Make new friends here!

srutter96 Posts: 32 Member
Comment your name, state you're in, and weightloss goals. Find someone similar to you and start a conversation! :)


  • Candy0516
    Candy0516 Posts: 399 Member
    Hey! I'm Candy! From GA. Trying to tone up!
    IIFYMLTTIC Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hey everyone, I just started again after 2 years and now I'm back, need new friends who will be on daily! I'm from NJ and I like long walks on the beach LOL!
  • JessicaBiggs223
    JessicaBiggs223 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I'm Jessica. I live in Colorado and I'm trying to lose around 50 pounds. ☺
    IIFYMLTTIC Posts: 9 Member
    Candy0516 wrote: »
    Hey! I'm Candy! From GA. Trying to tone up!

    Where in GA? I used to be stationed there in Valdosta.
  • srutter96
    srutter96 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I'm Jake! From State Farm. I'm just tryinf to fit into these khakis!

    You just made my night
  • bigpoppa_
    bigpoppa_ Posts: 207 Member
    Best.gif 836.8K
  • kikyoo
    kikyoo Posts: 12 Member
    Add me, kikyoo
  • kikyoo
    kikyoo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm jessica, I live in Kansas, I wanna lose 30 lbs:)
  • Candy0516
    Candy0516 Posts: 399 Member
    IIFYMLTTIC wrote: »
    Candy0516 wrote: »
    Hey! I'm Candy! From GA. Trying to tone up!

    Where in GA? I used to be stationed there in Valdosta.

    Waycross. Not far from Valdosta
  • Dreemal
    Dreemal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm amal.... 22 from london...absolutely new here and could use some freinds :smile:
  • mickigoad
    mickigoad Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm Micki. I live in AZ. I have recently lost 60 pounds with about 25 more to go... I'm actually shooting for a body fat % goal, so I'm trying to reduce body fat another 13-15%. I just started working with a trainer at my local gym, so I am anxious to start seeing the results of my hard work.
  • CoffeeYes89
    CoffeeYes89 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Erin from ga. What's everyone up to tonight?
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I'm Jen, living on the edge of nowhere. I could stand to lose about 10-15 more pounds but I really don't care; I'm I. The best shape I've been since I was a teen.
  • nuggehtron
    nuggehtron Posts: 40 Member
    edited August 2016
    Im shane. i live in australia and my goal is to hit 20k steps for every day of steptember
  • TestNamePleaseIgnore
    TestNamePleaseIgnore Posts: 295 Member
    You know the kind of guy who does nothing but bad things and then wonders why his life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me, something bad was always waiting round the corner: Karma. That’s when I realized that I had to change, so I made a list of everything bad I’ve ever done and one by one I’m gonna make up for all my mistakes. I’m just trying to be a better person. My Name is Earl.
  • RickStillTheRunner
    RickStillTheRunner Posts: 16 Member
    I'm from the UK and looking for more friends - I run a it but anyone welcome! Thanks
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm Tracy and live in VA. I'd like to lose 10 lb. but my primary focus is on reducing body fat and building muscle. I run, swim and bike on a regular basis because I'm training for a 70.3.
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi everyone...hope you're all having a great weekend! Mine's a bit boring to be honest :)
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    Wha's up? Been on MFP awhile. Lost about 30 lbs, and gained back ten. I'm trying to ease my way down to a goal weight of 170. I lost the weight real fast on kind of an extreme diet, so I want to have a diet that's more sustainable.
    Just hanging out in South Carolina.
  • ellebreedlove42
    ellebreedlove42 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi I'm Elle. I'm looking to get down 55 lbs to 170. From Florida. I'm not logging food as often anymore but I'm trying to get back on the wagon .