Do I keep going?

nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Morning everyone. Hope you're all doing well!
I just wanted I throw this message out into the community before I decide to give up.
I'm not going to go on and on so in a nutshell I have logged in for 55 days (go me!) but I've only lost 6lbs.
Now I know some of you might say a loss is a loss but I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast. I have another 22lbs approx to lose so it's not like I'm struggling to get the last bit off.
I am however (this is a big thing for me to say this) a recovering bulimic. I've had a slip o we the last 2 months where I did it on and off. Not enough to lose weight mind you but I wonder if I've messed my body up and it's has a knock on effect? I'm also on codeine for my Achilles tendonitis so I haven't been able to exercise but I've seen people lose weight without exercise.
I got to my target weight 2 years ago with Slimming World but I don't want to have to do that again unless I have to. I like the freedom of MFP.
Any advice/pearls of wisdom would be amazing right now xx
Oh and I'm on 1430 cals a day, set to a pound a week loss and not very active (I have s desk job plus I can't exercise right now) x


  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    nop2008 wrote: »
    Morning everyone. Hope you're all doing well!
    I just wanted I throw this message out into the community before I decide to give up.
    I'm not going to go on and on so in a nutshell I have logged in for 55 days (go me!) but I've only lost 6lbs.
    Now I know some of you might say a loss is a loss but I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast. I have another 22lbs approx to lose so it's not like I'm struggling to get the last bit off.
    I am however (this is a big thing for me to say this) a recovering bulimic. I've had a slip o we the last 2 months where I did it on and off. Not enough to lose weight mind you but I wonder if I've messed my body up and it's has a knock on effect? I'm also on codeine for my Achilles tendonitis so I haven't been able to exercise but I've seen people lose weight without exercise.
    I got to my target weight 2 years ago with Slimming World but I don't want to have to do that again unless I have to. I like the freedom of MFP.
    Any advice/pearls of wisdom would be amazing right now xx
    Oh and I'm on 1430 cals a day, set to a pound a week loss and not very active (I have s desk job plus I can't exercise right now) x

    You need to call your physician and get into treatment asap. You should not diet until you are fully recovered.

    I'm not dieting. I'm learning to control my eating. This is advise given to me by my doctor.
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    In 8 weeks you've lost 6lbs

    So you've lost 0.75lbs a week, showing a consistent defecit of 375 calories a day

    And you don't have much to lose (28lbs)

    Seems appropriate to me

    Your options are
    • Keep up your steady appropriate rate of loss until you're at goal year is coming whether you're fat or thin
    • Eat less...cut your calories another 125 a day and you'll lose 1lb a week on average
    • Move more ...Why can't you "exercise right now" you've got tendonitis..swim, do floor work, chair exercises, incorporate your physio for your Achilles into a decent resistant programme
    • Stay overweight

    Thank you x

    Also I've ruptured my tendon and I'm crutches but I'll do my best when I can.
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    If you need to ask whether to "give up", you are suffering underlying issues that should be addressed.
    Good Luck!
  • JP_909
    JP_909 Posts: 816 Member
    I recently tore my Achilles' tendon. All I can advise is that you definitely eat when taking your medicine. I've gained a few pounds over my recovery so I know it's tough to lose weight let alone maintain but you gotta heal up before you go all out again
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Return2Fit wrote: »
    If you need to ask whether to "give up", you are suffering underlying issues that should be addressed.
    Good Luck!
    Lo. What? Because I'm thinking of giving up using MFP I have underlying issues. I was hoping for a helpful response?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Sorry to hear about your injury! My sympathies about the crutches. I don't know about you but when I was on crutches for 6 weeks it was exhausting getting around on those things! I was more tired at the end of the day then when I was healthy and working out regularly.

    You don't have much to lose, so just be strict about your diet (within reason and with balance, of course) and just be patient and consistent.
  • kristysaurus
    kristysaurus Posts: 91 Member
    It is going to be much more difficult to lose the last 22lbs than if you had a lot more to lose. Your rate of loss is great so far!

    You could cut a few more calories but if you are content with the food you are able to eat right now it might not be worth to cut a little bit more and feel deprived. You could test cutting a few more calories and see if you feel deprived, very hungry, irritable, dizzy, etc.

