Hoping 3rd time is a charm

cushygal49 Posts: 10 Member
Hello all,

Claudette here and this is my 3rd attempt at utilizing MFP.

I am 48 years old, 5 feet tall(on a good day) My heaviest weight topped the scales at 196.5 - then I discovered running and dropped to 138. Then the love of running disappeared after training for a half marathon but I still ate like I was doing all that running and I ballooned back up to 181. Right now I am down to 153, with an ultimate goal of 130, which will be my lowest since high school :)

I would love some motivational friends to assist along this journey.

Have a great day



  • gaztonge
    gaztonge Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, any motivation is good motivation, add me as a friend if u like!!! Remember muscle is 4 times heavier than fat and if you're doing a lot of running you can be adding muscle.
  • cushygal49
    cushygal49 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you.