Anything that you wish you had done during weight loss that would have made maintaining easier?

I am not anywhere near maintaining yet... however I read in here quite a bit in an effort to wrap my head around maintenance... and NOT regaining the weight. I do not want to go through the gain again!
For those of you that have any advice... is there something that you wish you would have done/started implementing/learned/experienced while losing that may have helped you be more prepared for weight maintenance?

In case it matters: About me: I am a big believer in CICO. I eat whole foods, weighing and logging every bite faithfully... and exercise daily.


  • RainyDayBrunette
    RainyDayBrunette Posts: 59 Member
    These are all fantastic tips. I like the common theme of weight training.

    I agree that maintenence will be harder than the loss! I kinda hope that if I prepare to wrap my head around the problems ahead of time, I may he more successful.

    I read how hard it is, and I agree. Thanks to all, because I am going to do each and everyone of these things!!
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Learn to eat properly. I think I ate pretty well today until I got to work and there were free all you can eat brownies and my animal instincts of eat until you are sick because you might not eat for a few days kicked in. I am always stuffing my face before work or something like going to a movie because heaven forbid I go a little hungry for a few hours before I can eat.
  • RainyDayBrunette
    RainyDayBrunette Posts: 59 Member
    I was already eating pretty healthily at mealtimes, and then binging on snacktimes. I know that's what packed on my weight. I did two things when dieting: I thought about what I would want my maintenence breakfast to look like, then ate that on my diet, just less. So, like, 3/4 the amount of cereal, fruit, yogurt. Then my lunches and dinners, same thing. What do I want to be eating in the end? So when I got to maintenance, nothing really changed for me except portion size. This also helps around special event times. I reduce my breakfast and lunch amounts back to diet level so I can spend the extra on a fancy dinner, say. CICO

    This is such a great idea!!! Thank you!!
  • RainyDayBrunette
    RainyDayBrunette Posts: 59 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    I'm only a few pounds away from maintenance... 83lbs lost... my wish is that I had started weight training earlier. I started last April and I've seen a lot of changes, but think that I would have toned up better by now along with supporting a faster metabolism too.

    I also agree with you on CICO and clean eating...that along with regular cardio has been my success.

    Good luck to you on your journey and congrats on all your hard work! It's paying off!! :)

    Thank you! I am definitely going to start weight training asap. Great job on your 83 pounds lost!
  • koosk2265
    koosk2265 Posts: 1 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on losing 83lb
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I think I hit all the things that were important. I lost at a moderate rate, lifted weights, didn't restrict too much, ate adequate protein.

    There was one time when I tried to get really lean. I didn't understand that I really needed to meet the minimum fat recommendations and things got a bit ugly. So that was a learning experience.

    Other wise I wish that maybe I tried a little harder to find a cardio activity I might keep up with--but not really.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss, 83lbs is amazing!!

    I have lost 67lbs. When I first started losing weight (the first 42lbs), I had cut carbs completely. I did lose weight so it worked, but when I brought them back in, I felt so much better and less sluggish. I still continued to lose weight (another 25lbs). I wish I hadn't been so scared of good carbs from the start. They fuel my workouts and make me feel better.

    I also started with a mindset of calorie restriction and trying to burn a gazillion calories through exercise. I was determined to drop the weight as quickly as possible. Now I understand the importance of preserving muscle mass. And if you don't eat enough, your body will conserve as fat instead of burning. I have a metabolism now and while I eat clean (for the most part), my portion sizes are bigger than ever.

    I learned that strength training is so important, especially for females, who start losing muscle mass in their 30s. To not be afraid to lift heavy. That building muscle will ramp up your metabolism, keep you in fat burning mode, and allow you to eat.

    That HIIT is better than straight cardio, for building up your overall endurance and conditioning, and continuing to burn calories after the workout.

    That rest days or active recovery days are a good thing and allowing your body to recover and build back stronger is a positive thing and not lazy to take.

    And just keeping up the same, consistent habits that allowed me to lose weight - portioning my meals, meal prepping, getting in my workouts, if I indulge for a meal or miss a workout, not sweating it and getting right back on it, etc.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Can't think of anything honestly!