    In terms of your relapse, that's where my concern is. I would highly recommend seeing a physician, counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist or your recovery team (if you have one). Basically anyone that has or is able to work with you in recovery. Relapses are common but two months is a long period of time to continue the behavior and some additional support can be important in getting through it.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    If you've been having some bulimic episodes during that time, there's a chance you're having some issues with water retention as well. I wouldn't necessarily trust the scale to tell the whole story until you've been binge/purge-free for awhile. Are you looking at any other metrics that could help you get a more complete picture of success? Measurements are a typical metric to look at, but you could also track things like the frequency of your episodes, the number of servings of vegetables in a day, etc. Don't just link your success to the scale...there are a lot of additional ways for you to determine whether MFP is working for you.
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about your injury! My sympathies about the crutches. I don't know about you but when I was on crutches for 6 weeks it was exhausting getting around on those things! I was more tired at the end of the day then when I was healthy and working out regularly.

    You don't have much to lose, so just be strict about your diet (within reason and with balance, of course) and just be patient and consistent.

    Thank you xx it is tiring and you're right' I'm more tired than than after an hour of Insanity
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    It is going to be much more difficult to lose the last 22lbs than if you had a lot more to lose. Your rate of loss is great so far!

    You could cut a few more calories but if you are content with the food you are able to eat right now it might not be worth to cut a little bit more and feel deprived. You could test cutting a few more calories and see if you feel deprived, very hungry, irritable, dizzy, etc.

    In terms of your relapse, that's where my concern is. I would highly recommend seeing a physician, counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist or your recovery team (if you have one). Basically anyone that has or is able to work with you in recovery. Relapses are common but two months is a long period of time to continue the behavior and some additional support can be important in getting through it.
    Thank you. I wasn't suffering solidly for 2 months. Just maybe 9/10 episodes maximum but thank you for advice x
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    If you've been having some bulimic episodes during that time, there's a chance you're having some issues with water retention as well. I wouldn't necessarily trust the scale to tell the whole story until you've been binge/purge-free for awhile. Are you looking at any other metrics that could help you get a more complete picture of success? Measurements are a typical metric to look at, but you could also track things like the frequency of your episodes, the number of servings of vegetables in a day, etc. Don't just link your success to the scale...there are a lot of additional ways for you to determine whether MFP is working for you.

    Thank you. You've given me something to think about x
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    JP_909 wrote: »
    I recently tore my Achilles' tendon. All I can advise is that you definitely eat when taking your medicine. I've gained a few pounds over my recovery so I know it's tough to lose weight let alone maintain but you gotta heal up before you go all out again
    Thanks. Sorry to hear you've suffered too
  • ShrinkingScientist
    ShrinkingScientist Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a recovering bulimic that went through ACL surgery last winter. Please feel free to add me and we can talk. Stopping purging is the easy part, learning how to eat in a healthy way is much, much harder. /hugs
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You are fully aware and mindful at this point that you have had some binge/purge episodes and cannot exercise due to the achilies and tendon rupture. Why would you give up? These are perfect reasons for you stay the course. This is the time for you to regroup sot of speaking.

    I am in agreement about the scale could be skewed. Have you been keeping a journal or notes while logging in MFP? Now that you are concerned about what to do, continue down this thinking process and figure out how to deal with and move past the episodes, get your achilies and tendon healed so you can move forward. Stay the course. :)
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a recovering bulimic that went through ACL surgery last winter. Please feel free to add me and we can talk. Stopping purging is the easy part, learning how to eat in a healthy way is much, much harder. /hugs

    Thank you so much for telling me that. I've sent you a request
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    You are fully aware and mindful at this point that you have had some binge/purge episodes and cannot exercise due to the achilies and tendon rupture. Why would you give up? These are perfect reasons for you stay the course. This is the time for you to regroup sot of speaking.

    I am in agreement about the scale could be skewed. Have you been keeping a journal or notes while logging in MFP? Now that you are concerned about what to do, continue down this thinking process and figure out how to deal with and move past the episodes, get your achilies and tendon healed so you can move forward. Stay the course. :)

    Thank you xx
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    In 8 weeks you've lost 6lbs

    So you've lost 0.75lbs a week, showing a consistent defecit of 375 calories a day

    And you don't have much to lose (28lbs)

    Seems appropriate to me

    Your options are
    • Keep up your steady appropriate rate of loss until you're at goal year is coming whether you're fat or thin
    • Eat less...cut your calories another 125 a day and you'll lose 1lb a week on average
    • Move more ...Why can't you "exercise right now" you've got tendonitis..swim, do floor work, chair exercises, incorporate your physio for your Achilles into a decent resistant programme
    • Stay overweight

    allllllllllllllllllllll of that.

    youre doing well.