Extreme fatigue after running

I am currently overweight, and am trying to lose about 30-40pounds.

Although I am heavier right now due in large part to weigt gain from my 2nd pregnancy,I have always been moderately athletic and work out 4-5 times a week(twice with a personal trainer.)

I am eating a Keto based diet. (20g of carbs or under a day)
I do 60 mins of HIIT on the treadmill on the days I work out On my own. Give or take I do 1 min at 7.0-8.0 and cool down for 1-1:30 seconds.
After my workout, I am seriously DRAINED- I feel like I can't get up for about 1 hour or so when I come home.
Just wondering what could be the culprit here. Diet? Lack of carbs?Too long of HIIT? Or what? Looking for some pointers from people experienced with HIIT and tips that can help before,after or during my workouts.


  • jodilynnsanders5104
    jodilynnsanders5104 Posts: 89 Member
    Sounds like lack of carbs. Also are you properly hydrated?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    What's your actual calorie intake? What's your mfp calorie intake target? What's your mfp weight loss per week goal? What's your net calorie intake after all that exercise?

    Your Keto diet has the feature that 40% of the energy in a hunk of meat is spent digesting it. That is, you can log eating 100 calories of meat, but you are only going to get the 60 calories of energy from it. So, there's automagically less calories consumed than you think.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    How long have you been keto for? Some people experience decreased exercise performance in the first little bit.

    Also, keeping up with your electrolytes will help fatigue.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Breeduddy wrote: »
    I am eating a Keto based diet. (20g of carbs or under a day)

    That'll be your problem. The session you describe isn't particularly intense so it can only come down to not being fueled, and the low level of carbs is likely to be the major contributor.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Because you aren't appropriately fuelling your body for endurance and you have not adapted fully to keto yet

    Check your electrolyte balance and hydration
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    It is most likely the lack of carbs and I do not want to sound judgmental. I used to be on keto diet for 2 years, I was fine with 30-40 minutes runs or cardio workouts but whenever I wanted to run more or do some intense HIIT exercise like the one you described I always felt I was hitting a wall.

    Also make sure you keep a close eye to your electrolytes which can be quite a struggle while in keto diets. Monitor your intake and get a supplement if you see you need it.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    edited August 2016
    Breeduddy wrote: »
    I am eating a Keto based diet. (20g of carbs or under a day)

    That'll be your problem. The session you describe isn't particularly intense so it can only come down to not being fueled, and the low level of carbs is likely to be the major contributor.

    i do ultra cycling on keto. very few carbs, lot of fat.

    I can share from my experience though

    By luck, it turned out that for me it was a good idea to become fully adapted to keto, for a few months! and lose the weight and then up the exercise level. keto in particular is very good for endurance, although I do HIIT too, to improve the conditioning for climbing.

    Make sure you manage your electrolytes well, also on your runs. Keto is diuretic, so you need to drink more, but that also flushes magnesium and sodium, so you need to increase those. I take salt tablets on rides.

    I would say it's important to first build general conditioning (ie, getting in the miles) before embarking on HIIT sessions. Of course you can always do speedplay (sprints to the nearest intersection, sprint up some steps etc), but dial down the intensity somewhat until you have general conditioning right for you.

    Also there is a keto group on here, and a low carb group, with tons of good info, and there is a lot of information online on keto and athletic performance, for instance by Peter Attia.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    That routine is just intervals not HIIT by the way. :)
    Why not build up your fitness with steady state runs at a level you can sustain first before pushing yourself hard with a long duration interval workout?

    Yep concur with the rest, low carbing and not keto adapted yet.