asked above will help determine if that is appropriate but I would be more likely to believe a TDEE of 1800 than 1200...
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    edited August 2016
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    Eating so few calories (800/900) is likely to have slowed your metabolism. It's not recommended to eat less than 1000 a day unless you are very, very small and very, very inactive. 1200 calories is a typical number to aim for to lose weight, how did you come to decide that this was an appropriate number for maintenance?

    This is not true. The only reason websites don't recommend low calorie diets is because you have to understand nutrition to keep a small number of calories balanced. I see a lot of 1200 calorie logs on MFP which are a joke nutritionally speaking.
    You've done really well so far.
    ANY diet will slow down metabolism. The secret is to come back up gradually - not in a big hike as you did. 400 extra calories a day in one hit is too much. The result is going to be binging if you are not careful.
    I'd recommend waiting to see if the scales right themselves. Normally 5lbs either way is considered normal fluctuation. (Only you know if that's a normal fluctuation for you)
    But if you continue to gain I'd suggest going back to 1000 and slowly ratcheting up from there 100cals/day added each week IF you are losing weight.
    You must be quite petite now, only 7st 10lbs, so 1200 cals along with a few inaccuracies might well be your maintenance regime. You'll never be able to go back to your old way of eating. You were much bigger then and needed more calories.
    Try to increase activity to tone your body and to boost your metabolism.
    And make sure your diet includes every food group i.e. Lean protein, wholemeal bread and grains, veg, full fat dairy and fruit. They all have their part to play in making you a beautiful person.
    Good luck

    I think the information is not complete enough to be confident that this advice is good.

    She reports that she is 111 pounds now.

    It is difficult to put this into context without knowing height right?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's normal to put on a bit of of water weight when you start eating a bit more.

    However... I'm guessing that you're eating much more than you think.
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    Calorie consumption is much more linked to weight than it is to height. I stand by my advice.
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    You won't have gained any actual weight (as in fat) it's simply not possible in a deficit. So you can calm your panic! :)

    Just focus on being healthy and happy and reaching your goals and don't obsess too much over the numbers on the scale.