When do you get hungry?

Sometimes, I notice that I don't get hungry until I eat for the first time in the day. There are days that I don't get to eat for a while, and I find that I can go much longer without getting hungry. But after the first bite of something, then my mind thinks about food more. Just curious. It doesn't bother me nor does it impact my eating habits. It was just something that I noticed and wondered if anyone else has noticed that.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Yep. I'm the same, so I put off breakfast until I actually feel hunger. I usually don't eat anything, just coffee, until 9:30 or 10:00. Saves me A LOT of calories. Like you, once I start eating, then I'm hungry.
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    Late in the afternoon (5pm) or really late at night/early morning or if the day absolutely blows and nothings going on. Always disregard it though
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hunger isn't the same as appetite. What you are describing, is appetite.

    I get hungry before meals and when I haven't eaten for some hours. I want to eat when I see, smell, or think about something I like. I want to continue eating when I taste something I like.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Hunger isn't the same as appetite. What you are describing, is appetite.

    I get hungry before meals and when I haven't eaten for some hours. I want to eat when I see, smell, or think about something I like. I want to continue eating when I taste something I like.

    I know they aren't the same, but when do you get an appetite didn't sound appealing to me. :)
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    edited August 2016
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I notice that I don't get hungry until I eat for the first time in the day. There are days that I don't get to eat for a while, and I find that I can go much longer without getting hungry. But after the first bite of something, then my mind thinks about food more. Just curious. It doesn't bother me nor does it impact my eating habits. It was just something that I noticed and wondered if anyone else has noticed that.

    Evenings and late nights are when my food cravings emerge from hiding in their evil efforts to ruin my whole day's nutritious food intake.
    Here is how I address these fiends...
    1. APPLES - I know if I eat a few apples, 30 minutes later I'm going to be OK. I keep apples and do not keep junk foods in my home.

    2. Stay Hydrated - drink water...that helps a bunch!

    3. Walking - sometimes if I take a walk, that helps redirect my mind and the cravings go away.

    4. Brush teeth - somebody here recommended this, and I thought it absurd until I tried it.

    Anyway, that's what helps me...
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Its not once I starting eating that I get hungry, it just turns on the eating for the day. This not hunger its habit.

    I can always delay eating for anytime I want and the more I get passed the "timing" of my first meal, the longer I can actually go without food up to a point. Then its hunger and appetite in one.

    When I have eaten like I should then appetite is just the desire to eat when I see food porn, smell food, or just think about something that sounds appealing at the moment.

  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited August 2016
    Return2Fit wrote: »
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I notice that I don't get hungry until I eat for the first time in the day. There are days that I don't get to eat for a while, and I find that I can go much longer without getting hungry. But after the first bite of something, then my mind thinks about food more. Just curious. It doesn't bother me nor does it impact my eating habits. It was just something that I noticed and wondered if anyone else has noticed that.

    Evenings and late nights are when my food cravings emerge from hiding in their evil efforts to ruin my whole day's nutritious food intake.
    Here is how I address these fiends...
    1. APPLES - I know if I eat a few apples, 30 minutes later I'm going to be OK. I keep apples and do not keep junk foods in my home.

    2. Stay Hydrated - drink water...that helps a bunch!

    3. Walking - sometimes if I take a walk, that helps redirect my mind and the cravings go away.

    4. Brush teeth - somebody here recommended this, and I thought it absurd until I tried it.

    Anyway, that's what helps me...

    Brushing teeth doesn't work for me because I brush my teeth every time I put something in my mouth. I developed this habit years ago when I wore braces and I continued it. I like to have the minty toothpaste taste all the time. In fact, after my dinner, I will floss and brush before I have a snack, if I have room for an after dinner snack. Then I will brush after the snack and go to bed. I brush so often my brain doesn't get the message that there's no more food left to eat. ;)

    But it's really not a problem. When my appetite surges, I will eat some almonds and drink tons of water. I find that holds me for hours. I love the Blue Diamond Almonds. My kryptonite is cashews, but they are so calorie dense that you don't get to eat many.

    I'm actually trying to cut back on my water intake. I drink at least 13 (16.9 ounce bottles of Ozarka water a day). It really negatively impacts my sleep. I was proud of myself. I only had 10 bottles yesterday.
  • Budjola
    Budjola Posts: 148 Member
    im always hungry
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    Budjola wrote: »
    im always hungry

    ^ Yep. Like every few hours. Not just cravings, actual hunger so I tried to keep healthy snacks around til I get to have a proper meal.
  • elleelle03
    elleelle03 Posts: 63 Member
    For some reason i get these cravings when I get into bed, watching TV and surfing the internet, very frustrating
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm the same way. It's difficult.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Hunger isn't the same as appetite. What you are describing, is appetite.

    I get hungry before meals and when I haven't eaten for some hours. I want to eat when I see, smell, or think about something I like. I want to continue eating when I taste something I like.

    I'm fairly certain that I have not experienced hunger in these terms, but like many my appetite gets stimulated when I eat. I find that I need a good breakfast early to be in position for a good day following. A small, even tiny, lunch is enough to put off hunger and satisfy appetite. Dinner, of course, is the meal I use to reach my calorie and macro goals.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    It varies for me, but in the hours after (not right away) a tough or long cardio session, I get the hunger signals.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I notice that I don't get hungry until I eat for the first time in the day. There are days that I don't get to eat for a while, and I find that I can go much longer without getting hungry. But after the first bite of something, then my mind thinks about food more. Just curious. It doesn't bother me nor does it impact my eating habits. It was just something that I noticed and wondered if anyone else has noticed that.

    Yes. It's like that first beer. Or breaking the seal after the 5th.
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm always hungry pretty much! I do get esp hungry mid morning after breakfast and in the evening about 2 hours after my dinner x
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    I wake up starving, and always need to eat a solid breakfast. I also have a problem with binging, so my food during the day is optimized to prevent getting hungry, which often triggers binge thinking. I eat my last little meal at 8 pm when I get home from work. No problem losing weight if I stick to my planned calories.

    For me, smaller meals spaced out that include a reasonable balance of carbs, fiber and protein prevent hunger, and my binges. Most of the time.

  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I wake up starving as well. I nearly always eat breakfast. I often skip lunch because I'm not terribly hungry & I'm usually running around & don't have time for it. I am always hungry in the evening & have the bulk of my calories then--a larger dinner & then a PBJ right before bed when I take my vitamins. Before my WLS I was always hungry. Now I've noticed that my hunger is like a wave. It will start small, increase until I am nauseous, & then if I don't eat it will generally go away. It does not just hang around as a constant in my life anymore.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    For the most part for me late mornings is when I start to get hungry, although it can vary.

    If I had a long cardio workout the night before I can get hungry earlier the next day. Other days I can last until the early afternoon before eating.

    Also I can go a long time in between meals. It's really great, especially when travelling or when I'm having a really busy day.

    Paying attention to my hunger cues and learning what a slight hunger pang that goes away after 15 minutes feels like and being HUNGRY (that's when I need food) has made a huge difference with my relationship with food.

    Once I start eating though it's on!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    On days when I delay breakfast too much, I usually end up hungrier later. So it really doesn't work for me. I usually just have it when I get hungry (between 7 and 8.30am, typically).

    Honestly though, hunger just completely varies depending on the time of the month for me. And sometimes I start feeling weak and light headed and need to eat something even if I'm not actually hungry, which doesn't really help either.