Everybody poops. (And I'm new!)



  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    once i started eating healthier... i found that 8 glasses of water was not enough... now i find i need at least 12 glasses of water a day to keep things....umm.. 'moving' *L*
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I'm assuming you're getting plenty of water - if not, start with that. Adequate fiber is of course, essential as well.

    One of the things to bear in mind is that the bacteria in your gut calibrates itself to your diet, so a sudden change in diet is going to mess with the balance of things. Incorporate 'cultured' foods like yogurt into your diet if you haven't already. If that doesn't help, you might want to consider a good quality probiotic supplement. for awhile. Cheap ones don't always make it past the stomach acid, so if you do get some, check with a reputable health food store.

    Good luck.
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    Aside from fiber and water, some people get stopped up by bananas...maybe try not eating them for a couple days.
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    You definetely need more produce. If you don't like greens or beans, try fruit (other than bananas). Watermelon, grapes are good....fresh dark red cherries are awesome for moving things along. A cup of cherries and you will blow the doors off the bathroom. Oh, and more water!!
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    You might also want to try a daily probiotic pill. I use "Pearls". You can get them at Walmart in the vitamin aisle. They put the good kind of bacteria in your body (like yogurt does) and it helps greatly with digestion.
  • shawny9499
    shawny9499 Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't read through all of the responses, so someone maybe already mentioned this. But in addition to lots of water, fruits, veggies, magnesium works wonders. Heard it on Dr. Oz and tried it, works like a charm!:smile:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I had this problem for the longest time when my diet started; and still occasionaly do but not as bad; i was eatting good; under fat; under calories etc, and was seeing results, but i still wasnt going.. everyone said, just increase your water and fiber and youll be good. well i was already eating my minimum fiber requirements and then some, and was alaready drinking 20cups of water a day. some people also suggested excercise, but that didnt seem to help me.

    for awhile i did this: i went to my coffee shop; ordered a 20oz quad latte sugar free fat free with a flavor of choice, and id always have to go when i drank one--if i drank a cup of coffee at home, it wasnt enough, so i had to go to coffee shop cuz the latte was 4shots and not just a standard cup of jo. But i wouldnt recommend on regular basis cuz coffee depletes your water and you need water to loose weight; its also 100calories or so due to the milk, and then the sugar free syrup isnt healthy for you.

    so... i notice that when i start taking my medicines--multi vitamins combines with a joint builder combined with my pain medicine on occasion, i was become constipated. i plan to talk with my doctor about this next week because i need to be taking my medicines, but cant have it make me blocked up. things like Tums and calcium supplements can back you up, so if u take alot of tums for heartburn or something, that could also be it.

    but, when im not taking my medicine, i still get backed up... how to fix it without coffee? Well, theres a couple options---1st, fresh fruit--in the beginning i wasnt getting any fruit cuz i couldnt afford it and thats why i was having problems. They say that fruits that start with the letter p are best; thats prunes, plums, pineapple, peaches, pomengranites, uhm.. etc... BUT, i havent noticed this to much and just stick with any fruit and it helps me. not just one; but having at least a couple a day until your cleared up and after that trying to always get at least one fruit in a day, if not more.
    option two, is, oil... you can take some mineral oil to avoid calories or whatever; but that seems gross to me, so maybe just having a day where you use oil in something your cooking, my favorite is popcorn oil on air popped popcorn; you might need to work it into calories a little since oil is 120calories a tbls, but its do-able, and cheap.

    also processed foods could block you up; try eating clean/natural for a couple days and that could help too.
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    I drink a cup of Senna tea. My doctor said it was okay for me to do that on a regular basis. Some people have a "slow colon." I am one of them. :tongue:
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    wow bananas have a bad rap!!! i eat one (or more) per day.... and i poop like a champ.

    i will add that exercise (cardio) REALLY helps. running has been a blessing in the poop dept. LOL
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have a similar issue. Everything I eat seems to turn to poo. WTF?
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    i also regularly eat a diet with good fruits and veggies, but i will never quit my Metamucil.

    LOL - I eat lots of fruit and veggies, too. Metamucil just gives me that extra 'kick'. I won't quit it either. :-)
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    hi, I took a peek at your food diary....you don't seem to be eating lots of fruits and veggies. Maybe try increasing the amount of produce you eat and make sure you are drinking your water which it looks like you are:) FYI...bananas can be constipating and it looks like you are eating one daily....try to avoid dairy(milk and cheeses) , rice, bananas etc. Exercising also will help to get you regular. P.S. I find my am coffee really helps...haha!!

    Absolutely! Couldnt have said it better myself! Girl ~ drop the processed foods, keep the bananas (theyre healthy) and you need some veggies in your life (at least 3 servings IMO)!
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    I have a similar issue. Everything I eat seems to turn to poo. WTF?

    ha ha ha, now that was funny rawt der!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    As others have said, more fiber and more water. I take metamucil (the pink lemonade is king!) 1-2 times daily. It definitely helps. But I also use the soluble fiber (I think it's fiber sure - i'd have to go look) in my coffee each morning. But I can tell you... nothing gets a movement for me like a ginormous salad does.
  • Brykajor
    Brykajor Posts: 3
    Hi! I just had a friend tell me about this site last night. I joined it today and am so excited! I need to lose 25lbs. I have had a really stressful year and believe it or not, I have put on 20lbs in the last year and half. If any of you have tips, I would love to have them! As I find what helps me, I will share them.

    I regards to (pooping)......I have found that it is best to go on a cleanse. A few of my favorites are, The Fat Flush.....amazing book and works awesome! The Cranwater and psyllium will take care of your concerns in a jiffy! Also, for energy, health, vitality and to help you get "regular", our family has been taking a whole food called Akea that has changed our lives! You can check it out at www.faber.akealife.com. Just click on the "Products" and it will give you full details on what it does for you. Hope this helps.

    Blessings to all of you and I sure hope to make some great new friends!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    When i started eating healthier I started pooping WAY less.

    When I ate junk I literally had to go like 3 -5 times a day and they were usually like sudden emergencies. I would have to jump out of my chair and run to the bathroom.

    Now that I eat healthy it's usually once a day at the same time every day, sometimes twice a day if I've eaten a bit heavier.

    You can hold food in your large intestines for up to three days. Maybe your body is just still trying to adjust to the changes you have made.

    you can add me to the less poop 7 weeks into my journey. but im not backed up, i just don't need to and when i do it's not huge logs. and this is coming from a sufferer of Irritable Bowel Syndrome all my life.

    When eating a primarily junk food diet i was constantly either constipated or had diahorrea and peeing almost every hour on que

    Now i pee a few times a day, rarely have to get up every hour day or night and only need to poop a few times in the morning and maybe once during the day if at all.

    I am eating alot of fruits and veggies now, easily double/triple what i use to but my body doesn't indicate it needs to go.
    all checks out normal with the doctors too, they even said It's not abnormal, if you eat less crap you use up more of what is going in to power the body so you get less crap coming out.

    When you eat crap your body can't motabolise it properly so alot of it goes straight through to the bowels and clogs it up or passes through, and believe me i've been clogged b4 so i know what that feels like, at one point i couldn't pass anything for several days and all cause of a tiny dried piece of **** that clogged my intestines.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Do you like coffee? There is a coffee substitute, called Teeccino, that has fiber. I add it to my ground coffee and use it in the coffee maker. It helps keep me regular. I cannot take Metamucil type supplements, they make me have bad intestinal pain and bleeding. Sorry if TMI! I've also had good luck with Dr. Schulze products, like Formula one and two and his bowel detox.