Social anxiety and depression.

I suffer from bpd, panic disorder, gad, as well as depression. So it's hard for me to stay motivated and it limits what I can do to work out. (Social anxiety is huge for me) I'm starting to really hate myself and how I look/how much I've gained. Any advice or friends going through the same would be awesome. This is my first time putting all this out there. I'm currently at 224 pounds.


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i recommend a doctor visit if you don't have one already.

    i have found running and yoga and aerial arts(hammock and lyra) quiets my head when it acts up. even just walking literally away from the stress makes me better.

    I am under doctors care and medication but unfortunately sometimes i need the above addition help.
  • havok1113
    havok1113 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I have seen a doctor, psychiatrist, and psychologist since I was 12.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    good luck :)
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    hey there. I have bpd and depression, but not serious anxiety. do you take meds to help with the anxiety? in my experience with people who suffer from debilitating GAD, meds are really the only thing that help.

    as far as the bpd and depression go, getting my body back to its happy place has definitely helped me, as does the lifting program I do now. antidepressants also help increase my general baseline mood which allows the exercise a better chance of improving my mood, and I also take something to help me sleep as I don't sleep worth *kitten* otherwise. and for me taking care of the most basic things like getting enough sleep and eating enough are huge for helping me having that baseline at a reasonable place so that I have more energy to focus on the deeper things and work on myself. I also facilitate a support group that I find super helpful, maybe looking for something like that in your area would provide you with some additional support? or a skills group?

    you're welcome to add me as a friend if you ever want to talk or just have someone in your news feed going through similar things. :)
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    I suffer from severe anxiety too and take prescribed Sertraline daily.

    I've tried hypnotherapy and acupuncture but neither helped however CBT worked really well. Enquire about it if you haven't tried it already.
  • HeidiFuture
    HeidiFuture Posts: 54 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about your weight. It's one thing in life we have control over. You can definitely lose it! Not today, not tomorrow, but in time. Do some work to eat better and exercise, let your early success be your motivation to keep going.

    If going to the gym makes you anxious, find workouts you can do at home. Lots of at-home exercise routines posted out there.

    Do something to get out of the house everyday even if it's going to grocery store, even if it's walking around a clothing store, even if it's walking to the end of the block and back.

    It gets better.

    Take care!
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    I have depression, and severe anxiety topped with post pardon depression. It might sound crazy but I have never been one for taking meds, I had a counselor back when I was in my teens that pretty much just wanted to drug all my problems away and had me on 5 different meds for a total of two conditions at the time. Needless to say I have since given up on drugs for my situation, I barely even take pain reliever anymore. I have come to find through looking for ways to help myself on my own that breathing techniques and hot showers or baths for decompressing from the day do provide relief. It might not seem like much, but when you couple a few techniques together and start to do them on a daily basis, you will probably start to find some relief.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    try working out at home, YouTube has a huge amount of variety! my personal faves are Fitness Blender (they have an awesome fitness community and all their workouts are free) and Yoga with Adrienne

    i find regular workouts do wonders for my anxiety and ability to sleep
  • PamMcCully
    PamMcCully Posts: 1 Member
    I have social anxiety too, due to Asperger (autism) or in addition to, can't tell. I started by using a single step and some 5-10 lb weights to make my own step aerobics routine to tv programs. Later I bought a Walmart elliptical for $200 so i could use it while watching tv. I use noise isolating ear buds at public gyms and watch hulu or listen to podcasts. It keeps random people from bothering me, even most of the brain dead men (you know the type). I felt alot better about being around people when I got healthier. You can hide in the back of yoga/Pilates classes too. I arrive early to get a spot in the back and put in earbuds or read a kindle if I feel awkward not talking to anyone. Also water aerobics may help because it is no-impact but strengths joints/muscles. Can't really hide in that class but its alright. You could walk with a doggie if you have access to one that is medium energy (doesn't pull) if you like them because that are the best motivators to move.
    Hope this helps
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My feeling is that it is necessary to get all of your mental and physical health issues under control before you try to focus on fitness and weight loss. Anything else is really just an exercise in frustration.

    I think that in your case, I would look into adjusting medications, trying different therapies or perhaps seeing a new mental health professional.

    Best of luck to you.
  • momofamadhouse
    momofamadhouse Posts: 197 Member
    I struggle with depression and anxiety as well (especially social anxiety). I know how hard it is to take that first step. It took me 6 months to join a gym, then three more weeks to actually go to it. After I realized literally no one there was paying any attention to me at all (besides at check in lol) I became more comfortable going. Everyone is in their own zone. I've come to CHERISH my alone time at the gym. Not only that but my symptoms have dramatically improved. It has startled me a few times how quickly waves of depression set in after only a few skipped workouts. I don't take medication because I can't afford to see a specialist, but diet and exercise has been an invaluable tool for helping me cope with my symptoms.
  • havok1113
    havok1113 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support. I am slowly getting better. I've been doing some at home yoga, kettle bells, and walking on the tread mill. Much more comfortable bUT I will work on stepping out of my comfort zone. As for doctors I dislike them, all they do is push medication and I'm working on becoming better without something altering my state of mind. I've found yoga and meditation does help some, so I plan to delve deeper into those practices.
  • havok1113
    havok1113 Posts: 26 Member
    My feeling is that it is necessary to get all of your mental and physical health issues under control before you try to focus on fitness and weight loss. Anything else is really just an exercise in frustration.

    I think that in your case, I would look into adjusting medications, trying different therapies or perhaps seeing a new mental health professional.

    Best of luck to you.

    Thank you for the advice. But I believe that in trying to better myself physically, in turn mentally I will improve as well. Exercise is a known form of therapy if you will that every doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, and Web article I have ever come across, suggest.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    You can try using local school's track or other park where fitness is the main me, everyone else there is pretty much doing the same thing and nobody will pay you any attention! I find at my town's high school, especially out of school season, it's hardly crowded only a couple of other folks there walking or running. Might be a good place for you to start and get comfortable (if it's a viable option for you)