
Hello, new person here, put onto this site and app by a friend of mine who uses the site. Trying to aim to loose 90lbs before my Wedding next July, big ask, but well worth going for, anyway yeh that's me, looking forward to talking to you all and reading tips etc. :happy:


  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    Welcome! You've come to the right place! MFP Rocks!!
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    Welcome aboard, stay focused & you will get there!!! Whatever you do, don't give up.
  • Barrell86
    Barrell86 Posts: 2
    My wife to be has joined as well, so were both super inspired and working together
  • soccer8mom
    Hi am new here today. i need to lose 45 lbs. need to start strength training. am swimming at least 3 times a week. and will start walking again. haven't been . found out that was my down fall. i also have a low thyroid condition which does not help in losing weight. ugh.
    anyway, here i go.:smile: