Over 200 pounds needed to be lost

Hello friends I need to lose a significant amount of weight!!!!! Anybody care to join me in this process???? Anybody else needing to lose 200 pounds? I have lost 20 gained 4 back. This is a complete hard journey for me. Surgery is not a option due to me having any health insurance laid off from my job. Severe depression years and years. Health issues hypertension and sleep apnea. Please add me if you're also needing to lose a significant amount of weight. Maybe we can share ideas.


  • HI! 160 lbs total to lose here. I am down 49 of that so far. Been stalled at a plateau for a bit, it gets frustrating, but very worth it. :)

    SW: 310+
    CW: 261
    GW: 150 "ish"
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    May I ask what's your diet like ?? Congrats on your weight loss!!!!
  • CajunWriter
    CajunWriter Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there. I started 9 weeks ago at 482 lbs. Goal weight of 220. So I'm in the same boat. I've lost 49 lbs this far and this site has been so valuable!
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Great job!!!! What's your diet like ?
  • CajunWriter
    CajunWriter Posts: 12 Member
    1500 calories per day and I really pay attention to keeping my sugar intake as low as possible. And I drink a minimum of 70 oz of water per day.
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you so much. I'm also trying the low carb. Hopefully we can motivate each other lol great job !!!!
  • fatgirlfreedom3
    fatgirlfreedom3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Friends. I am starting my journey again as well. I've lost 230lbs and thanks to menopause (which happened early) I've put 108 back on, which is what I have to loose. I've had a hard time with depression since coming out of menopause and know it's more linked to my feeling like a failure by putting the weight back on than anything else. Having said that, I fight the good fight everyday, and try to stay focused on each day not the big picture right now. That is how I made it before, each day is independent of the next and regardless of what happened yesterday, I always have today, a new day, to do things differently.

    I did not do surgery before and know through diet and exercise weight loss CAN be achieved. I know I have to get my head back in the game and hope this site and some new friends will help me make the journey. I also hope I can be a help to others.
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome back. I hope we can motivate each other. I look forward to facing this journey together
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have over 100 lbs to lose, and am on here daily. Good luck!!!
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks I have added. We will get through this!!!!
  • ShrinkingScientist
    ShrinkingScientist Posts: 68 Member
    Total I want to lose 176 lbs, I'm currently 50 lbs down and just chugging along!
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    What's your diet. Congrats on such a big lost.
  • ShrinkingScientist
    ShrinkingScientist Posts: 68 Member
    I just make it my goal to eat the rainbow most days. I don't follow anything specific other than counting calories.
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    I have around 200. I'm 366 and started 2weeks ago at 375. My goal is 160-170ish range...tho honestly just to get under 300 will be a wondetful thing!
  • missjuicyfruit5
    missjuicyfruit5 Posts: 50 Member
    I have roughly 150lbs total if not a bit more I want to lose, highest weight being 326. I've lost 20-30lbs previously but gained it all back and more before now over the years. Kick started myself at the end of May this year and have lost 39lbs since then, on top of the 10 I lost from January till May. Think it's finally clicked this time, I've never gotten this far before so no matter how many times you may falter just remember it's always worth giving it your best shot one more time, I'm sure you will achieve great success.
    Btw anyone can feel free to add me, I'm on here every day
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    This is so motivating!!!! We will do this !!!!!
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Wonderful job!!!!
  • slsulton
    slsulton Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join this group!! I need the support and motivation also. I want to loose 100lbs. I lost 10lbs but gained it all back over the summer break. I started at a gym, went two days then stopped gping figuring I could do it myself but once summer break hit I slacked off then stopped all together. I'm tired of starting over so I'm ready to hit the ground rolling. Tomorrow will be day three at the gym, (I go M, W, F). Next week I would like to start walking on the days I don't go to the gym. I've pretty much stalled as well. I lost the forat bit of weight with mostly changing what I eat and minimal exercise. I know and realize to get where I want to be I will need to kick it up in the exercise part, which is what I'm doing now.

    SW 232
    CW 218
    GW 118-128
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Would like to make friends as well. Been logging in for 63 days. Staying focused and motivated. Starting weight 428, current weight is 391, working to 350, trying to set smaller goals so it doesn't feel too overwhelming! Would love to share recipes, exercise ideas as well as general motivation and support.
  • 2y2k
    2y2k Posts: 41 Member
    I'm currently 245/246 needing to lose over 100+ lbs! Anyone can feel free to add me! I LOVE to motivate people and support people! (: