Pregnant - aiming to gain a healthy amount.

I'm 6 months into my first pregnancy, and started out at 9 stone 2 (128 lbs). Hoping to gain a healthy amount, not excessive, with an end goal of no more than 11 stone (154 lbs).

I'm currently 10 stone 2 (144 lbs) so not doing too badly, but the appetite is definitely increasing, along with fatigue!

Anyone else in the same boat as me? :-) if so, how are things going?


  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I tried to gain a certain amount when pregnant, I really did. But by 6 months I was already up 25lbs and in total gained 55lbs by the time I gave birth. I ate more freely than usual as I'd been actively losing weight before, but I really don't know how I gained quite so much! In my defence, I did have a ten pound baby.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Despite my massive weight gain, I lost 30lbs within two weeks of birth, a few more came off naturally for the next couple of months and now 7 months on I'm working on the remaining 15 lbs. It's not the heaviest non-pregnant weight I've ever been, so I feel pretty positive I can do it. I guess the moral is not to focus too much on the numbers as so much is out of your control, but to eat as healthily as you can.

    Also, even though I was massive, not one midwife or doctor thought it was a problem. It was hard work though!

    I hope you stay well and all goes smoothly!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I'm not pregnant, but want to extend my congratulations to you!!! xo
  • kgoffin87
    kgoffin87 Posts: 4 Member
    Haha, thanks MissTracy! :)

    Sound advice spamarie, thank you! I've just never been large before and I'm struggling with the feeling of it! No vanity or anything, I just feel like my organs and baby are all packed into a tiny space that should not allow it!

    I hope all is well with you and baby, and you've done amazingly well and the right thing in taking your time and not putting pressure on yourself. Hope you're enjoying being a mummy and thanks again for replying.
  • aacollins711
    aacollins711 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I am right with you. I started off at 173ish pounds when I found out I was pregnant, and was on Weight Watchers. My lowest weight in my first trimester was 163, but I counted 165 as my "starting weight". Currently 8 months pregnant and I'm up to 183 at last weigh in. I've kept My Fitness Pal to maintain weight and make sure I always hit my vitamin and protein goals each day (as well as getting pretty close to my calorie total goal). I'm feeling pretty proud of myself so far, and think that eating healthy and staying active has probably made my pregnancy quite a bit easier! Hoping to stay below 185 for the last few weeks of this thing. At this point, I'm more nervous about the immediate post partum period, since I have been tracking my food all the way through, and people/doctors generally say don't track, just pay attention to your body for the first six weeks. I've been tracking everything I eat for a year at this point, and I don't want to give it up! Congrats on your pregnancy!
  • aacollins711
    aacollins711 Posts: 2 Member
    One other note, I found that my appetite started decreasing at the beginning of the third trimester because my stomach was getting squished! Which helped me stay on track with eating smaller amounts at a time and snacking more! The fatigue has been increasing, but I just try to get out and move as often as possible. Good luck!
  • Morriganmum
    Morriganmum Posts: 37 Member
    Just eat and don't overthink it :) Your body knows what it is doing. Enjoy your pregnancy, birth, and especially your little one- it is an incredible experience! Just savor every moment because time flies so fast.
  • kgoffin87
    kgoffin87 Posts: 4 Member
    Aacollins, sounds like you've done really well and I am definitely envious that the end is in sight for you! I've been eating complete garbage recently and feel shocking for it. Tomorrows a new day! Fruit and veg here I come.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I gained about a pound a week, so I ended up gaining a healthy amount of weight (toward the upper end). I tried not to overthink it. I was able to focus on losing after getting baby safely delivered.
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 20 weeks and have gained 23 lbs so far. Doc says I should try to stay at 30 or less gained by the end of pregnancy. So I'm back to tracking again. It's tough some days to feel like your body is not entirely your own! There's so much you can't control during pregnancy, and baby's gotta eat.
  • kgoffin87
    kgoffin87 Posts: 4 Member
    You're completely right! I wouldnt worry though ...general advice is that 35 lbs is fine. You may be like me ... gaining in little spurts. I seemed to platoe but my stomach / weight has suddenly grown a lot in the past few days! And since hitting 26 weeks,I can't fit much food in so that's cutting down on amount I eat! Unfortunately I tend to make bad food choices though... Good luck with everything X
  • kailyw05
    kailyw05 Posts: 80 Member
    I just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant as well, and currently weigh 128 lbs! I understand not wanting to gain too much, but I hope you don't hold 26 lbs too strictly. I'm going to approach this with mindfulness. Listen to what your body needs, not what you think it needs. I have set my maximum as 165 lbs (which would be a 38 lb gain). Congrats and good luck! With any luck you'll be able to breast feed and lose any excess weight super fast anyway :smile:
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 21 weeks and to be 100% honest I have gotten on the scale within the last month. From the way things are fitting, I'd say I'm up 10 - 12lbs. They will weigh me tomorrow at the doctor and maybe today when I go for my level 2 ultrasound. I'm not sweating it. I gained 20-30lbs with my other kids, and with both was within 10lbs of pre-preggo weight within a couple of weeks of giving birth. (I have big babies...10lbers)

    This is my last baby and my first time being pregnant without having any food aversions. I'm just trying to be mindful of what I eat and enjoy it.