Any Raw vegans?

Hey! I haven't used this app in ages. That being said, I completely forgot there was a forum haha. Anyone here a raw vegan? I recently started eating more plant based foods for fitness reasons though I've been "just vegan" for quite a long time. Any tips ?
Cheers ! <3


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm definitely not vegan, or vegetarian lol. But I do stick to all raw organic food. All of the meat I eat is local grass-fed. I choose only full fat local dairy (though I rarely eat much dairy). I thankfully live in a county that makes this very easy and affordable.

    My BF has been vegan on occasions, he likes the podcast No Meat Athlete. You should check it out. Best of luck!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    esjones12 wrote: »
    I'm definitely not vegan, or vegetarian lol. But I do stick to all raw organic food. All of the meat I eat is local grass-fed. I choose only full fat local dairy (though I rarely eat much dairy). I thankfully live in a county that makes this very easy and affordable.

    So you eat only raw (uncooked) meat and veg and eggs? Why?
    My BF has been vegan on occasions, he likes the podcast No Meat Athlete. You should check it out. Best of luck!!

    I also like this podcast. It's vegan, not raw.
  • vblake2012
    vblake2012 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes my sister and I are low fat fully raw vegan. I love the way I feel.
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I tried it and found it unsustainable and had the runs constantly!

    But, I invented the best raw vegan Thai green curry, using courgette spaghetti for the noodles and then blending mango pulp with the usual green curry spices to make the sauce and I'm not going to lie, it was the best meal ever!
  • plantbasedparty
    plantbasedparty Posts: 7 Member
    Not raw, but I am vegan :)
  • miky619
    miky619 Posts: 5 Member
    mostly RAW maybr 80% it depends its much easier in the summer here :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Raw vegans have some awesome desserts, I will say that.
  • bunnyeats
    bunnyeats Posts: 2 Member
    So an update- I find that being a raw vegan only works for me in the summer ! Now that I'm back in college I can't eat as often nor take perishables. Definitely eating as many fruits and veggies as I can though. Whole foods are amazing for weight loss :)
  • moiraxg
    moiraxg Posts: 3 Member
    Raw vegan here! And a student as well. Being raw in college is a bit of a challenge in my country bu definitely not an impossible thing. Try sticking to mono meals or prepare food in advance :) stay healthy :)
  • hookenamermaid721
    Yes I'm a raw vegan too!